Batman: Arkham Knight Reviews

Batman: Arkham Knight is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
10 / 10.0
Jun 19, 2015

Its game-world is wholly realised and gorgeous to look at, but above all else, it tells such an incredible story in so many new and unique ways, it's impossible to ignore. Batman: Arkham Knight is a Batman experience no self-respecting fan should miss, and if Batman's not your thing, then make it your thing. You won't regret it. Trust me.

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Top Critic
9.6 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2015

Buy Arkham Knight. Become the Batman. You won't be disappointed.

B. Chambers
Top Critic
Jul 6, 2015

Batman Arkham Knight is yet another AAA game that suffers from Hollywood inferiority complex.

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Jul 9, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight combines phenomenal gameplay with compelling story. The product of this fusion is the best Batman game ever made.

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Top Critic
May 18, 2016

[WARNING: Spoilers are contained in this review] Be the Batman and take on all of the comic villains in a dark open world.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 31, 2015

So OK. I know I'm supposed to be frothing at the mouth. I know that something I was really looking forward to was passed off to me in an unfinished, slapdash state, and if there'd been less in the way of public outcry Warner would have happily taken the money and run. But after all the grief, and all the misery, there's a really special game hidden here. A tightly-scripted, well-paced superhero simulator that captures the attention to detail that Gotham City deserves with care and respect. If you're still willing to give it another chance, I doubt you'll really be disappointed.

Jul 1, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight works as a piece of summer blockbuster entertainment, even if it's not always pulling its weight as a game about being Batman.

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9.9 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight is the conclusion of this epic series, and it definitely goes out with a bang. This may be the biggest showcase of what the new generation of games can do, and is definitely the ultimate Dark Knight gaming experience. Whether you're a long time fan of the Batman or not, this game has something for everyone.

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9 / 10
Jul 3, 2015

Yes, the Batmobile really wears out its welcome, the side-content isn't as fun as it could (should) be, and the true ending requirement feels like unnecessary padding. There were also some frustrating bits here and there, but I can't deny that I enjoyed most of my time with Batman: Arkham Knight, because it does a lot more right than it does wrong. Overall, if you enjoyed the other Arkham entries, you should definitely play this one.

9 / 10
Jun 26, 2015

Clocking in at around 12 to 15 hours not including the wealth of side-quests and with a host content planned for the next six months (provided you paid for the season pass), Batman: Arkham Knight has more than enough to keep you hooked. Rocksteady claims that this is the final game in the Arkham series. While we find that hard to believe, there's no better way to end it than with a game like this.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 9, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight has been billed as the most complete Batman video game experience in existence, and it lives up to that billing in spades. There's almost - gasp - too much Batman to handle, and I find myself still grinding away in Gotham when the time allows it. It would appear that too much Batman is a consequence I'm willing to live with.

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9.8 / 10.0
Jun 24, 2015

‎Rocksteady bids farewell to the Batman franchise with a masterpiece, its best game to date. Each element feels like a love letter to both Batman and the fans, and the amount of fan service is ridiculous; the developers knew how to touch our most sensitive fibers and exploit them to the fullest. ‎‎Batman: Arkham Knight‎‎ is the perfect conclusion of an excellent saga and goes as it came: surprising us and leaving us with great satisfaction. We can only say 'thank you, Rocksteady for letting us be Batman one last time'.‎

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Sep 15, 2015

There is so much that's new and exciting about this game it's impossible to not love it!

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85 / 100
Oct 30, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight expands brilliantly on its predecessors with a massive city and a Batmobile that serves many roles.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Top Critic
8 / 10
Jul 7, 2015

It isn’t hard to find out who the Arkham Knight is and that is a bummer. Although I figured him out, a few other parts of the story still got me. Overall this is one of the better Batman games in the Arkham series. This will easily be a Game of the Year contender. If you are a Batman fan or a Arkham fan, pick this one up!

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65 / 100
Jul 2, 2015

So, clad in his shiny new cyber-armor, Batman descends on his city and hops into his vehicle, and I'd like to believe that there's a substantive core underneath those mechanical interlocking plates. Arkham Knight, however, remains uninterested in this prospect, preferring to dwell on this new slate of tools rather than sharpening the dependable ones. Unfortunately, the game's fascination with his devices provides a reading of Batman as shallow and flashy as the sheen on all those wonderful toys.

7.9 / 10.0
Jul 2, 2015

Sorry guys, you really nailed the atmosphere, but at the end of the day you left us with an overload of tanks, repetitive missions, and a story that's okay, but just felt it could've been so much more. We would've preferred a deeper and more complex story and characters, and a bit less strafing in the upgraded Batmobile (as cool as it may be). Yes, there are certainly a lot of characters, but when you think about it, we really knew how most of them would end up. It's all fairly expected. For instance, certain things happen with Poison Ivy that weren't hard to predict. Okay, in addition to that, to put it as simply as possible, I expected Batman to do Batman stuff and driving around in a Batmobile/transformers/tank is a not exactly what I had in mind (as fun as it may be for the first 20 hours).  

9 / 10.0
Jul 3, 2015

It has detective bits, it has crime fighting bits and it has creepy bits - just like a good Batman comic. Playing this makes you realise how much work goes into being Batman, the focus and commitment that Bruce Wayne shows, his willingness to do whatever it takes to save the day... It's not a perfect game, but it's a perfect Batman game.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jun 30, 2015

Is Batman Arkham Knight the best in the series? You know what I really think it has eclipsed the previous two games made by Rocksteady which were both great games in their own right. I feel the changes made along with this being a current gen experience along with an epic finale helped make it the best of the trilogy. The only serious issue I have with this game is the overuse of the Batmobile. If you are a fan of the Batman Arkham series then this is a must buy, and in my opinion the current Game Of The Year for 2015. There is still tough competition with such games as Fallout 4, Battlefront, and Metal Gear Solid V to come, but for now Batman Arkham Knight has safely secured that spot. Go buy it!

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Jun 29, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight is not a perfect game but even horrendous vehicle mechanics can't overshadow what has to be one of the best video games to debut this year.

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