Xenoblade Chronicles X Reviews

Xenoblade Chronicles X is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5 / 5.0
Nov 30, 2015

Xenoblade Chronicles X is yet another ground-breaking JRPG from Monolith Soft, featuring one of the most ambitious open worlds in today's gaming.

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Nov 30, 2015

[E]asily the best Wii U game of 2015.

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A or higher
Jan 13, 2016

[I]f X were about nothing more than exploring a world devoid of story, battles, and systems it would still be easy to recommend, but the fact it tells a worthwhile tale, constantly rewards your time, effort, and curiosity, and features one of greatest battles systems ever created just makes it all the better. In other words, pick up Xenoblade Chronicles X and clear your schedule, because you have a whole new world to explore.

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80 / 100
May 1, 2016

While Xenoblade Chronicles X doesn't quite hit must-buy territory, for those who appreciate RPGs, particularly with a focus on action and an open-world brimming with tons of content, should give this Wii U exclusive a chance.

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8 / 10
Jan 12, 2016

Ironically, the thing that can initially be seen as Xenoblade Chronicles X's biggest weakness will eventually turn out to be its greatest strength. While all of the details and the massive world will frighten people off at first because of its sheer complexity and depth, once adapted, it will embrace them and become an addictive and beautiful experience offering hundreds of hours of wonderful game time. It might, actually, be worthy of the title of being the ultimate RPG game for RPG fans, mixing the dearest elements of both JRPGs and WRPGs into the same package.

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Dec 24, 2015

I enjoyed my time with Xenoblade Chronicles X a great deal. I found the combat highly engaging and every new ridge I would climb up provided me with such breathtakingly beautiful vistas that I would sit there simply slow panning around to take it all in. But at the same time, undercooked narrative has hurt the really long-term value of the game, and it was just a little too in love with the more arbitrary and irritating quirks of MMO design for its own good.

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50 / 100
Dec 11, 2015

This JRPG asks us to do nothing except buy into its synthetic religion of scale. You are big, Xenoblade Chronicles X. You are big because big is good. It's like stroking a dead Aibo—an Aibo that was never alive in the first place.

9.5 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2015

Wii U owners and role playing fans, we have your White Whale.

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9.1 / 10.0
Dec 18, 2015

Xenoblade Chronicles X is an RPG that has players exploring the beautiful world of Mira, while helping the human race to survive on their new homeland. The story is slow to get going, but the game is packed full of side-quests and missions, meaning players will always find something to do. Meanwhile, the combat has an impressive amount of customisation, with a choice of weapons, skills, and classes, that allows the player to create fighting style tactics to suit their preferred play style.

8.4 / 10.0
Dec 20, 2015

Xenoblade Chronicles X is a great RPG that makes investing in a Wii U a no-brainer for fans of the genre.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 25, 2016

Xenoblade Chronicles X is a great open-world RPG with plenty of to see and do. Unfortunately, this game requires dozens of hours of commitment and a slew of side questing to complete the narrative.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 29, 2015

Xenoblade Chronicles X beweist sich als das JRPG auf das Wii U Besitzer gewartet haben. Der Titel bietet alles man von einem JRPG erwarten würde und holt in Sachen Grafik und Gameplay noch das letzte aus der Wii U heraus. Falls ihr aktuell auf der Suche nach einer neuen Welt zum eintauchen oder einfach nur unzähligen Stunden mit Monster bekämpfen und aufleveln verbringen wollt, macht ihr mit dem neuen Xenoblade absolut nichts falsch. Die ersten Stunden sind zwar wirklich anstregend zum einsteigen und auch die Lernkurve geht nach einiger Zeit steil nach oben bzw. erfordert etwas an Zeit, aber ansonsten macht der Titel eigentlich alles richtig.

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4.5 / 5.0
Dec 29, 2015

Although certain aspects prevent it from being a universal recommendation, it’s easy get sucked in to emerge a likely-unplanned large number of hours later, much like the developer’s prior opus.

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Jan 31, 2017

"Mankind's last hope."

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