Never Alone Reviews

Never Alone is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
5 / 10
Jul 11, 2015

Never Alone is close to being an OK game. It has a lot going for it with its gorgeous aesthetics and authentic presentation. It even has a couch co-op mode, and the few times the game does have things to do in it, there is some legitimate involvement. Too bad these moments are too far apart, and the more vulgar qualities of Never Alone are the most apparent, such as the buggy AI, barren level design and lacking gameplay.

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Dec 5, 2014

'Never Alone' is a beautiful experience. Its somber story is masterfully expressed, but not by its gameplay. As a platformer it is subpar, and yet I am still telling people to play it. Despite its tiny length and substantial flaws, it has a soul, something that is sorely lacking in many of the games we play.

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Jordan Hurst
Top Critic
6 / 10
Jan 15, 2016

Documentaries aren't known for being the most exciting experiences in the world, and, therefore, it should come as no surprise that a documentary-esque "game" is only mildly engaging. That being said, compared to the mental illness emulation of Depression Quest, or the political surrealism of The Cat and the Coup, Never Alone is a highly accessible version of the form.

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75 / 100
Dec 3, 2014

You are not the greatest force in the world, one video tells us. And you feel it—through wind, through ice, through snow. Through the spirits bigger than you, and your dependency on the fox that keeps you alive and moving with its magic—on the backs of fish that dance across the waves, or breathing in the belly of a whale. Yet the humble hero, as fragile as a little girl, can still stop a blizzard.

7.5 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2015

This is far from your average puzzle platformer, as its main audience is not the die-hard old-school fanbase of the genre. Never Alone is first and foremost an educational experience, and this is the standard to which you have to judge it in order to fully appreciate it.

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Dec 2, 2014

Never Alone manages to overcome its technical hiccups with an enchanting setting supported with a pair of adorable characters and some interesting cultural insights into the Iñupiat community. The basic puzzle/platforming gameplay is family-friendly and works even better when played in co-op.

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Matt S.
Top Critic
Nov 18, 2014

It makes me truly happy to see game developers creating high quality products such as Never Alone that push entertainment boundaries and demonstrate that games can be culturally important. We need to see more of this game, and I hope this is a roaring success so that other native culture organisations look at it and realise the sheer power of games to tell their own stories.

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7.1 / 10.0
Nov 19, 2014

Even though Never Alone is a brief journey with little incentive to play through more than once, it's still a journey worth taking.

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7.9 / 10.0
Mar 6, 2022

Overall, Never Alone: Arctic Collection is an atmospheric title that tells the traditional story of Alaska Natives very well. There are a few slightly frustrating moments that prevent it from reaching perfection, but we assure you, if you have not already experienced it, that this is a unique, fulfilling and enjoyable experience that can be completed in a very few hours.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Mar 7, 2022

Never Alone tells an impactful tale of native culture, delivering an experience that is both unique and influential. Though a lack of stark puzzles and technical bugs does hinder the experience as a game, the alluring narrative is well worth the price of admission alone.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2014

‎Never Alone, or Kisima Innitchuna, is a game that is genius in almost every way. The Indie game offers you graphical splendor, insight into a different culture, a nice quiet atmosphere and very good gameplay. The unfortunate thing about the game is that there is not much challenge in the puzzles, although it is a bit tough sometimes.‎

Review in Dutch | Read full review

Feb 22, 2022

Never Alone is a welcome addition to the Nintendo Switch library. A casual platformer that I highly recommend playing through in co-op with a loved one. You’ll laugh at the odd glitch, possibly cry at the emotional moments but also learn a lot about Alaskan native culture. If somehow you have yet to play this game, this is a great time to jump on. It’s a cold adventure but the warm fuzzy feelings will leave an impact for years to come.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 23, 2022

While the game has its negatives, I have enjoyed it, and I hope others will too. My experience was mostly positive, and it was definitively easier with a second person on the controls.

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7.8 / 10.0
Nov 26, 2014

My main experience with the game came from co-op and it is definitely the better way to play the game, which ties in nicely to the overall theme. Due to the puzzles not being too difficult it is the perfect game to play with anyone, as long as they have a basic grasp of gaming, plus they can jump into the game with the touch of a button.

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Top Critic
Nov 30, 2014

Despite some occasionally frustrating difficulty spikes, Never Alone tells a fascinating, evocative tale that leaves a deep impression. A terrific platform game, despite its flaws.