Bayonetta 2 Reviews

Bayonetta 2 is ranked in the 99th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4.5 / 5.0
Feb 23, 2018

Bayonetta 2 may not be appealing to everyone. Its sexuality and over-the-top tone may be a frustration to some. However, from a design and gameplay point of view, it is up there with the best in its genre. Bayonetta, the side-characters, and the world you’re fighting in are crazy and unique while the combo focused action is deep, yet accessible enough that you feel like an expert in no time. The Nintendo Switch version may not feature much that the Wii U original does not, but the console hybrid is the best place to play one of the best action games of all time. If nothing else, the re-release has made me more excited for Bayonetta 3 than I ever thought I would be.

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Oct 13, 2014

Gameplay shines in Bayonetta 2, but the game's heroine falls flat

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Oct 13, 2014

For once a long-awaited sequel is superior to the original game. Not content with being the best all-action blockbuster on Wii U, Bayonetta 2 is a high-water mark for the epic brawler as a genre, sitting right up there with Devil May Cry and God of War 2 in the pantheon of greats. It's so ultra-violent, innuendo-packed and sweary that it's hard to believe its running on Nintendo, but all credit to them and to the team at Platinum; the Wii U can boast another of the year's finest games.

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10 / 10
Oct 12, 2014

Quite possibly the best action game ever made, Bayonetta 2 is a pure gem of wonder, filled with epic fights, perfect gameplay, a magnificent visual and sound environment and even a multiplayer mode which fits perfectly within the format. A diabolical masterpiece that no Wii U should go without.

Review in Portuguese |

Will Greenwald
Top Critic
Oct 22, 2014

Bayonetta 2 takes everything great about the first Bayonetta and polishes it further into an even better character action extravaganza. Then it adds the original Bayonetta to the package for good measure.

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Oct 13, 2014
Bayonetta 2 - Video Review (Wii U) video thumbnail
Oct 24, 2014

The campy hypersexuality feels joyful, rather than oppressive, because the character's overdetermined gender presentation is an expression of her power rather than a contrast to it.

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10 / 10.0
Oct 30, 2014

Overall I cannot recommend Bayonetta 2 enough, this is a game that every Nintendo Enthusiast and gamer should have in their collection. This game is a technical achievement in game design and has the pacing of classic video games that have defined a generation such as Ocarina of Time and Resident Evil 4. Bayonetta looks great, sounds great, and plays great; the game is not half bad too. Without a doubt, this is the greatest action game of all time.

Oct 22, 2014

Bayonetta 2 doesn't look like a PS4 game, but you'd be hard-pressed to find anything else wrong with it. Sublime combat meets high-adrenaline action in perfect harmony, resulting in a game that elevates its genre to new heights. The only remaining question is how Platinum can possibly top this with a third game in the series.

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4.5 / 5.0
Oct 13, 2014

Overall, though, solid action and likeable characters make Bayonetta 2 a great followup to the original, which, by the way, is included for free with the game. It's definitely a title that harkens back to a time when lightning-quick Japanese action games such as Devil May Cry ruled the roost. If you prefer more deliberately paced action such as the 3D Super Mario Bros. platformers or even Tomb Raider, then the kinetic action of Bayonetta may be too fast and complicated for you. If you love more technical action that relies heavily on countering foes and view nonstop boss and mini-boss fights as mana from the heavens, however, well, Bayonetta 2 was definitely made with you in mind.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 16, 2014

Bayonetta 2 is the perfect game for people who just want to sit down, take up a controller, and beat the ever-living snot out of enemies for hours at a time.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 13, 2014

Bayonetta 2 is something new blended with something familiar, improved in every way possible. Few other games can top it for sheer audacity and ballsiness, and if this is the last time we'll ever see the leggy witch, then she's going out with one hell of a bang.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 5, 2014

Bayonetta 2 is a silky smooth and highly-entertaining brawler that all Wii U owners should have in their collections.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 11, 2014

Bayonetta 2 does a great job of capturing the essence of what made the Devil May Cry series great and delivers some of the best action and production value you'll find in any given Wii U game. While the game does suffer from its short length and lack of replay options, it will delight you with its engaging combat and unique setting.

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Top Critic
90 / 100
Feb 15, 2018

Bayonetta 2 for Switch is easily one of the best ports that has received the console. Yeah, its the same game that we already played on the Wii U and it doesnt offer anything new aside from the amiibo functionality. However, this is not something necesarelly bad because it is still the great, awesome and hectic action game we loved but in a portable version. Even those who have own the first version need to add this fantastic title to their Switch library.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 14, 2018

Overall, I cannot recommend Bayonetta 2 enough, this is a game that every Nintendo enthusiast and gamer should have in their collection. This game is a technical achievement in game design and has the pacing of classic video games that have defined a generation such as Ocarina of Time and Resident Evil 4. Bayonetta looks great, sounds great, and plays great. It's without a doubt, one of the greatest action games in the past decade.

10 / 10
Feb 14, 2018

Years after its inital release, Bayonetta 2 keeps on delivering. It is still the best beat them all you can play at this time, the most beautiful, the craziest, the most generous. And the fact it's now playable wherever and whenever you want doesn't make it less essential, on the contrary.

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87 / 100
Feb 15, 2018

The hottest, most spectacular and beautiful action game on the Nintendo Switch so far. Belongs to every collection!

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10 / 10
Feb 14, 2018

Bayonetta 2 has not suffered with the passage of time and this epic action game remains one of the finest examples of its kind. Featuring the same breathtaking gameplay and incredible action sequences, Bayonetta 2 on the Switch provides an even more complete experience compared to the original thanks to its newfound possibility of playing it everywhere. A real gem that should be in everyone's library.

Review in Portuguese |

9.4 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2014

Bayonetta 2 sets the new standard for Character-Action games to come; it is a true modern classic, and a testament to videogaming as a whole.

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