WWE 2K15 Reviews

WWE 2K15 is ranked in the 17th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Nov 22, 2014

The next-gen version of WWE 2K15 is by farthe best looking wrestling game in history, although the multitude of removed features will be a hard pill to swallow for hardcore fans of the series.

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6 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2014

All in all, if you're a die-hard fan you're probably going to buy this, and may have already. The graphics won't disappoint, and if you've stayed away from the series and are just returning now, you may even be blown away. Yearly participants won't be nearly as impressed, though, and short of an (admittedly impressive) fresh coat of paint, the cons far outweigh the pros for this year's chair-bashing, knee-dropping pro wrestling encounter.

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Nov 27, 2014

WWE 2K15 is the equivalent of an upper mid-card wrestler attempting to crack the glass ceiling of the WWE. It's close to achieving its potential, but just comes up short in a few key areas.

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81 / 100
Nov 19, 2014

At the end of the day WWE 2K15 is a game that is worthwhile purchase for WWE fans and something that fighting game fans or sports entertainment fans may just want to take a close look at.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Nov 25, 2014

Any wrestling fan could name off a dozen guys who seemingly had the base necessary for a successful career; people who had the right look, moves and talent, but just couldn't put it all together. WWE 2K15 is a solid foundation that can be built on for the future.

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6 / 10
Nov 29, 2014

Despite great advances in graphical fidelity and core gameplay, there's not enough here to make up for WWE 2K15's stripped back features, teensy roster, and mind numbing My Career mode. The series' PS4 debut is very much a case of one step forward, two steps back – and while it lays the groundwork for a great game, 2K Sports has a lot of work to do to unlock it.

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4.9 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2014

WWE 2K15 wins my award for the biggest disappointment of the year. This game is a mess. I believe that 2K had good intentions and believe that the have created a great foundation for future games, but 2K15 is not great at all. The gameplay is slow, sluggish, clunky and terrible. My Career doesn't feel like a career mode at all and all of the gutted creation modes and match types really just sealed the deal for me. I understand that 2K may be starting from scratch, and I'm sure they have huge plans for the future of the franchise, but unfortunately, I can only review what I have in front of me and what I have is not good. WWE 2K15 really feels like WWE 2K16: Prologue.

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Top Critic
Feb 11, 2015

WWE 2K15's dull, outdated game mechanics and rushed, cash-grab feel is a mean-spirited rib. Like its real-life counterpart, the WWE video game series needs new blood.

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Nov 17, 2014

It's far from perfect, but at its best, it's uber playable, a wrestling game that thrives on recreating the entrances and moves of your favorite WWE Superstars and Divas. Just don't go into MyCareer and expect to be blown away.

7.4 / 10.0
Nov 19, 2014

In the end, despite its lacking content and some questionable character designs (is Triple H from 2002 some form of Frankenstein?), WWE 2K15 definitely feels like a worthy grappler to fans of the "sport." The gameplay is a good time, especially with friends in tow, and the presentation has really stepped up for a new generation. Plus, they brought along CM Punk, so obviously the game isn't a total loss. But here's hoping next year brings a more complete package – this is one brand deserving of that.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2014

The WWE barges its way onto the PS4 with WWE 2K15, which isn't the most perfect wrestling game ever invented, but certainly lays the groundwork for future installments. This game brings the look and feel of being in the arena watching top names do battle right to the home, and wrestling fans will marvel at the level of details in each characters' model. I wasn't sure how WWE was going to hold up during its first year in the current gen world, but 2K15 builds a nice foundation for wrestling fans, visual artists, and game players alike. The champ is now here, and the only way to continue is up.

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3 / 5.0
Dec 7, 2014

Overall, WWE 2K15 shows promise for the series moving forward with its great presentation and solid game engine. At the same time, the omission of certain content as well as aggressive DLC implementation also means the game hasn't quite hit its stride just yet.

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Nov 24, 2014

WWE 2K15 successfully shifts the franchise into a highly fun simulation experience, but is severely lacking in content. It is, however, a fantastic template to build upon for future instalments.

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4.9 / 10.0
Dec 12, 2014

WWE 2K15 is a slick product, but on closer examination it hides numerous problems and flaws. It's the game of tomorrow with the problems of yesteryear, a transitional game between platforms that feels like very little care has gone into crafting the ultimate simulation in sports entertainment. And that's the bottom line.

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5 / 10.0
Aug 4, 2015

Wrestling is a soap opera. Good stories are an integral part of the experience. WWE 2K15 doesn't measure up in this regard, nor provide compelling modes. The combat has a lot of thought put into it, perhaps a promising foundation for future titles.

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45 / 100
Dec 1, 2014

The WWE 2K series has experienced a very rough transition to the "next generation" of consoles. After two straight years of solid releases in WWE 13 and 2K14, Yukes has hit a wall. As it is in wrestling, when you hit a wall, you have to figure out what to do next. One thing is clear, this series has taken a large step in the wrong direction. A character change may be required in order to get this series back on track.

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Nov 23, 2014

Not nearly the new-gen reinvention we were hoping for, WWE 2K15 continues to plod along, delivering the same old well-worn gameplay with only a few minor improvements. It looks wholly authentic and is the best-looking game in the franchise to date, but with less content and few meaningful changes, WWE 2K15 needs to get back in the gym.

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6.4 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2014

WWE 2K's first outing on the PS4 and Xbox One is commendable, and gives us much to look forward to for 2K16. But unless you're a passionate fan of the WWE or this series, it's probably safe to rent or skip this year.

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5 / 10.0
Nov 26, 2014

Being nothing more than a game built around fan-service WWE 2K15 is going win any awards in terms of visuals or gameplay mechanics, But this isn't to say the game doesn't have some enjoyable moments, it's just sadly let down by a slow and underdeveloped control scheme that's proves to be more hassle than it's actually worth.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2014

Current wrestling fans might be disappointed with WWE 2K15, but for dirty casuals just looking to get back into the ring, it's enough to keep you occupied.