The Walking Dead: Season Two Episode 4 - Amid the Ruins Reviews

The Walking Dead: Season Two Episode 4 - Amid the Ruins is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10
Jul 28, 2014

Season Two's early promise has consolidated into sporadic flashes of greatness, but the consistent excellence of Clementine's character alone isn't enough to carry the series. It needs the lift of an outstanding final episode.

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Jul 21, 2014

The most memorable episode since the season premier, Amid The Ruins fleshes out the supporting cast, provides some nasty scenarios, and takes Kenny's personal arc to some very haunting places.

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6 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2014

Despite the usual high production qualities, Amid the Ruins does nothing to curb the meandering nature of the fourth chapter which afflicts their franchises, once again leaving us with the weakest episode of the series to date.

8.4 / 10.0
Aug 11, 2014

Amid the Ruins, perhaps later than anticipated for this season, finally brings The Walking Dead to the peak of its own exceptional high-standards.

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3.9 / 5.0
Jul 22, 2014

Once again, I can't stop playing the game now and I wouldn't recommend you do so either. However, Episode 5 will really have to work hard to turn things around and blow me away with a stunning conclusion, or else it might feel that everything I have done so far is for naught. Then again… maybe that is the point.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Jul 23, 2014

TellTale are generally great at sticking the landing and nailing the finale, although it's not entirely clear, at this point, where they're going to take us for the last episode.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 23, 2014

Season 2 may not be overall better than Season 1 so far in my opinion, but Amid The Ruins is arguably the best episode of the entire series because it embraces story and choice/consequence gameplay better than all the others. And that's no mean feat. Kudos Telltale, now better it with the finale. And bring back that raccoon, he was great.

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Jul 23, 2014

"Amid the Ruins" is a quieter more thoughtful entry in The Walking Dead Season 2 putting it at a stark contrast to other entries in the episode. When they deaths and action come however, it is more impactful despite the player's lack of overall impact on some inevitable fates.

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Jul 29, 2014

[SPOILER WARNING: Major spoilers contained in this review] Overall, I was more satisfied with "Amid The Ruins" than "In Harm's Way", but unfortunately I'm no longer hopeful that this season could top the first.

8 / 10.0
Jul 30, 2014

[T]his is another nail-biting instalment that kept us hooked for its 90-minute play time (we completed it in one go, as with the other episodes in Walking Dead Season Two). We found our allegiances changing throughout, which kept us constantly on our toes, and the cliffhanger ending promises a bloody climax come part five.

55 / 100
Aug 10, 2014

It's easy to forget that, as with Clementine, there is still more to come. Episode 5 is on the horizon. We just had to sit through something else to get there.

8.5 / 10.0
Jul 22, 2014

The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 4: Amid The Ruins is probably the bleakest episode in the new series so far, but this isn't a bad thing. The dialogue and conversations are top-notch and there are lots of decisions that need to be taken by players and Clementine, whether they like it or not. Results appear immediately, but quite a few ones are delayed until the final chapter in the series, called No Going Back.

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Jul 23, 2014

Gameplay-wise, I was happy with this episode as a function of my relief. The controller brought me back into the world a number of times, and I found myself thinking for Clementine in the quieter moments, instead of only allowing the game to think for her in the louder ones. On the story side of things, if it's Telltale's intention to replicate within me the frustrations of a zombie apocalypse, then they've recently hired a genius. An evil genius. I was driven to murder at any possible moment I could over the course of 'Amid the Ruins,' but I'm pretty sure it's not a good thing to turn sociopathic during what is supposed to be an emotional journey.

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9.1 / 10.0
Aug 14, 2014

Episode 4 Amid the Ruins cranks up the tension and character development up a notch and our Clem shows true signs of becoming a leader

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