The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 - Smoke and Mirrors Reviews

The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 - Smoke and Mirrors is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
50 / 100
Mar 3, 2014

The Wolf Among Us falters in episode two

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Feb 7, 2014

Wolf makes no bones of its format and continues to give a genuinely diverging storyline that will leave you wondering about every line you utter and every punch you throw.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2014

Smoke and Mirrors is a short but engaging chapter but it is hindered by some odd decisions around the choice mechanics and ongoing engine issues. More importantly, the length of time between instalments risks damaging the IP.

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PC Gamer
Top Critic
65 / 100
Feb 5, 2014

A great world and an interesting story, but this short second entry lacks the tense decision-making of the first.

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Feb 5, 2014

Having set the stage, future episodes now need to give us more in terms of puzzles, real detective work and big decisions to make... while translating the cast's deepening respect or hatred for Bigby into pivotal game-changing moments.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Feb 11, 2014

Smoke and Mirrors establishes that The Wolf Among Us will likely be worth seeing through, although whether it's worth doing so now or waiting for the season's end is a more open question than one might have anticipated at the end of the first episode. It ends on a cliffhanger, but not one with a whole lot of bite, and the 'next episode' preview reveals a third episode that revisits a lot of already familiar locations and story beats.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Feb 8, 2014

Admittedly, I still don't know where I stand on the series as a whole, but that's probably because we're only in Episode Two. With three more still planned, I'm anxious to see where Telltale takes the series. I just hope we don't have to wait another four months to find out.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Feb 3, 2014

Huffs and puffs, but doesn't blow us away.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 3, 2014

Episode two puts The Wolf Among Us in an awkward place. Telltale shows enough of its hand to interest players in the rest of the story, but the unevenness of this second episode deflates the enthusiasm that first worked so hard to earn. It's difficult to tell how strong the series will become, but right now, it's tough to accept good when you're used to great.

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Feb 4, 2014

The Wolf Among Us: Smoke and Mirrors treads some dark waters, spitting grit and quiet reminders that the world is a cold, hard place. Like its predecessor, Smoke and Mirrors enjoys great writing, excellent voice acting and a lead who is likeable in all the right ways. That said, the second chapter in The Wolf Among Us feels somewhat too short -- like a build-up, a segue to bigger things. There are also moments where the writing trips, leaving players to wonder if Bigby's been hit on the head one too many times.

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Kevin VanOrdChris Watters
Top Critic
7 / 10
Feb 3, 2014

The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 - Smoke and Mirrors is another engrossing chapter in this ongoing saga, though it doesn't blaze as brightly as the introductory episode.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 4, 2014

Telltale is crafting an engaging story in Bill Willingham's twisted Fables universe, keeping both fans and newcomers hooked to see the next thread

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Feb 5, 2014

With the three month break since the first episode, The Wolf Among Us comes back with the right kind of episode to get you hooked on seeing this investigation through all of its many twists and turns as it focuses just on furthering the story.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 11, 2014

Smoke and Mirrors is an excellent follow up to a strong start, and while it may not live up to the excitement of the previous episode, it nevertheless makes a worthy successor. Episode 2 will shock with twists, drive the narrative forward and allow the player to steer Bigby through it all in a style that suits them.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 10, 2014

Smoke & Mirrors isn't quite as good as the superb Faith and is a little shorter, which is a kick in the flying monkey nuts after how long it took to turn up, but it's still an excellent and enjoyable adventure full of intrigue, surprise and emotion. If Telltale keep this up they could well end up eclipsing The Walking Dead for me, and I nominated that for our Game of the Year. Just, er, could we have Episode 3 a little sooner please?

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4 / 5.0
Feb 5, 2014

Smoke and Mirrors simultaneously excelled while falling slightly short. Despite my gripes, I genuinely enjoyed the entire experience, but this episode did not hit the expectations set up by the first episode of The Wolf Among Us. That being said, this it is still a positive addition to what is turning out to be an absolutely fantastic series.

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8 / 10
Feb 5, 2014

Despite a few missteps, Smoke and Mirrors is an excellent follow-up to Faith. It's a twisted journey through Fabletown's dirty, neon underbelly exploring the darker side of glamour magic and the exploitation of fables. It ends somewhat abruptly, with a terrible revelation, making the wait for the third episode already agonising.

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Feb 7, 2014

Technical hitches and an early story stumble are not enough to prevent The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 - Smoke & Mirrors from continuing its series' winning streak.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 10, 2014

Episode 2 contains all the elements we've come to expect and deeply admire from a Telltale series, but it's too thinly spread to achieve top marks.

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Feb 20, 2014

There's a war inside of Bigby, that much is clear. And if the preview for Episode Three is to believed, this story is about to go to some dark places. We can't wait to see what's next.

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