Shadow Warrior 3 Reviews

Shadow Warrior 3 is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Mar 1, 2022

Blending humour six years past its prime with combat you’ve played before, Shadow Warrior 3 trims the fun, instead of trimming the fat.

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5 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2022

Shadow Warrior 3 reprises the ancient tradition of FPS Doom clones in the most unflattering way possible.

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Mar 24, 2022

Shadow Warrior 3 is a bit of a mess. It has good points, with its humor and cool weapons. Yet it also feels like something that has been done better in other games. Still fun for its runtime though.

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50 / 100
Apr 21, 2022

Shadow Warrior 3 felt like a significant step down from the excellent Shadow Warrior 2, and it's a tremendous disappointment and a squandered chance to improve the franchise and get it out of its rut. Even when things go well, Lo Wang's irritating attitude makes it difficult to take pleasure in them. He is constantly pounding our ears with silly one-liners and awful acting, and even the bosses aren't fun to confront.

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52 / 100
Feb 28, 2022

Shadow Warrior 3 buries a fun shooter so deep in muck that it's not worth dirtying your hands.

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5.5 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2022

The least Shadow Warrior 3 can do is appease some die-hard fans of the series. The biggest drawback of this game is the lack of variety and repetition in all aspects. The lack of content makes Shadow Warrior 3 a disappointing title that cannot be recommended for purchase.

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5.5 / 10.0
Mar 4, 2022

Shadow Warrior 3 did take the series back to basics, but a Wang this basic is not always as satisfying as it should be, especially when it isn’t hard enough.

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5.5 / 10.0
Mar 6, 2022

Shadow Warrior 3 offers some competent (albeit mostly borrowed) core shooting mechanics and first-person platforming, but uninspired, repetitive level design, irritating enemies, and a withering onslaught of dad humor may leave you longing for relief before the game's relatively-brief campaign wraps up. Shadow Warrior 3 isn't without its moments, and may be worth a shot at a considerable discount, but this franchise is still eclipsed by the FPS big boys.

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6 / 10
Mar 1, 2022

Whilst Shadow Warrior 3 boasts some fantastic combat and interesting new traversal elements, it’s failed attempt to give us a narrative filled with the creativity and humour that we have become accustomed to with the series, really leaves a lot to be desired! The gameplay’s rinse and repeat formula can become quite tedious and will leave many players disinterested fairly early on!

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Mar 9, 2022

There are three difficulties where there are, at base, four in every preceding Shadow Warrior game. Despite it being a single player game that is linear but still has upgrades, there are no additional modes like a horde mode or even new game+. The only content in the game are literally the levels. How long did it take me to beat the game? Five hours. Five hours for a $49.99 game with little to no replay value. This is almost insulting. You can’t even level select with any of your previous upgrades just to play through a single level if you want, nor is there a results screen. It should be noted that the game itself, on its own, is okay. It doesn’t do anything particularly crude or ill-thought out. Most of my criticisms were more or less along the lines on how the title feels weaker compared to other games in the franchise. It’s strange since I know Flying Wild Hog can do better. Unfortunately, with how the game ended, this is more than likely going to be the last Shadow Warrior game. That is the true disappointment considering my criticisms.

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6 / 10.0
Mar 1, 2022

Shadow Warrior 3 is oftentimes a lot of fun, especially if you're keen on dirty jokes, visceral violence and stunning vistas. However, repetitive gameplay and a lack of overall content bring the experience done.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 28, 2022

Shadow Warrior 3 is touted as the next step for the franchise, but the end result feels like several in the wrong direction. Lo Wang’s terribly brief outing fails to fully find its rhythm, although it does occasionally glimpse a better version of itself. The lackluster dialogue, platforming, and campaign all hold back the newest installment, providing us a watered-down gun-toting, sword-slinging adventure that tosses aside the loftier ambitions of its predecessor. If fast-paced FPS action is what you crave, your appetite is better satisfied elsewhere.

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Feb 28, 2022

Shadow Warrior 3 is not a bad time, it just isn’t as forward thinking as its predecessors. It’s a mess of ideas with a flawed execution that leads to disappointment. There’s a healthy armory of fun weapons to shoot, upgrades to acquire, and finishers that are fantastically bloody to keep you entertained. Lo Wang’s movement and world traversal is the best it’s ever been. Flying Wild Hog gets so much right, but the parts they don’t overshadow the whole experience. Shadow Warrior 3 is so staggeringly linear and short, and without any real replayability to speak of, is a game that falls on its own sword.

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60 / 100
Mar 10, 2022

Shadow Warrior 3 has good combat, but its content is too short to recommend it at launch. It is certainly a title to keep on the radar if you are a fan of this type of FPS.

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3 / 5.0
Mar 11, 2022

A fast-paced Doom-lite that doesn't overstay its welcome.

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Feb 28, 2022

Shadow Warrior 3 invokes gaming's simpler past while lampshading the fact that it borrows so much from more modern games. It sits in a no-man's-land of middling design decisions and absolutely terrible writing, even though its action and presentation sometimes shine through.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Mar 9, 2022

Shadow Warrior 3 feels like an expansion to the second game that was artificially dragged on eight hours of playtime. The monsters are cool and the humor is witty, but arena-style gameplay gets really boring and same goes for parkour sections.

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6 / 10
Mar 4, 2022

Simple but tight, Shadow Warrior 3 is a solid shooter with some occasional flashes of excitement. It's a shame the game's attempts at comedy squeeze the life out of it — and £40 for an eight-hour campaign is barely good value.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 16, 2023

Slightly above average or simply inoffensive. Fans of the genre should enjoy them a bit, but a fair few will be left unfulfilled.

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Mar 7, 2022

I’m sure I won’t be thinking about Shadow Warrior 3 in five minutes’ time, but I’m okay with that. It doesn’t do anything to reinvent the wheel or the first-person shooter, but it moves away from the co-op looter-shooter nonsense the second game tried to pull and delivers a short, satisfying campaign that’s fast-paced and close enough to Doom to be considered good. It’s just a shame there’s no “shut the fuck up” filter.

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