Batman: Arkham Knight Reviews
I would not go so far as to say that 'Batman: Arkham Knight' is the best 'Arkham', but it's pretty close. The Batmobile is not without its flaws, and there are some mild complaints with the script and the side content, but this is still one of the best superhero games to date. Rocksteady's Batman swan song is a treat.
If you've ever wanted to truly feel like the Batman, this is likely the closest you'll get. Enable your detective vision and seek out a copy of Arkham Knight right away.
This is definitely a series that has more mileage in it, for sure, and it is hopeful that Rocksteady decides that they do indeed have something to add in the future, for it would be a shame if this was the end of what has been a great ride.
Batman: Arkham Knight is a decent entry in the series that, while innovative in some areas, is weighed down by the cumbersome Batmobile. Once the huge PC performance issues are solved by Rocksteady, it certainly has the potential for an enjoyable experience. Until then, though, our verdict is to skip it.
A worthy finalé to Rocksteady's Arkham series.
Despite some questionable use of characters, the narrative in Batman: Arkam Knight is engrossing. The city of Gotham is appropriately sprawling with a great deal to do. Combat is smooth and fluid, even if driving the Batmobile is not, and there are several good hooks for progressing Batman's character that reward you for the time invested in the game. The voice acting, music and visuals are all outstanding and the end result is a fun, polished final act for Rocksteady's Arkham games that fans of the series will absolutely want to play.
Rocksteady and Batman is a combination we'll sorely miss. Their trilogy ends on a high though, with a refinement of their excellent Freeflow combat and Predator modes. The Batmobile is a somewhat mixed experience, but its heart is in the right place. Our much-awaited tour of the city of Gotham was a gorgeous sight to behold and an unforgettable goodbye.
Batman: Arkham Knight is arguably the best game of the year so far. The technical aspects are not only eye-popping but they're also quite stable. The graphics are slick, the sound is stellar, the control is rock solid, and the gameplay variety is downright tremendous.
Batman: Arkham Knight is an awesome game that's held back by some forced design decisions. It's brimming with detail, polished to a fault, and has some of the best gaming moments of the year. The improved combat and predator systems are worth the cost of entry, and a lot of the core combat mechanics are still the best in the genre. Unfortunately, it's held back by a somewhat weak Batmobile mechanic and a lackluster plot. There is still tons to like here, and fans of the previous Arkham games will find a lot to love. It's a fitting end to the trilogy, and it's a great sendoff to the Rocksteady Batman games.
Overall, Batman Arkham Knight is still a great game despite its optimization issues. I already used Rocksteady's configuration advice for graphics and it already gave me a great experience in the gameplay. The story was spectacular, graphics were great even on Low how much more if we can set it on High after Rocksteady fixes the game, and the overall experience was fantastic. Batman Arkham Knight is a game where players can now experience what a Batman game should be and the epic conclusion of the Batman Arkham franchise.
Batman: Arkham Knight expands the Arkham formula with a larger Gotham, refined combat, and strong voice performances. The Batmobile adds speed and power but is overused in forced combat sections. While the story has memorable moments, predictable twists weaken its impact. It’s still the most complete Batman experience, but some design choices keep it from being the series’ strongest entry.
Overall, Batman: Arkham Knight saw the series' regular features perfected, with a solid story, and a hit-or-miss new component. While the story itself didn't surprise as often as I (or like Rocksteady) would've hoped, it did surprise me in the range of emotions I felt because of it. I certainly look forward to the (non-Batmobile) DLC, and whatever Rocksteady comes up with next, and the future of the DC Universe in high-end games like this. A must-play for Batman fans, a great action-adventure game for all, and a satisfying (if slightly predictable) conclusion to an outstanding series of games, Batman: Arkham Knight is a highly recommended buy.
Everyone thought it couldn't be even better, but Rocksteady did it. Batman Arkham Knight is the last and also the best game in the series! Everything has been worked out down to the last detail and the game plays wonderfully away. This is an absolute must-have for your collection. The only thing we can say about Arkham Knight is: go and buy the game!
Review in Dutch | Read full review
The conclusion of Batman Arkham Knight may come as a controversial one. We are going to highly recommend Arkham Knight. The game play and interesting compelling story make it a definite worthwhile play through.
Batman: Arkham Knight fails to live up to the expectations of its predecessors and focuses on the Batmobile far too much. With the addition of even more moves in combat, it loses touch with what made Arkham Asylum feel so punctual.
Arkham Knight is a great end to a fantastic series and is definitely a contender for game of the year.
What are you waiting for to play this amazing game? Do not miss out on what is most likely one of the best games of this generation, and in my opinion, the best in the Arkham saga.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
This is the moment we've been waiting for, the final piece of Rocksteady's Arkham trilogy with Batman: Arkham Knight. He is vengeance! He is the night! We are the Batman!
Rocksteady brings the story of its version of Batman to a satisfying conclusion. There's some moments of tedium to be found, but if you want to be the Batman, this is one of the best experiences available.