Pacific Drive Reviews
Pacific Drive will end up as a highlight of 2024 for anyone seeking a fresh experience. Unfortunately, some quirks and genre trappings make it a little less wondrous than the Zone itself.
Pacific Drive successfully reinterprets the core of the survival genre, centered around the bond with your station wagon. While the POV driving mechanics and the anomalies often provide relentless, occasionally exhausting challenges, the game still retains a charm that makes you want to take the wheel once again.
Review in Korean | Read full review
Pacific Drive thoughtfully translates simple yet overlooked human aspects through an experience that is truly unique and unforgettable.
Pacific Drive is made for fans of survival games and sci-fi adventures. With its captivating anomalies and subtle horror, the hugely important and extensive maintenance of the station wagon and the somewhat frustrating ruthlessness. Pacific Drive offers a unique experience with a charming flair and is a great debut from Ironwood Studios.
Review in German | Read full review
Pacific Drive is fantastic once you sit down and play it correctly. The game's core mechanic is survival, but many might fail to see that. Anyone who enjoys survival games should definitely give this one a go. Even if you usually don't enjoy survival games, you might be interested in building and driving your car. But before you do, you might want to fiddle with the levels of difficulty and accessibility settings to find a setting that suits your playing style. Pacific Drive is fantastic; driving through it has been a unique experience and arguably the year's most unique survival game entries.
With a charismatic voice cast, vast upgrade system and a fascinating mysterious world, Pacific Drive is an experience that is unique in every aspect. I personally have never played anything like it. Similar yes, but like this experience, never. The idea of creating a game based on roadtrip films with a mystery and horror aspect, combining elements of survival and crafting was an assertive choice. The debut of Ironwood Studios is a great success and made me extremely curious about the developer's future works.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Pacific Drive is a must-play for narrative fans or those who want a more rewarding survival experience that doesn’t rely on the genre’s usual tropes. Heck, even if that’s not a big enough selling point, the game has an excellent soundtrack.
Pacific Drive is a unique twist on the survival genre that will make you fall in with a car, if you can handle its random difficulty spikes.
“Pacific Drive” is a bold experiment in genre-blending, offering a fresh perspective on survival and driving mechanics. It’s a game that demands patience and rewards curiosity, one that will enchant you with its atmospheric world even as it tests your mettle with its challenges.
Pacific Drive is a rare experience in the space of roguelikes that combines unique mechanics with a deep story that not very many games in the genre offer.
"Pacific Drive" is an extremely atmospheric survival game that draws its charm from the exuberant inhospitability of the exclusion zone. Loneliness and menacing anomalies make our old station wagon our closest ally. If you like roguelikes and crafting, you will find a rich field of activity in "Pacific Drive" - but the tinkering and fiddling sometimes get a bit out of hand. If you leave the somewhat tough start to the game behind, you will be rewarded with a motivating expansion system. The exclusion zone is an almost mythical place - and certainly not for the faint of heart.
Review in German | Read full review
Pacific Drive offers a thrilling and unique experience that seamlessly blends the excitement of a road trip with the terror of the supernatural. The game quickly won me over, just as it’s sure to win over the imagination and thrill of players who give the game a much-deserved try.
Pacific Drive is about laboring towards something and enjoying the results – feeling the sense of progress, along with the satisfaction and motivation such tangible progress brings with it. There are undoubtedly hours upon hours of gameplay to be had for those possessing unrelenting patience, those true warriors of attrition that would see Pacific Drive’s systems through to their ultimate culmination.
Finding the balance between survival and cozy Sunday drives is tricky, but Pacific Drives manages to nail it. This is a road I want to travel again without a doubt.
Pacific Drive is an unforgettable ride that you should not miss out on.
Review in German | Read full review