Operation: Tango Reviews

Operation: Tango is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Jun 9, 2021

Operation: Tango is a clever and appealing take on a co-op spy experience, although it's short and not really as replayable as it may appear.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2021

The ultimate spy fantasy for two people, Operation: Tango is unique, varied and an absolute must play.

7.3 / 10.0
Jun 3, 2021

Stimulating, entertaining and entirely devoted to collaboration between players, Operation: Tango is a cooperative adventure that offers a good number of puzzles but that shows also several technical and artistic imperfections.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Jun 19, 2021

A short but wildly enjoyable puzzle game.

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7 / 10
Jun 4, 2021

It packs quite a lot in to its short runtime, with plenty of variety making for a unique set of levels. The game does struggle with frame rate here and there, especially playing as the agent, but it generally looks and sounds good, and the Hint system is a nice touch if you need a pointer or two. Despite some small setbacks, Operation: Tango is well worth a try if you're after a co-op kick.

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7.2 / 10.0
May 26, 2021

Operation: Tango is an exclusively cooperative adventure that perfectly follows the trail of productions such as We Were Here. The idea of impersonating a pair of spies is intriguing, but in fact those who operate in the field will have as much to do with terminals and computer systems as their fellow hacker. The result is a pleasant, but very narrow experience that wears out quickly, despite the exclusive sections dedicated to the two characters.

Review in Italian | Read full review

7.5 / 10.0
Jun 17, 2021

It really does take two to tango, and I truly enjoyed cracking codes, stopping aggressors and breaking down mainframes alongside my partner. The tasks make for a unique and unpredictable experience, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and how well you work under pressure. If you and a friend are looking for a quick game to play, Operation: Tango is worth a shot.

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6 / 10
May 29, 2021

Operation: Tango gets the look and feel of being a secret agent team absolutely right, with a cool soundtrack to boot. But it’s held back by its hit-and-miss gameplay, which can range from super cool to frustrating. A longer campaign may have let the gameplay expand and deepen, but with only 6 short missions and little replay value, it ends up feeling a little shallow. The upside is, this makes the game a perfect candidate for some DLC.

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7.2 / 10.0
Aug 9, 2024
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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 7, 2021

While there’s a notable lack of plot and some frustrating performance blips, I’m glad I gave it a chance. If I hadn’t, I’d have missed out on what’s undoubtedly one of the more memorable co-op experiences of the year.

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Jun 11, 2021

Even if Operation: Tango is more a series of puzzles than a traditional stealth game, both my co-op partner and I absolutely felt like secret agents by the end of it – even if we were less James Bond, and more Johnny English.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
May 26, 2021

Operation: Tango is a great multiplayer game. Though it is quite short it gives players a unique experience with both characters. There were some technical difficulties and errors, but Operation: Tango is a great, innovative, and unique multiplayer game, which allows players to have fun and engaging moments, while at the same time are trying not to ragequit because of each other's mistakes or jokes.

Review in Dutch | Read full review

7.5 / 10.0
Jul 18, 2021

An engaging co-op adventure, capable of providing a few hours of healthy fun thanks to a decent variety of situations and fun mini-games. Something more could definitely be done on the longevity front, but given the price and the presence of the Friend Pass, this is a flaw on which you can turn a blind eye if you are looking for an exciting and full of puzzles adventure with which to spend a couple of evenings with a friend.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8 / 10
Jun 26, 2021

Operation Tango offers what hit games like It Takes Two lacked: a real challenge. The separate screens and the puzzles that can't be solved at first glance make teams communicate with each other efficiently and thoughtfully to get ahead. The puzzles, while not unsolvably difficult, do require thinking around the corner a time or two. We hope that this innovative approach will be followed by many more, because despite the shortness of the title and the somewhat meager story, we had this above all: a lot of fun and a lot of brain training.

Review in German | Read full review

3.5 / 5.0
Jun 21, 2021

Operation: Tango is a solid addition to the PS5 library that offers an experience unlike anything else on the platform. With clever puzzles, charming visuals, and novel gameplay mechanics, it’s a great way to spend a couple of afternoons with a friend. Sadly, once you complete each stage as both the Hacker and the Agent, there’s no real reason to come back to it. Nevertheless, if you don’t mind the game’s relatively short runtime and lack of replayability, you’ll find a unique and exciting game that’s worth diving into. Just keep in mind that this is a strictly two-player mission. Solo spies need not apply.

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7 / 10
Jun 5, 2021

An asymmetric multiplayer espionage adventure, Operation: Tango is a game that demands co-operation and requires good communication. The non-linear difficulty curve can make some puzzles feel out of place but that doesn’t prevent it from being a gratifying, fun frolic through a charming series of missions.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 30, 2021

Anyone that loves a good co-op experience and a puzzle game will get a fantastic afternoon out of Operation: Tango filled with yelling, cheering and the kind of frustrated sighs that only build better friendships and make better spies.

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