Twin Mirror Reviews

Twin Mirror is ranked in the 19th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Lee Mehr
Top Critic
4.5 / 10.0
Jan 5, 2021

Whether in respect of gameplay or storytelling, the longer Twin Mirror peers at the glass the easier it is to see a pale reflection of DONTNOD’s previous work.

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4 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2020

A narrative game that doesn't have enough time to tell the story it's trying to tell, leaving characters and plot lines feeling unfinished. Whilst it has a lot of interesting ideas and some nice mechanics, none of them feel fully realised. Twin Mirror is bursting with potential, which is why it feels so disappointing.

8.5 / 10.0
Dec 2, 2020

Twin Mirror is another compelling DONTNOD experience that is backed by some of its finest gameplay yet

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2020

Twin Mirror is a good psychological thriller that knows how to tease player's curiosity. Too bad the project is not so ambitious, with underdeveloped gameplay mechanics and too many forced choices.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2020

Its brevity aside, Twin Mirror is an investigative thriller worth playing. A more grown-up story than Dontnod’s other narrative endeavours, it’ll keep you glued to your screen as you unravel its dark mysteries. Sam is an intriguing and complex protagonist, and the people he meets along the way are equally rich and realistic. It’s just hard to shake that feeling of disappointment, though, when it all gets wrapped up a bit too quickly.

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6 / 10
Dec 29, 2020

Twin Mirror is a disappointing title, with a mediocre story and uninspiring characters, and some gameplay features aside, there isn't much to talk about there either. It's not necessarily a bad game but it's far below the standards set by Dontnod in their previous titles such as Life is Strange and Vampyr.

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4 / 10.0
Dec 12, 2020

Poorly written and dreary directed Twin Mirror doesn't worth a second of your time.

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5 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2020

Twin Mirror has the assets of an intriguing story, but it fails to capitalize on it. The result is lackluster and doesn't present any real value to replayability.

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7 / 10
Dec 2, 2020

A polished mix of different genres, with an interesting story that loses steam. Still, a unique, though short, experience.

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61 / 100
Dec 1, 2020

Twin Mirror is a teaser for an exciting adventure that it never delivers. There are some good ideas here, like the interesting Mind Palace world and a helpful imaginary twin, but they needed to be expanded. Ultimately it has a short and bland story, with minimal interaction, limited player choice, and a lack of memorable characters.

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5.2 / 10.0
Dec 6, 2020

Twin Mirror is a passable mystery adventure with a varied cast and the occasional satisfying use of deductive reasoning but its story and protagonist leave a lot to be desired and on top of that, it's far too short.

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66 / 100
Feb 12, 2021

Twin Mirror is an interesting puzzle game with a guided narrative but lacks depth in its story and characters. It offers multiple endings but doesn't excel in any aspect.

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6.5 / 10.0
Apr 7, 2021

Twin Mirror's mediocre character development and disjointed plot, accompanied with lush visuals and diverse characters, leads to an intriguing but ultimately lackluster experience.

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Dec 10, 2020

Twin Mirror has some elements of it that can't help but be admirable; its concept is intriguing, its voice cast is compelling, and it could have easily been the next buzzworthy photorealistic video game. But, in execution, it comes across as a dated, surface-level experience, one that isn't sure whether to be a complex character study or an open-world mystery, and is nowhere near as rewarding as the time and effort it asks you to put into it. Twin Mirror will undoubtedly find an audience of some who want to dive into its ambiguous mystery, but it's far from the most engrossing or well-executed title that video game fans could pick up right now.

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3 / 10.0
Dec 17, 2020

Twin Mirror is Dontnods first collaboration with Bandai Namco and was developed by a separate team of senior developers. It may seem unreasonable to cast blame on this diversion from its previous team, but Twin Mirror stands as a far cry from other Dontnod titles, failing in almost every degree by its unwillingness to fully commit to anything. It wants to be a classic mystery but never offers up any questions that truly need answering. Twin Mirror wants you to care about its characters but never gives you any reason to even like them. It wants so much to be about its setting but fails to even conjure up a fraction of the sense of place that Arcadia Bay achieved. Ultimately, Twin Mirror is an amalgamation of lots of half-baked ideas that become bruised and battered as they fall from the promising heights of Basswood’s nature trail. Maybe from up there, I can spot a better mystery to play through.

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6 / 10.0
Dec 18, 2020

Twin Mirror is a good example of a game that tried to be bigger than what it is intended to be, this game is neither a small creative experience nor an exceptional big game, it is just a mediocre game that did a lot of bad things, unfortunately, the good things in this game could be presented better such as the characters, the idea of the Mind Palace could be used more and be relied on more but it just didn't happen, in the end, this game is a mirror that tried to reflect something beautiful but it turned out to be ugly.

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Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Dec 25, 2020

A Dontnod game without signature episodes and supernatural powers, but with an intriguing murder-mystery and tensions between all involved as protagonist Sam returns to his hometown to visit the funeral of his best friend - and his partner, Sam's ex-girlfriend. Dontnod introduces some interesting new concepts like the mind palace, but they are not fleshed out enough to be memorable.

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6 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2020

For every absolutely fantastic game DONTOND Entertainment gives us, we receive another one which unfortunately is not as good. Although Twin Mirror is not utterly bad and it offers a couple if interesting ideas, it also feels rushed and unpolished. Especially in the narration department as the story fails to grasp the player’s attention, boring them with rather dull dialogues between underdeveloped characters.

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Dec 5, 2020

The Twin Mirror is unfortunately Dontnod's worst and most frustrating piece of work. Inanimate characters, a script full of plot holes, meaningless choices, boring, slow and monotonous gameplay that directs the player where he

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Feb 10, 2021

Twin Mirror tells a solid story that lacks surprises and is unfortunately far too predictable.

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