Dead Rising 3 Reviews

Dead Rising 3 is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Dec 6, 2013

Enjoyable up until the last few days. But a game needs to be consistently full through its entire length, and I didn't feel that it was,

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Craig S
Top Critic
8 / 10
Nov 27, 2013

Dead Rising 3 is one of the deserved stars of the launch line up, despite the fact that it leaves plenty of room for improvement and there are minor flaws abound.

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Top Critic
4.6 / 5.0
Nov 27, 2013

Dead Rising 3 is a very awesome looking game on the Xbox One that more importantly is immensely fun to play. The open-world is a treat to explore, especially getting off the beaten track as you engage in side quests, find Frank West statues for additional experience points and kill thousands and thousands of zombies.

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3.7 / 5.0
Nov 21, 2013

Dead Rising 3 is exactly what I wanted. I wanted a game that focused on some of the issues the previous entries had and tried to fix them while staying true to the series. In some cases, this is done perfectly. In others, well, let's just say we might need to revisit the old drawing board. Are those things bad enough to prevent you from having a good time with the game? Absolutely not. It's fun. It's as fun, if not more, than any of the previous games. It's not going to change the world ten times over, but for a launch title, this is where we should be. Dead Rising 3 might not be the game everyone wanted, but it is a game we needed. I, for one, am thankful it is here.

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7.9 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2013

From a technical standpoint, Dead Rising 3 is not the pinnacle of how a next-gen game should look (or perform), but from an expanded gameplay perspective, and one of pure fun, it's my favourite launch title among the lot. Hopefully we see a patch or two over the coming weeks to attempt to fix some of the mechanical problems with the game.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2013

Dead Rising 3 is a schizophrenic game. The story is absolutely mess and the difficulty has a tendency to spike every now and then, yet the gameplay is beyond enjoyable and it's a blast to explore the game's sandbox.

8 / 10.0
Jan 14, 2014

It doesn't do anything new and it doesn't feel next-gen but Dead Rising 3 is a solid and welcome return to gleeful, quirky zombie killing. Like the rotting corpses that populate its streets, Dead Rising 3 has a long life after it's finished. The game is one to which, amidst a barren forthcoming release schedule, you'll keep revisiting.

Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2013

Overall, DR3 is fun game with awesome amounts of zombie smashing but it also has a bunch of annoying things which distract from the aforementioned smashing.

Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2013

Like its predecessors, Dead Rising 3 offers good, dumb, fun, with just enough story and structure to keep you moving forward and enough opportunities for zany antics to maintain your amusement throughout.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2014

Dead Rising 3 is a step forward for the series as it finally finds the confidence to expand its setting, which is mostly down to better hardware being available. Hopefully the focus going forward can be put on fleshing out more of its mechanics and not just creating larger areas, like perhaps a more in-depth survivor posse system for example.

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games™ Team
Top Critic
8 / 10
Nov 19, 2013

Capcom Vancouver has therefore given the Xbox One something that PS4 does not have right now: a strong triple-A exclusive. Dead Rising 3 dares you to dream about high the bar can be set for the open world game during this generation on a technical and creative level, even with its obvious flaws in mission design. Not bad for a launch title.

6.8 / 10.0
Nov 26, 2013

As an Xbox One launch title, Dead Rising 3 is competent enough but is held back by mediocre boss fights and poor controls and while the sheer number of zombies onscreen at any time can run to an impressive amount – often hundreds – there's little reason to believe that this game couldn't have been released five years ago. If Dead Rising 3 is any indication; early "next-gen" titles have done little to evolve over their predecessors.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2014

If you bought Xbox One, you'll need to check out Dead Rising 3. Long hours of massacre of rotting corpses guaranteed.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2014

Overall, Dead Rising 3 is a very decent continuation of the series and extends previous games in every way.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 24, 2013

Yes, Dead Rising 3 has occasional frame rate drop issues, especially when driving down a street packed with enemies or when the world is exploding around you; yet the action is so primitively fun and engaging that these details are relegated. Basically, if you are a fan of the series or are looking for a title full of black humor, funny situations and game mechanics that will make you the most prolific zombie destroyer in history, Dead Rising 3 cannot be missing from your launch library.

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75 / 100
Nov 27, 2013

Dead Rising 3 is an uneven title, one that has too many bugs to ignore. The core of the gameplay is strong, for fans of the combo making series or even fans of zombies, there is plenty to enjoy. If you don't fall into the aforementioned categories, you might want to look elsewhere.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 4, 2014

Updated graphics, more accessible gameplay, tonnes of customisable weapons and vehicles, and all the zombies you could ever want filling your screen. Dead Rising 3 is over the top, bloodthirsty fun at its finest, albeit with some minor glitches and a lack of innovation that prevents it from being perfect.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 22, 2014

While Capcom did give plenty of warning that this game would only run at 30 fps, the poorness of the port wil put many PC gamers off. If you can put up with that though the game is enjoyable and satisfying, with some very clever simplifications.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2013

Altogether Dead Rising 3 could be the best one [in the series] yet. If you have an Xbox One then get this game if you haven't already.

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Dec 4, 2013

When it comes down to it, 'Dead Rising 3' is less difficult than the original two games, but significantly more entertaining. While it takes a while for the story to get moving due to the blandness of the main character, the twists and turns that await players in the third act of the game are extremely gratifying for any fans of the other 'Dead Rising' titles. Similar to the first two games, there are multiple endings as well, although the S rating (best ending) is much easier to achieve compared to previous games. If you are a fan of the zombie genre and picked up an Xbox One recently, don't hesitate to buy 'Dead Rising 3' as it should provide many hours of pure zombie entertainment.

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