New Super Lucky's Tale Reviews

New Super Lucky's Tale is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Sep 1, 2020

So while New Super Lucky’s Tale doesn’t do anything “new” and could be viewed as playing it safe, what it does it does well. Solid platforming experiences in 2, 2.5 and 3D environments alongside an adorable saturday morning cartoon script and it was easy to sink hours into it regardless of the platform and if you are a trophy or achievement hunter as there’s plenty to unlock!

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80 / 100
Sep 11, 2020

New Super Lucky's tale offers a fun and original platform game that will delight all fans of the genre. Visually it has an impeccable appearance, full of color and with very imaginative designs. The difficulty is quite fair with the player and its duration will leave us satisfied. A highly recommended purchase.

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4.3 / 5.0
Sep 11, 2020

Even with the excessive loading times, New Super Lucky’s Tale is a fun, lovable game that fans of platformers should jump into. The countless improvements made are well worth it (even the cornier dialogue), easily making this the best version of Lucky and his adventure. You’ll be ready to become the next great guardian in no time, but you’re great the way you are.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 30, 2020

New Super Lucky’s Tale is a really enjoyable and light-hearted platformer with an adorable cast of characters. This adventurous fox will take you through a bunch of fun and cheerful levels, which after playing through – it’s hard to be in a bad mood.

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Sep 1, 2020

New Super Lucky’s Tale is a great platformer that is also simple enough to be a great game for people new to gaming as a whole. Fans of the genre shouldn’t overlook the game because of its simplicity as it’s a charming yet short experience

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2020

There’s more than enough content here to keep younger gamers busy and even older gamers nostalgic for the genre will enjoy what’s on offer. The caveat being that the game has no difficulty settings and more seasoned gamers might find it a touch easy. But I feel the game is enjoyable enough to not notice how easy the game is and just soak up all the platforming goodness being thrown your way. There’s outfits to buy, secret stages to find and a reasonable amount of collectibles that don’t feel overwhelming or are difficult to attain.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2020

If you can look past the few occasions of framerate issues and the absurd pricing difference for the digital PS4 version, New Super Lucky’s Tale is a magical adventure game which will suck you in and immerse you within its whimsical and adorable world. The gameplay is about as solid and responsive as you can get, offering various ways to play the many missions and mini-games, all held together with an interesting narrative which is told through imaginative characters and playful bosses. It’ll bring back nostalgic memories of games such as Super Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie, yet presented as a much more polished and vibrant experience. Don’t sit on this game, New Super Lucky’s Tale is a hidden gem which should be played by everyone, even if you played the original version three years ago (or should that be: especially if you played the original version three years ago!).

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4 / 5.0
Aug 21, 2020

Overall, I have to say that I really enjoyed the time I got to spend with New Super Lucky’s Tale. It’s a charming little platformer with superb stage designs and a whole lot of heart. It’s perfect for younger players or those just looking for a relaxing romp in a fantastical world. Sure, I wish it was a bit longer and packed more of a challenge. But at the end of the day, I found it easy to overlook these issues, considering just how much fun I was having.

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8 / 10
Aug 21, 2020

New Super Lucky’s Tale on PS4 is a charming, fun and technically solid port that looks gorgeous and plays well, even if there’s nothing particularly new to see here. Money burning a hole in your pocket? Get Lucky.

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7.6 / 10.0
Nov 20, 2019

A pleasing game, with an exquisite playability and immerses us fully in his fantasy world. Its biggest problem it is the story and difficulty, very far above of giving us a challenge.

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Nov 20, 2019

Ultimately, as a fan of platformers, I really enjoyed New Super Lucky’s Tale. But since I enjoyed the game so much, I was also hoping for more longevity and more challenge. That said, this is a game that’s easy to recommend for pretty much everyone, even if they don’t think they’re good at platformers. For $39.99, there’s a very enjoyable experience here, albeit a brief one, taking me about 6-7 hours. I think New Super Lucky’s Tale is worth every penny, though if you want more content for your money, you might want to wait for a small sale. That said, I still am very glad I got to play this love letter to the platformer genre, and hope to see more in the future from Playful.

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Jan 24, 2020

Since this is my first interaction with Lucky and this being the 'fixed' version, I am really glad Playful Studios re-released this game. It's fun, cute, and somewhat challenging. It may not cater to the more experienced platform gamer, but I could easily see younger gamers really take to this game. If you're the least bit interested, I'd definitely say give it a shot!

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8 / 10.0
Jan 1, 2020

New Super Lucky’s Tale is a fantastic 3D platformer, polishing up a game in such a fashion that it becomes nearly unrecognizable from the original, despite not being a sequel or really doing much else. In a way, New Super Lucky’s Tale could be compared to the jump between Street Fighter II and Super Street Fighter II, in that the game still feels similar to control with the same outline, but nearly everything else about it is polished and tweaked for the better, leading to a far more engaging platformer that’s perfect for anyone to get into, yet has enough to do in order to satisfy the completionists or older players.

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Nov 18, 2019

New Super Lucky’s Tale is a potpourri of platforming bliss. It borrows from several related genres, including 3D collectathon and 2D sidescroller, but it never betrays its theme of a cute fox running around colorful worlds.

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10 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2019

Really though, when you love something this much, you just don’t ever want it to end. That is how I feel about New Super Lucky’s Tale. It is a PERFECT platformer game in a world already filled with Mario titles.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 2, 2019

New Super Lucky’s Tale is one of the best 3D platforming games on the Switch today – the quality and presentation is Nintendo first-party level. If you’ve played the game previously on PC and/or the Xbox One, there’s so much more than simply ‘New’ added to the title as there are adjusted visuals, new skills, re-designed levels and hub areas, new cinematics, a rotatable camera, and even more precise controls. As a Switch owner, I’m glad this game was able to branch outside of the Xbox console exclusivity and I’m hoping, considering the game is so different to its initial release, that we’ll also get it on other platforms too. It may be quite easy for seasoned gamers but it’s just so much fun to play, everyone should buy it.

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3 / 5.0
Nov 27, 2019

It’s not the deepest or most robust collect-a-thon platformer, but New Super Lucky’s Tale serves as a completely decent 3D platformer that serves up some simple fun for anyone with fond memories of the collect-a-thon craze.

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Nov 20, 2019

This has been one of the most refreshing and genuinely enjoyable gaming experiences of my year and a massive highlight. My hope for the future is we a get a sequel to this glorious gem, and that it will be twice as long, that was the only downside for me. It was over too soon! If you’re looking for a platformer to keep you entertained for 6-7 hours, then you really can’t go wrong with New Super Lucky’s Tale. A must-have for your Switch library!

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7.2 / 10.0
Nov 12, 2019

New Super Lucky’s Tale definitely improves upon what I found to be a generally solid game, the extra content is appreciated the polish is great on Nintendo Switch.

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8.4 / 10.0
Nov 7, 2019

New Super Lucky's Tale is the most refined version of the game to date. There's so many tweaks, additions and improvements to the game that it's perfect that it got the treatment it deserves when hopefully more people get their hands-on time with it. It's Conker's Good Fur Day. Any one who enjoys 3D platformers such as the typical Super Mario or Banjo-Kazooie should give this a look. The only downside is that it's easier, but that still doesn't mean it can't be fun with the tight controls and gameplay variety it has to back that up. New Super Lucky's Tale has been part of the resurgence of 3D platformers and I just hope it's enough to get a true sequel.

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