Forspoken Reviews

Forspoken is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Jan 26, 2023

Forspoken divides players. Some are disappointed others see the big plus. The game takes a lot of time to get going, but you can almost finish this game under 15 hours. But you can easily put in four times as many as you want. I see this as a plus. The player decides how much time he wants to put into it. You haven't combed every corner and taken on every side mission, but you've had a great journey. The game shows at various times what a PS5 title should look like. The highlights feel very cool and the game manages to successfully combine many elements.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 8, 2023

Forspoken is a good open world action adventure game overall. While I would have loved if the team at Luminous had nailed every aspect of the game, it seems this time around at least it fell a little short when it comes to the main story, character writing and some design decisions. It does take place in a world I would love to see more from if the series is given the chance as there are seeds of greatness here.

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Jan 30, 2023

Despite the sheer amount of words that have been written about the game, the reality is that it's just a forgettable, mediocre game. It does plenty of things very poorly, but it also does one or two things well enough that you can't say it's completely and irredeemably awful. There's no real reason to seek the game out, and there's no reason (apart, maybe, from that stupid talking bracelet) to avoid it at all costs: Forspoken is just kind of there.

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7 / 10
Feb 1, 2023

"Forspoken" probably deserves more credit than it's gotten up to this point. It just falls short of reaching the heights that we all expected it to achieve.

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3 / 5.0
Jan 23, 2023

Forspoken is an average RPG that fails to stand out in a crowded genre and the sort of game you’ve probably seen before – from its stereotypical fish-out-of-water fantasy story to its giant open-world map full of optional repetitive tasks.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 9, 2023

The excellent parkour mechanics, decent combat, and the option to actually limit the amount of quips coming out from Frey’s mouth (a character way more likable than I was expecting, mind you) more than made up for the actual quality of the quips and the incredibly bland open world and sidequests. Forspoken was fine enough. The quintessential “decent and worth getting at half-price” game.

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Feb 13, 2023

The overarching theme with Forspoken seems to be one of under deliverance. On paper, the game should be a roaring success. From its unique premise and mix of combat and traversal, through to its narrative, there are solid ideas scattered throughout. Alas, much of this potential is left to the wayside. The main protagonist is especially unlikeable and forgettable, yet her story is one which, on paper, absolutely needs to be experienced. The world is empty and bland, yet on paper it might be one of the most intriguing settings in an open world title since The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Combat and exploration also leave a lot to be desired in the long run, yet they sounds so good to any outsider who reads the brochure… and herein lies the issue. Forspoken is a surface-level star, but when digging deeper, evidence suggests it will become nothing more than an unspoken disappointment.

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Jan 30, 2023

Frey's story and journey wobbles in places, but it’s redeemed in the game’s epic closing arcs, which reveal Frey’s true nature. Rough and ready, just like Frey, Forspoken is a tale worth stomping through one high-stakes, magic-infused battle at a time.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 30, 2023

Forspoken has plenty of faults (most of them justified), but I'll be honest, the basic story is effective, the gameplay is flashy and addictive and the visuals are outstanding for the most part. Unfortunately it also fails to live up to its true potential which is constantly derailed by questionable writing and dialogue, lifeless environments and a protagonist that I tried my hardest to like, but just couldn't.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 16, 2023

Forspoken is both ambitious, yet incredibly flawed. It pairs hammy dialogue and some poor pacing with a world I want to explore. Forspoken is a game tied between two worlds - losing out by never quite understanding either.

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Saving Content
Eric Acosta
Feb 28, 2023

All in all, I found Forspoken to be a very well-designed game. A great many things are lacking with Forspoken, but they threw everything they could think of, including the kitchen sink, into this game, hoping something stuck. I wish Luminous Productions had taken a step back and eliminated some extra mechanics. They could have added them in a second installment once the first game was established. Honestly, I believe most of my love for Forspoken was brought on by the ability to have choices in my play style rather than the game deciding that for me. Forspoken is a game that showed me games could be fun and exciting even if there is not an engaging story to be told.

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No Recommendation / Blank
Feb 25, 2023

Square Enix continues to bet on interesting projects that are undermined by bad marketing campaigns or lack of communication with their audience.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 5, 2023

This is a good game, and it’s fun and rewarding once you’ve unlocked those second, third and fourth magic sources. I firmly believe Forspoken will in time be given the Days Gone treatment, people who once sneered will be changing their tune. But like any proposed Day’s Gone sequel, I see Forspoken suffering the same fate…

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2 / 5.0
Feb 13, 2023

If you really want to play it, maybe just throw on a podcast and mess around with the magic.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 6, 2023

Despite all its shortcomings, Forspoken offers a fun adventure along with addictive gameplay and a fun realm to explore and discover.

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6.4 / 10.0
Feb 16, 2023

Forspoken feels like the first entry in a franchise that could show promise if compacted and polished in all the areas that matter. Square Enix has promised a major patch coming soon to address many of the visual and technical bugs, but this game needs a new narrative vision to really stand out.

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6.5 / 10.0
Feb 10, 2023

despite an enjoyable combat system, Forspoken is missing many important things in its story and dialogues, while also suffering from technical problems that must be fixed urgently. I enjoyed it but I don't want to do it again

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7 / 10.0
Feb 9, 2023

Despite the very low points of its narrative and the mediocrity of several aspects of gameplay, setting and optimization, Forspoken brings some unique concepts for costume and architecture, as well as a diverse and fresh female cast to the video game market, with dynamic and fluid combat that takes place in a practical and juicy way. The title is recommended, with some caveats, for anyone looking for a more casual action RPG experience with some different and feminine artistic inspirations.

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91 / 100
Feb 12, 2023

An unique magique parkour world, you must play this game to enjoy this awesome development. The hours will be spent like seconds.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 10, 2023

Foespoken is a game that, at its core, tries to be a fast-paced action adventure in a magical and fantasy world. On the surface, it succeeds at this task, but at the same time, it insists on giving a fragmented experience of its gameplay. The game is very unpolished in terms of characterization and storytelling, and along with basic technical problems such as crude dialogues or unrealistic world-building, it becomes an experience that is more like an out-of-tune instrument.

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