Blair Witch Reviews

Blair Witch is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
75 / 100
Sep 3, 2019

Bloober Team continues to excel in horror with Blair Witch, offering a well-crafted atmosphere. The game focuses more on psychological horror than jump scares, making it a compelling experience despite some gameplay and technical flaws.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Sep 14, 2019

Overall, Blair Witch the game is a captivating and immersive experience, with excellent instinctive gameplay, game that everyone should try…. best enjoyed with the light’s low and the headphones on for the ultimate spooky walk in the woods.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Oct 3, 2019

Blair Witch makes you feel desperately lost in the forest at times, while giving you a new story in the series. It starts out well with a good tension, but this dims down a bit later on. Luckily only to build up to a scary ending. A good game to play in between the blockbusters of the fall.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 26, 2019

Blair Witch may not be the scariest game out there but the developers have crafted an atmospheric forest that feels true to the lore as well as a solid enough if not poorly paced storyline combined with some solid gameplay mechanics and perhaps the best choice they could have made, the inclusion of Bullet as an integral part of both navigation and combat.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 10, 2021

I’m fairly disappointed Blair Witch: VR Edition. Yes, it is definitely more immersive than Blair Witch, but a lot of that immersion is frequently broken by the horrendous pop-ins, clunky controls, and ridiculously short chapters. Regardless of playing it on hardware that is definitely showing its age, that still doesn’t stop the game from being boring most of the time.

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7 / 10
Aug 17, 2021

As a regular game, this title would likely have underwhelmed me somewhat with its basic gameplay and simplistic puzzle-exploration nature. The story is intriguing and hits its stride in the second half, but follows some usual tropes, doesn’t land all of its more complex themes and is relatively predictable. As a VR title though, the atmosphere of the forest, the foreboding sense of dread and the feeling of unease is ever present and amplified from the immersion of the headset and excellent audio design. It’s a great experience in VR and worth having a go with if you love all things horror or psychological thriller, just don’t expect to be scared to death or for anything deep gameplay-wise.

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7.2 / 10.0
Jul 22, 2020

The arrival of Blair Witch on the Nintendo Switch can still be analyzed as a successful operation, albeit more on a conceptual level than on a technical level. The product, which still gives its best on the other consoles on which it’s available, also brings to the hybrid one of the Kyoto’s software house all its baggage of anxiety and fear, even if very weakened by the limits imposed by a port that greatly penalizes the graphics sector. It's weird to carry the Black Hills forest on Switch so simply in your pocket, as if its monstrosities are tamed. But don't make the mistake of underestimating its darkness on Nintendo Switch: Blair Witch is always ready to make you disappear.

Review in Italian | Read full review

7.2 / 10.0
Sep 18, 2019

Blair Witch merges already seen gameplay mechanics, not that great level design and a bad technical aspect with a good atmosphere and great story, making a pleasant horror experience for every fan of the genre.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2020

Blair Witch: Oculus Quest Edition is a bit of an enigma. The use of VR adds so much in terms of tension, immersion and interactivity, that makes it feels both awesome and terrifying. Then, the removal of certain sections and the addition of very basic scares makes it feel a bit rushed as the scares don’t really pay off from the tension that’d been building. It’s only really the crazy ending that feels truly spooky while the simplistic wandering through the woods picking stuff up feels like a limited experience. If you’ve never played the original Flat version, I still think that’s the best version to play, but it’s worth jumping into the VR edition if you’re a fan of immersive psychological horror games or the original release and want to experience some of the thrills up close and personal. Bonus: You can pet Bullet in VR – so if all else fails, at least the game has that.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2020

This feels like the way you’re supposed to experience Blair Witch from Bloober Team.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 5, 2020

Blair Witch takes place in the year 1996, two years after the events of the first movie and stands as its own story not connected to the sequels.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 16, 2020

What the game does borrow from, and contribute to, the Blair Witch mythos is exactly what made the movie such an effective piece of horror. For the overwhelming majority of it, there are no jump scares or cheap tricks. What you get instead is the terrifying sensation of being very lost, and very hunted in a forest that seemingly gets darker by the second, as you slowly start to question Ellis’ (and your own) sanity. For psychological horror fans like me, that alone is worth the price of admission. For video game fans, well, I’ll leave that to the experts.

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6 / 10.0
Jul 8, 2020

Blair Witch is not a totally horrible game, but it is far from good enough to be strongly recommended. Which is a shame, because there are strong points in the title, which in the end ended up being buried by long and repetitive sessions of looking for collectibles and puzzles with little logical sense.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

Jan 31, 2020

With this game we can revive once again the Blair Witch’s legend through a new plot. It isn’t the better horror game, but it knows to use the psychological terror a quite well. We will have to investigate a dissapearance, but when we enter in deep of forest, we will have sentenced us.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

7 / 10
Jul 6, 2020

If you are looking for something to whet your horror appetite, and you only have a Switch, then you can’t go wrong with Blair Switch. However, if you have an Xbox, PC or PS4, then you’re better off experiencing it on something with a bit more technical capability.

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6 / 10.0
Jul 6, 2020

Blair Witch Nintendo Switch delivers the full creepy experience, while having some visual and performance drawbacks.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jun 25, 2020

Blair Witch is certainly a game worth checking out. Despite a less-than-stellar story, it has a few interesting gameplay ideas and a genuinely creepy atmosphere that few horror games manage to pull off effectively. At a little over five hours long, it is an experience you can go through multiple times. But it’s also a title that I would recommend playing on another platform if possible. Although there are some positive aspects that are exclusive to the Switch version, these are heavily outweighed by the limitations that come with the hardware in the portable console.

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VDZE Media
John Cassells
6 / 10
Feb 15, 2020

Blair Witch is unfortunately a missed opportunity. You can see P.T has been a partial inspiration along with the original subject matter but large bouts of empty wilderness leave you more frustrated and bored than on the edge of your seat. Despite it’s relatively short length, it would have been better if it lasted half as long.

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75 / 100
Feb 25, 2020

Blair Witch is a psychological horror game where our protagonist must face any situation that may arise with his dog, while looking for a missing child and his redemption. From the creators of Layers of Fear a work in crescendo awaits us that knows how to be faithful to the franchise it represents and at the same time move towards another type of narrative more typical of the developer as we approach the end.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

Aug 30, 2019

Blair Witch has a good atmosphere and lots of interesting concepts, its multiple endings provide replayability, and Bullet is a wonderful companion

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