Mass Effect Andromeda Reviews

Mass Effect Andromeda is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Apr 6, 2017

As a huge fan of the first three games, the state of this game is honestly depressing. I fully grasp the idea that this is supposedly the first game in a new trilogy and that things are being set up for the next games. I still hope that is the case. There are some decent foundations here that could lead to some really fantastic adventures in the next two games if BioWare plays their cards right and addresses the major issues that plague this game.

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Apr 13, 2017

Mass Effect: Andromeda offers the dream of exploration in a distant galaxy, but every time the dream looks like it’s within reach, it’s snapped from your grasp by poor quest design, performance problems, or simply mediocre writing.

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Mar 31, 2017

Andromeda largely feels like a shoddily assembled facsimile of the previous Mass Effect games.

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4.5 / 10.0
Apr 10, 2017

There are a handful of good stories to be found in Andromeda, but they’re hidden away, worthwhile moments tucked within hours and hours of disposable ones. In an effort to be as comprehensive as possible in tone, styles of mission objective and purpose, the game ends up feeling as impossibly vast as nature but as rigid and artificial as a computer system.

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5 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2017

Mass Effect Andromeda is a souless and a poor game that gets overwhelmed by the success of its predecessor. It's bug filled gameplay, non-inspired storytelling and horrible animation quality makes it one of the the biggest disappointments of all time. Will we ever see a new Mass Effect game? To be honest I couldn't care less after Andromeda.

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Apr 1, 2017

It's mediocre, not awful. This review slants negative because I find the writing mostly bad, but my experience with Andromeda is almost worse in some ways: For much of my 55 hours with it, I felt nothing at all. It just exists, content to let you run from fetch quest to fetch quest, chasing the appearance of importance while saying nothing at all. It'd be easier to just condemn the whole endeavor and write it off, but that's not entirely fair. I'm mostly ambivalent, or "I'm not mad, just disappointed," as my parents might've said—and ouch, that always stung much worse.

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Mar 30, 2017

Instead of boldly striking out into the unknown, Mass Effect: Andromeda merely imposes its most predictable habits onto it.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Mar 20, 2017

Bioware's highly anticipated space adventure sadly fails to deliver on some critical points. Wonky animations, a boring set of characters and so-so story elements have officially de-railed the hype train for Mass Effect: Andromeda.

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Mar 20, 2017

Mass Effect: Andromeda often comes off like a giant checklist of Mass Effect–themed content, but what it's missing is the wonder and excitement that made the last Mass Effect games feel special. The previous games had their issues, but combined their elements to create a vast, interesting world full of deep characters with conflicting desires and experiences that made us feel connected to it.

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5 / 10.0
Apr 7, 2017

Andromeda is fun… sometimes. Other times it's a dreary slog through recycled cutscenes, infantile character interactions, and a lot of badly masked loading screens.

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Mar 25, 2017

Mass Effect: Andromeda is an extremely disappointing game and is the weakest in the series. The story is very bland and the facial animations are awful. Hopefully, the next game in the series will be something special.

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5.5 / 10.0
Apr 19, 2017

Everything players grew to love about Mass Effect is here but its all the same. Mass Effect: Andromeda doesn't take any risks or go to any serious lengths to differentiate itself from the previous games or stand out among any of the other high-profile releases launched in 2017. Mass Effect: Andromeda is a shining example of how NOT to resurrect a franchise.

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5.5 / 10.0
Apr 2, 2017

Andromeda seems to miss the point on what made the Mass Effect games great. Marred by constant bugs and framerate issues, you'll be hard pressed to find anything that will keep you in for the long haul.

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5.5 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2017

"Andromeda" missed its mark by lightyears.

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Top Critic
55 / 100
Mar 20, 2017

Games have to fit into our lives, and that's not always fair. Mass Effect: Andromeda might've worked a decade ago on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but it doesn't work in a world that is delivering games like Horizon: Zero Dawn, Nier: Automata, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. In this reality, BioWare's latest role-playing game is old, broken, and often boring. Worst of all, it's going to disappoint fans of the Mass Effect series.

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5.9 / 10.0
Mar 23, 2017

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In Andromeda, I was beholden to beautiful environments and robust gameplay, yet marred by inhuman animations and a story more loose than spare change in a long woolen sock. Andromeda is a galaxy of empty promises and one I could not find enjoyment in.

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3 / 5
Mar 26, 2017

Andromeda isn’t the return to form for Mass Effect that we were hoping for. Its issues are obvious from the opening few hours and if you can manage to accept them, Andromeda is capable of providing an interesting and combat heavy RPG.

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6 / 10
Mar 31, 2017

Mass Effect Andromeda isn't a bad game, but it's not what one would expect from BioWare after 5 years. The world is huge and full of potential, but slow story, poor combat, uninteresting characters and lots of bugs prevent the game from reaching that potential.

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Gamers Heroes
Captain Camper
Top Critic
6 / 10
Mar 29, 2017

Mass Effect Andromeda feels like a rushed entry into a struggling IP – a poorly executed swan song aimed at rinsing a games last market value down to a dry sponge. But this is Mass Effect. This is not a struggling IP. This is one of BioWare’s greatest achievements. The franchise deserved more, the fans deserved more and honestly, I feel the developers deserved more.

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