The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me Reviews

The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10
Nov 28, 2022

The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me is a superb example of what a choice-driven horror can be. It is a polished game that feels like a true homage to slasher horror.

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Nov 25, 2022

The Devil in Me is a longer game than the previous titles from the anthology and therefore offers much more depth that was lacking previously. Like always, the devil is in the details.

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Nov 18, 2022

Despite its few flaws, The Devil In Me is a more than fitting end to The Dark Pictures Anthology Season One, improving on its predecessors in the main area in which they drew criticism: weak story. The endings of both Man of Medan and Little Hope, in particular, left many players unsatisfied, but The Devil In Me offers a substantial and sinful story full of dastardly deeds, classic crimes, and unabashed gore. The Devil In Me is a game that immediately deserves a second playthrough after the credits roll - and perhaps even a third, or fourth.

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Nov 28, 2022

The Devil In Me, the last installment in this anthology, tries to innovate the tired formula but doesn’t really succeed. The developers have experimented with new features such as adding an inventory system and improving their existing QuickTime events, but at the same time, they shoot themselves in the foot by overdoing certain aspects that could have made for a better horror game. The Devil In Me works as part of the complete set. However, as the season-ender that would collectively blow our minds, it definitely could’ve done more to push the envelope.

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6 / 10
Nov 22, 2022

Supermassive Games’ The Devil in Me lays some new ideas for the Dark Pictures franchise’s future. While well-intentioned, the implementation of these new gameplay ideas isn’t quite there yet. Lacklustre new mechanics and a bloated runtime do more harm than good. The Devil in Me would’ve been better off as a shorter, more refined experience. Great visuals, a solid cast, and a fun slasher premise can only take it so far.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 24, 2022

The Devil In Me is a highly enjoyable thrill ride down a madman’s castle of horrors with impressive-looking visuals that elevates the subtle yet effective atmosphere. If you can tolerate a lackluster cast and a choppy first act, this is one horror experience that’s worth having.

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5 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2022

The Dark Pictures: Devil In Me takes with ease the title of: "The Worst entry in the franchise"..A very sloppy and a rushed experience by the developers with nothing new to offer for the gameplay as well as some of the most atrocious graphics and facial animations out there that will pull you out of the immersion.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2022

In conclusion, without a doubt, this is the best Dark Anthology game so far and a true climax to season one. Not only fans of the series but fans of the genre will love playing this. The acting, visual detail, sound design and writing could not be bettered here. Series mechanics have not only been improved but also extended delivering an extra level of depth to a fantastic experience. In short developer, Supermassive Games has delivered a horror classic that will keep players on the edge of their seats for hours. Who Lives and who dies? You can try to decide!

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4 / 5.0
Nov 21, 2022

A Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me is another proficient project in Supermassive Games’ portfolio and offers a bloodthirsty finale to a very popular and addictive series that will surely have your eyes locked in your screens from start to finish, but in the end, it's a terrifying finale to A Dark Pictures Anthology series.

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Sam Diglett
Nov 20, 2022

The Devil In Me has its faults with glitches, narrative hiccups and visual issues, but from a character, pacing, decision making and entertainment standpoint this is the best of The Dark Pictures Anthology so far and ends Season One with a suitable bloodthirsty, gripping finale that will leave you hungry for much more

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4 / 5.0
Nov 17, 2022

Supermassive Games successfully concludes the first season of The Dark Pictures Anthology on a thundering note. Powerful performances from a diverse cast of characters and an extremely interesting premise based off of real-life serial killer H.H. Holmes allows The Devil In Me to outshine its predecessors in just about every way. Sure it’s got nothing to do with the supernatural, but a Saw-inspired murder house with a twisted mastermind behind it does more than enough to induce fear and tension.

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5 / 10.0
Nov 20, 2022

If touting the strongest premise of any Dark Pictures title to date, The Devil In Me’s expanded play-time and larger suite of gameplay features ultimately only make the experience more tedious.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 19, 2022

The Devil In Me should be a devilishly moreish entry in the Dark Pictures anthology, and it definitely has the narrative chops to make for a bloody good horror. Unfortunately, those aforementioned bugs and glitches haunt this title and hold it back from being a better experience. If you can get around these issues though, there’s lots to like here.

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8 / 10
Nov 19, 2022

The Devil in Me is a rock-solid entry in The Dark Pictures Anthology. Featuring some tense scenes of fear and paranoia, a disorienting dynamic mansion and a serial killer on the loose for good measure. Just don’t expect this game to be a SAW-inspired death trap fiesta.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2022

From the blood curdling sensations met upon orientation at H.H. Holmes odd tribute hotel, to the psychotic nature that begins to break down between its cast of characters and the events that unfold in front of them, it's honestly the most emotionally jarring and horrific chapters I've experienced in gaming.

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8.3 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2022

The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me is the best episode yet in Supermassive's horror anthology, and their most captivating game overall. The claustrophobic atmospheres, the excellent audio production and the tense script filled with jumpscares are accompanied by small but significant improvements in the game formula. Definitely a game to have if you love narrative horror experiences.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Nov 17, 2022

The Devil in Me is another chapter filled with mysteries and narrative intensity, with a formatting that continues the good work of Supermassive Games. I managed to hold on from start to finish, always in awe, but at the same time wondering what would come next. The restlessness of spirit is the flame of this whole narrative, in an adult bet only directed to lovers of suspense and terror, who like to feel strong emotions that make us feel alive. It is almost 10 hours that can be repeated after the first final, in an attempt to save all the characters and achieve the ideal end, if you like this type of epilogues.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

Nov 17, 2022

We love the more realistic story approach and character set of The Devil in Me as well as the expanded gameplay mechanics. Don't expect a totally different experience or an absolute genre high flier from the season's finale, but in any case the best episode inside The Dark Pictures Dye Anthology so far.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2022

The Devil in Me provides a bloodshed of suspense, horror and fun. It’s the perfect send-off for season one of The Dark Pictures Anthology.

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5.5 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2022

Pumping out tired horror adventures annually instead of taking the time to develop more refined, original experiences has led to an overall disappointing Dark Pictures season with a finale that fittingly encapsulates that unrealized potential.

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