Blair Witch Reviews
Lionsgate was wise to let Bloober Team loose with its Blair Witch IP. It has treated it with respect, delivering a game that truly does justice to the source material.
Blair Witch is a bit of a mixed bag. The graphics, sound design, and unique gameplay elements are all really cool, but the lack of a solid story and never truly taking advantage of being a horror property hold it back. Fans of the film franchise will no doubt find something to like here, but it’s not the interactive horror experience it could’ve been.
Blair Witch is an improvement over Bloober Team’s past work and I hope to see them further explore more game mechanics in their titles. Even though they’re good at perception-altering visuals, I want to see them branch out more and more. I think that one day in the future, Bloober Team could release a truly knockout horror game.
If you’re a fan of horror games and especially ones in virtual reality then I would recommend Blair Witch VR to you. I enjoyed playing it VR more than I did when I played it on the TV back when that version released. It still has some issues like some predictable plot points as well as some navigation issues but there is stuff to like about it too. Playing it in VR made me feel like I was in this forest more so than before and some great audio and solid visuals helped make me feel more immersed in it. Bullet is really the star of the show though and being able to reach out and actually pet him to build our bond never got old.
Blair Witch is probably best played on other platforms, where the pop-in is not so atrocious, and where the game won't break. The atmosphere during the day time is diminished thanks to the low level detail that generates only a couple of meters away. These glaring flaws hurt Blair Witch from becoming immersive, and the obtuse path to the good ending won't be figured out without a guide. There is potential here, since the foundation is solid, but this version is not easily recommended.
Blair Witch has some issues but I do think it is worth playing at some point.
In the end, the story ends up being incredibly cliche and uninteresting, the setting is not all that fun or even all that frightening to walk around in, and the graphical downgrade is just another unfortunate brick in the wall that kept me from really enjoying my time with the game. If these things don't sound like deal breakers to you, Blair Witch may still be worth your time to at least try out. Even then I don't think I'd recommend the Switch be where you do so.
Although presenting some technical flaws (which can be fixed with an update), Blair Witch stands out for being a horror game that sticks to the psychological horror side instead of jump scares. Featuring elements from Silent Hill, Forest and S.O.N, the title easily bears the trophy of one of the best games of its genre in 2019.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Bloober Team do manage to flex some of creative muscle in the latter half of the game, but unfortunately the weight and expectations of the Blair Witch property weigh down the narrative that the studio very clearly wants to tell. Genuinely interesting ideas about trauma and regret are intertwined with the Blair Witch mythos to the detriment of both.
Blair Witch may not be as enjoyable as games like Resident Evil 2 and have some flaws in its level design, but in most cases it has been very thoughtful and focused on details to create a title with appealing story and believable characters. Also, thanks to its fascinating enviroment design, it can take its place alongside other horror titles and become one of the best games in this genre
Review in Persian |
If you're into this genre or if you're a Blair Witch fan, you should check this one out, but it doesn't offer much to other players.
Review in Turkish | Read full review
In all, Bloober Team has done a great job of capturing the feel and ethos of the film series.
Blair Witch, much like the rest of the franchise, is a disappointment. It's not scary, it's rarely interesting and it's not particularly fun to play. It has a solid look, but is lacking in just about every other department. I say this begrudgingly, but you're better off watching the films.
If you are looking for grim atmosphere and slow-paced gameplay, then Blair Witch is definitely for you.
Review in Russian | Read full review
Bloober Team makes an honorable tribute to the mythology of Blair Witch, not only by recreating its atmosphere and distinctive elements, but by building an intense and significant experience.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Absorbing and frightful story in the woods based on the cinematic lore of Blair Witch.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
Bloober Team tries to mix successful elements from titles like Alan Wake and Outlast, and use the atmosphere and theme from The Blair Witch Project to create a different horror game. But the result is not as good as expected, as the game starts to get boring soon and has no true identity, with the opportunity to roam the Burkittsvills forest being the only salvage point.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Blair Witch is a great entry into the genre. Fans of horror games, with a heavy focus on narrative and walking, will find plenty of scares and edge-of-your-seat moments. However, those looking to dive deeper into the narrative of Blair Witch may come away a little disappointed.
In the end, I’m confident in the following claim: Bloober Team’s Blair Witch is the best entry in the franchise since the original The Blair Witch Project. I very much look forward to jumping back in to find everything that I might have missed and to try and unlock another ending.
Blair Witch is more of an exercise in tedium than it is an immersive atmospheric horror experience.