Star Wars Battlefront Reviews

Star Wars Battlefront is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6.5 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2015

A dazzling audiovisual spectacle with a solid, highly accessible set of mechanics for a wider audience to enjoy. The problem is, this blockbuster is shallow and soulless beneath its sparkly veneer, and that detracts from much of the good it does.

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7 / 10
Nov 23, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront is a good Star Wars game, but an average multiplayer shooter. If you have any love for a galaxy far, far away, you'll get a real kick out of the taking part in its fun, large scale battles, and your reverence for the source material may even be enough to keep you coming back despite its shortcomings. If, on the other hand, you're after the next big shooter to keep you occupied longer term, the limited weaponry and simplified customisation mean that this isn't the game that you're looking for.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront is easily my favorite multiplayer shooter of the year. I can't stop playing it. It finds a perfect balance of strategy and diversity, and most importantly, it is extremely fun, something I find lacking in a lot of online shooters. I can definitely see myself sticking with the online mode for months to come, and here is to hoping the season pass delivers even more content to keep players engrossed. The Force is certainly strong with this one.

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8.6 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2015

A fantastic game if but for a few flaws that might make it not as attractive as it could be. It doesn't quite live up to the hype, but that doesn't mean it's a terrible game to play. It's fun, but just don't think you'll enjoy it for more than a week. DLC makes it worthwhile, but it's too expensive.

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Nov 19, 2015

Star Wars: Battlefront does a fantastic job of transporting players into the Star Wars universe for a big initial kicker, but that ultimately fades when you realize how light it is on content and game features. A textbook case of style over substance.

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Nov 19, 2015

Beautiful and authentic sound and visuals of licensed materials fail to mask a shallow movie tie-in gaming experience.

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Dec 21, 2015

If you're looking for a deep, skill-based, tactically-demanding shooter on the scale of Battlefield, Star Wars: Battlefront isn't it.

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Nov 20, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront paints an incredible digital picture of the Star Wars universe. With authentic visuals and sounds, the most details and beautiful realization of the universe ever, and familiar settings and sound that pull the player in to their childhood fantasies, it does a lot right. The inability to squad up, motivation drying up after a few hours, and no true cooperation rewards barring the cooperative game modes, the game feels like some serious decisions were made in the wrong direction. Battlefront should be about playing and coordinating with others for galactic supremacy, but comes off feeling more like a big deathmatch that while still pretty, doesn't string the player along and motivate return.

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Top Critic
Wait for Sale
Nov 15, 2015
Star Wars Battlefront Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch? video thumbnail
Top Critic
Nov 24, 2015

Star Wars: Battlefront is a decent shooter that injects a handful of gimmicks to keep the gameplay interesting. However a lack of variety in the maps, game modes, guns, and character development prevents the game from reaching its potential.

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2015

Battlefront certainly doesn't reinvent online multiplayer FPS gameplay or even have any lasting reasons to keep you coming back for more, but its presentation and nostalgic values are more than enough to keep casual gamers out there entertained.

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Nov 23, 2015

Fans, rejoice! Star Wars Battlefront might not be the most in-depth shooter, but its certainly the best Star Wars game in years.

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6.9 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2015

It's quite possibly the most authentic Star Wars shooter ever made thanks to some amazing visual production values, but with shallow action and very little ambition to do more than necessary. Just like the films.

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3.5 / 5.0
Dec 2, 2015

Overall, Star Wars Battlefront does a good job with its main focus, which is providing a fun multiplayer experience for players. Admittedly, the lack of a campaign is disappointing so this might not be the game for you if you play shooters for the story and don't even touch multiplayer. If you're raison d'etre with the genre is playing online, however, Battlefront is one side you'll likely want to join.

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Nov 19, 2015

Make no mistake, Star Wars Battlefront is the best-looking Star Wars game ever made, full of fanboy-pleasing attention to detail in its sights, sounds and action. But its charms fade quickly, and in a month's time – when we finally see Luke, Leia and Han on the big screen again – it could be mostly forgotten.

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8.3 / 10.0
Nov 19, 2015

Some may argue that DICE's Star Wars Battlefront lacks longevity to stay the course on the market, or that more could've been done with it. But the developer went through a massive undertaking to not only reinvent the franchise, but also reassure gamers that this would hardly be another Battlefield blunder. It's great to report that both goals have been completed with flying colors, and, as a result, Star Wars Battlefront is an engaging multiplayer experience that will certainly make your holidays. Plus, think of how much time will pass with it while you wait for The Force Awakens…

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Nov 18, 2015

That nostalgia, much more than the current depth offered by Battlefront is going to drive adoption of this game. You'd probably be better off waiting to see what the expansion packs are going to offer, and then getting the total package for much less than the $110 it's going to cost you if you buy everything on release. Then again, who wants to wait for their Star Wars video game pew-pew fix when it looks and sounds this good?

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2015

The Star Wars Battlefront name is holding strong, but if this is set to reboot the franchise, they could have packed a little more meat on its bones.

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Nov 20, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront is a work of remarkable craftsmanship from developers DICE, and it being a more casual shooter is exactly what the game needed to be to find its place in the crowded online shooter market. There should be more on offer, particularly when it comes to single player modes, but in short bursts Battlefront is a force to be reckoned with.

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Nov 17, 2015

Star Wars: Battlefront is a simplified online shooter for a broad audience that delivers on its promise of Star Wars battle fantasies.

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