Alekhine's Gun Reviews

Alekhine's Gun is ranked in the 1st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
3 / 10.0
Mar 11, 2016

Like the chess move it's named after, Alekhine's Gun puts its pieces in the right places, but then it fails to follow through with any quality or grace. It's hard to feel accomplished after pulling off a clean kill when the targets lack the competence to even defend themselves.

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2 / 5.0
Feb 29, 2016

Alekhine's Gun is a title where the ambition of design outmatches the execution with gusto.

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4 / 10.0
Mar 18, 2016

These were moments of mild fun in an otherwise desperate game, and none of it justifies the time or money one might spend playing it. Alekhine's Gun occasionally reminded me of the fun I had with Hitman: Blood Money, and for that it deserves some credit. Then again, I could have been replaying that game -- or for that matter, earlier, better Death to Spies games -- instead.

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3 / 10
Mar 2, 2016

It's not impossible to overlook Alekhine's shopping list of shortcomings. There were a few occasions when everything would neatly come together and create something genuinely fun and entertaining. However, the consistency simply isn't there.

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5 / 10.0
Mar 8, 2016

Alekhine's Gun comes with an interesting story and some decent gameplay mechanics which are ruined by sub-par execution. The lack of features that are standard in modern video games such as auto-save and the ability to skip cutscenes, sluggish performance, convoluted controls and mediocre gunplay are just some of the most glaring issues of the game. More development time might have made Alekhine's Gun a better game, but in its current state and with a full price tag, the game is hardly worthy of anyone's time.

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2 / 10
Mar 4, 2016

Alekhine's Gun's amateurish animation, godawful gameplay, faulty framerate, abysmal AI, and garish graphics all conspire to ensure that you'll never, ever enjoy playing this game. There's no variety or originality, and it's more bug-ridden than an abandoned sandwich – it seems that testing wasn't given much consideration during development. This title is one of a very rare breed, one that will appeal to absolutely no one, and buying it would quite literally be akin to throwing your money away. Simply put, we can Nazi anyone having fun with this.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
3.5 / 10.0
Mar 9, 2016

Given another year or two this might have turned out to be a solid Hitman alternative, but as it stands Alekhine's Gun fails on every level – poor AI, abysmal frame rate, sub-par visuals, and horrendous shooting. There is nothing here to salvage the premium price tag.

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4 / 10.0
Mar 26, 2016

Alekhine�s Gun is named after a sharp and refined move in chess, that requires thinking and weighting.The lack of these skills in a stealth game that carries his name, would probably make Alekhine turn in his grave, and disappoint every fan of this genre.

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Top Critic
Mar 1, 2016
Alekhine's Gun Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch?" video thumbnail
Mar 7, 2016

I suppose I should have realized Alekhine's Gun was going to have quality concern issues following its numerous delays. I just wasn't aware of how severe these problems would be, as the stale gameplay and dated graphics barely put it on level with games from the last console generation.

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Mar 5, 2016

It may be a less refined iteration of a Hitman game, but the delivery of its rote narrative is sometimes innovative.

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3.5 / 10.0
Mar 14, 2016

While the premise is interesting and the good intent is apparent, the buggy engine and unimpressive level design makes it a forgettable experience

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Top Critic
2 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2016

I cannot recommend this game at all, to anybody, for any reason.

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2 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2016

Want a Cold War stealth game? Play Metal Gear. Just not this.

3 / 10.0
Mar 12, 2016

Avoid Alekhine's Gun. There are much better games out right now that are actually worth your time and money. Hell, there's a proper Hitman game out this month - go get that, it's a fraction of the price! Alekhine's Gun will not be remembered for its own efforts, but for the efforts of the Youtuber's that will tear it apart.

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Renan Fontes
Top Critic
2 / 10
Jan 18, 2017

Alekhine's Gun proves that ambition can only get a game so far. There are good ideas from both a gameplay and narrative perspective, but Maximum Games' implementation of all those features stops at the inclusion. The stealth aspect is never fully developed or utilised, while the gunplay has had the bare minimum of effort put into it. The story jumps between World War II and the Cold War, a genuinely novel idea, but mediocre writing and spastic pacing disallow the plot from actually developing any of its themes or characters. With no polish or direction to speak of, Alekhine's Gun is little more than a broken third-person shooter that believes it's so much better than it is.

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5 / 10.0
Mar 6, 2016

Alekhine's Gun feels like returning to a game that your friends thought was great on the PS2, but it was released in 2016 and on modern consoles.

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1 / 10.0
Mar 14, 2016

Alekhiene's Gun is riddled with bugs, glitches, and graphical imperfections. It's unpleasant to play, or even look at, and quite frankly it's not worth the disc it is being sold on.

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