Panzer Dragoon: Remake Reviews
Panzer Dragoon: Remake is a solid take on the classic Sega Saturn shooter. Hardcore fans may find that certain aspects changed for the worse while newcomers may be perplexed by its barebones approach yet it's hard not to enjoy your time with this on-rails remake.
Panzer Dragoon Remake is definitely an interesting and fun on-rail shooter. The game looks and plays great but, unfortunately, given the game’s length, lack of gameplay depths, it’s difficult to recommend this game, especially with a $25(USD) price tag. Unless you’re a die-hard fan of the Panzer Dragoon series or looking for a vastly different shump, I’d recommend waiting for a sale on this one.
Since I was always just a "Nintendo guy", and never put my toe in the Sega pool, Panzer Dragoon was a game I always heard about as being highly revered but never checked out myself...
From the very beginning with the opening cinematic, it’s clear the small crew over at MegaPixel Studios are certainly Panzer fans like myself, putting a lot of time and effort into making this as familiar as possible, the recreated opening cinematic runs in sync with the original version on Saturn, just with far much more detail.
Even if is a classic for the Sega Saturn, Panzer Dragoon leaves a lot to be desired. Specially regarding the duration of the game which can be completed in less than an hour on normal difficulty.
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Panzer Dragoon: Remake has made its revival for its hardcore fans. We may not get to experience the same hype when the original was released, but definitely carries the volume to provide another run down the emotional hype train. While it could be worth a permanent spot in your Nintendo Switch, if you weren't a loyal fan of this series, it could be questionable. Compared to modern games that come with unlockables, bonus content and easter eggs, there's only one cycle of play through with relatively short storyline.
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Panzer Dragoon Remake is a good representation of that original vision, while not really upgrading it for the modern era to any degree.
I had to be careful when I reviewed this to ensure I wasn’t biased as I love the franchise. What I found was an enjoyable, nostalgia filled game, but it wasn’t perfect by any stretch. The graphics look great, yet the developers ripped out a part of its soul when they took away the shadows and reflections. The audio is fantastic, and the controls make this arcade game easy to play. Do I recommend that you play this? Yes! If you have played the original, then you will undoubtedly love it. If you are new to the franchise, then you will enjoy a fast-paced shooter that will transport you to one of the best 90s titles. Though it doesn’t keep all the heart and soul of the original, its new polished look does a darn good job at allowing new gamers to experience a classic Sega title.
A perfectly serviceable remaster, Panzer Dragoon: Remake still feels like a missed opportunity to reinvigorate a franchise that deserves it. Would love to see what MegaPixel Studio could do with one of the sequels and a little more creative freedom, but this feels a little too difficult to recommend at the price.
All in all, I had a good time with Panzer Dragoon: Remake. Sure, I would have preferred some quality of life tweaks to the original game, but it’s still a worthy adventure. And even though I only spent 2 hours with it, I feel that $24.99 is a fair price for this level of quality. That said, I hope you’ve expanded your system memory before you pick this up, since it’s a whopping 7 GB download. I don’t usually mention the size of games I review, but holy hell is that huge, and I realize not every Switch owner has supplemented their base memory yet. And while the original game’s cheat codes don’t work yet, I understand they’ll be added in a later update. Otherwise this is a perfect remake of a classic game. If you’re looking to relive your past or just experience a nostalgic jaunt to the days of the Sega Saturn, Panzer Dragoon: Remake is an excellent choice.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake brings with it an adventure that fans of the original are sure to enjoy, though some clunky controls and a high price point may put some gamers off. That’s not to say that newcomers won’t enjoy themselves though, with the solid level design and epic airborne battles offering plenty of fun throughout – I’m a sucker for the on-rail shooting genre too, so it ticked plenty of boxes for me. Panzer Dragoon: Remake could have just done with a little bit more polish in order to hit the heights that it’s capable of (and maybe an adventure that lasted a little bit longer than an hour).
We return to 1995 in a literal and direct way without brakes, we will be given the custody of the Blue Dragon Battleship and the imminent mission to stop the Dark Dragon that intends to unleash forces that even the Empire is not able to foresee. It takes to the skies as it did 25 years ago, with a new visual cleanliness but the same arcade feel in a world that is typical of the RPGs, which Panzer Dragoon boasts, a game that rewards the regular player as well as the player who returns from time to time to relive this magnificent journey. It's true that with certain touches of polish we could have a more rounded product, but we are not in 95 and now it's normal to see these updates. Who could have the hand in the fire that we won't have any surprise from MegaPixel Studio? Still, it's a recommended trip for both Solo Wing lovers and these new Coolia's who want to take to the skies.
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For the most part, this was a lovely trip down memory lane. Which feels sort of strange to say when it also served as my introduction to gaming’s new groundbreaking, revolutionary platform in Stadia. On both counts, I had a great time, and the experience has made me want to play more Stadia games, as well as get higher scores in Panzer Dragoon. Whichever way you look at it, that experience has clicked and combined quite marvellously.
While not perfect with its lackluster sounds and just passable framerate, Panzer Dragoon: Remake is about as close to a definitive version of SEGA’s cult classic Saturn shooter that fans could ask for on the Switch. With its gorgeous visuals and a superb soundtrack that’s aged like fine wine, MegaPixel Studios and Forever Entertainment have done an excellent job of modernizing one of the most memorable games of the 32-bit era.
The Panzer Dragoon Remake is a fun and quick way to experience a SEGA classic, if you’re okay with very simple gameplay and not much of a main plot.
WORTH CONSIDERING - Panzer Dragoon: Remake will certainly appeal to fans of the original Saturn game and to those of you I say absolutely pick this one up. I had a fun time blasting my way through the game and really enjoyed the updated visuals. The new soundtrack lacks the punch of the original, but sounds more sophisticated. Luckily the original can be toggled from the options so you get the best of both worlds. A high price combined with a short campaign and a niche genre makes this one difficult to recommend to anyone except devoted fans.
Technical issues aside, the main problem with the Panzer Dragoon remake is that it’s a remake of a painfully short title that was originally rushed to meet a surprise launch deadline twenty-five years ago. There’s just not a lot of content in here to justify the somewhat steep price.