Mad Max Reviews

Mad Max is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Sep 8, 2015

'Mad Max' is a decent open world experience. It checks all the boxes for what is expected with a game in this genre, but doesn't bring much new to the table. Max's ride and sidekick are important high points, and a love for the film series helps. The game does have heart and some great vehicular combat; it's just missing some body work.

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Sep 7, 2015

Surviving in a real post-apocalyptic wasteland would be a miserable existence. Mad Max nails that feeling of just wanting to crawl under a rock wait for the end. It's a miserably dull grind, occasionally made bearable by the vehicular carnage once you've suffered through the first half.

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7.8 / 10.0
Sep 17, 2015

Mad Max is a fun ride, even without a deep, rich storyline. It won't change the minds of anyone who doesn't love these kinds of open world games, but for those who do, Mad Max will hit that addictive spot to clear all of the map blips.

7.5 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2015

Mad Max can be a very entertaining game, especially if your expectations are in the right place. There's a lot of fun to be had in the wasteland; careening over the sand and blasting foes, laying the prodigious smack-down with fists and shotgun, and upgrading and improving the always-cool Magnum Opus. The control for both driving and melee combat is just about right and the combat mechanic is a tried-and-true system.

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8 / 10
Sep 8, 2015

Mad Max's frame may be built from familiar parts, but that doesn't mean there aren't enough surprises under the hood to make for a furiously enjoyable ride.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 11, 2015

Mad Max will probably not be for everyone, especially for those who are pining to find some kind of innovative leap forward for the open-world genre. Avalanche has provided an intricate, fleshed-out interpretation of a world I didn't think would get a chance to have its day in the video game sun. The good things done here, despite the lack of that one killer thing,should give fans something that Max himself might not have: hope for something better.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2015

While overall Mad Max borrows from past titles like Batman when it comes to combat, or Far Cry when it comes to the design of its open world and its activities, it still manages to stand out through its car combat. The story is also pretty compelling and manages to keep you invested even if some of the missions get repetitive after a while.

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Digitally Downloaded
Nick H.
Top Critic
Sep 11, 2015

Mad Max's greatest strength is in many ways the title's most significant weakness as well. It is immediately familiar, reminding of the Batman titles and Shadow of Mordor - games that I am very much a fan of. Unfortunately on the whole, Mad Max is not as good as those titles either, coming up short in its narrative, controls and combat to create a less engaging overall experience than those titles.

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58 / 100
Sep 28, 2015

By granting me what I thought I wanted—free reign to explore—Mad Max pushes its source material out of the fast and tantalizing drive of action movies and into the slow, repetitive plod of open-world action games. It delivers a vast, meticulously rendered desert with nothing special to see.

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Drew Hurley
Top Critic
8 / 10
Sep 19, 2015

There's a great, yet flawed, game here. The open world is a joy to explore, but grows tiresome for those who want to get 100% completion. Combat is fun and brutal, but not varied enough to stay interesting long term. These flaws are not enough to highly impact the end product, thankfully, which manages to be a superb open-world experience, with a real unique style and character.

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Gamers Heroes
Captain Camper
Top Critic
5 / 10
Sep 10, 2015

One standout and entirely fantastic element of Mad Max is the technical performance of the game. It looks great, never once did I encounter any serious frame rate issues or bugs, not a single crash. In regards to the technical sides of the game it was a flawless masterpiece from start to finish. Now if they just spent more time on the rest of it…

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8 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2015

Mad Max may wind up a victim of its busy release window, but it doesn't deserve to. It's a bombastic blast of thrilling vehicular combat and open-world destruction, only slightly marred by uninspired on-foot combat and limited ambitions when it comes to scope. It may not be the most refined open-world title out there, but it never gets too pretentious and crucially thriving in the wasteland is simply great fun.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 31, 2021

Mad Max is a brisk open-world actioner that takes advantage of the legendary film franchise it references in its latest installment, and while it goes its own way, it connects the two worlds through some of the locations and characters. A must for fans of the films, genre lovers will not be offended. Unfortunately, like other games of this type, it suffers from a certain repetitiveness, plus it has a weaker story. The solid game time (according to HLTB 20-60 hours), nice graphics and a good driving model are pleasing.

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Jul 13, 2016

If you are like me, who absolutely loves the franchise, loves the world, and loves the setting of the game. Then you can expect 50+ hours of video game entertainment, which is money well spent in my books. Mad Max isn't only a fantastic game, it is a great addition to the franchise, and one of the few games that completely destroyed my expectations that a movie based game is always bad. In the end, despite what some mainstream reviewer might have you believe. Mad Max is a great addition to the open-world action adventure genre that is as slick and memorable and would make the creators of Mad Max Fury Road proud. So if you are on the fence about this game, I recommend you go get it now as I can't recommend it enough.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2015

Mad Max is another generic open world game tossed on the ever-growing pile of open world games. Even with its unique setting and stunning visuals, Mad Max is very much a game of fetch quests and tall towers.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 13, 2018

For a game based on a move, Mad Max was a surprising treat. The vehicle combat was a lot of fun and very intense once you have unlocked the upgrades.. The melee combat also works quite well and makes the base attacks really enjoyable. The story is nothing to sing about, but does a good job at filling you in on how the world works now that modern civilization is a thing of the past. The visual quality is ok, but regular and severe frame rate drops impact the game quite hard when the action is heating up. Base and fortress attacks will keep you entertained for a while but the work to build them up to the point where you can make use of them is a waste since you have to leave the area once it is complete.

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9.5 / 10.0
Sep 11, 2015

This game is the perfect game for any Mad Max fan.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2015

Mad Max is probably the best example from the past few years of games that were released on the wrong date. There are moments in the game that will bring a broad smile to your face and leave you feeling incredibly satisfied, but at the same time you'll sit there thinking "Man, I wish there was more variety". For all the comedy, action and genuinely beautiful visuals that the game throws your way, some of the flaws will bring you back to the barren wasteland with a bump. It's a game worth playing, and I really enjoyed the highs that the game has to offer, but it's hard to recommend picking this up over a lot of titles that are out in this horrendously busy period. Unless you like Australian accents. In which case you won't find a better game this year.

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75 / 100
Sep 11, 2015
Mad Max (PC Review): The Gods of Combustion video thumbnail
7.5 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2015

Mad Max liefert ein actionreiches Erlebnis für Fans von schnellen Autos, Bärten und Spielen wie Batman. Durch die wiederholenden Aufgaben, die schwache Story und die fehlenden Herausforderungen gegen Ende des Spiels, bleibt der Titel aber trotzdem weit hinter den Erwartungen und endet nur als netter Spaß für Zwischendurch. Avalanche Studios hat hier leider sehr viel Potenzial verschenkt.

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