The Walking Dead: Season Two - A Telltale Games Series Reviews
The Walking Dead's and Telltale's goodbye succeeds by closely examining the mother/son dynamic between Clementine and A.J.
Ambivalence aside, this is definitely an engaging and challenging story worth imbibing.
A good adventure in the Telltale Games fashion but its formula is beginning to get too old. A nice start for the season, but far from being perfect.
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Telltale Games kicks off Season 2 of its hit "Walking Dead" game series with one of its most intense installments.
The Walking Dead: Season 2 is a triumph of interactive storytelling, from beginning to end.
The Walking Dead Season 2's gripping tale of growing up in a hostile environment might not be the instant classic that Season 1 was, but it still belongs in the library of any adventure game fan.
If you're already hooked on Telltale's post-apocalyptic plot, then this sophomore series is most definitely a must play – even if it never quite hits the highs of the inaugural escapade.
A bit more polish in some areas for the PS4 would have really helped sell this version, but for those of us who don't have a last-gen console anymore it's great to see the series arriving on the new platforms. Keep 'em coming Telltale. In the meantime, I'll stay hungry.
[P]laying through all of The Walking Dead at once makes it clear that, perhaps for the sake of the various properties in this franchise, there's no real beginning or end to this saga; it's just one infinitely echoing middle.
The endings for Season Two collectively did the worst thing an ending can do for a video game franchise: They made me unsure that I cared about season three. [WARNING: Spoilers in this review]
Telltale Games demonstrate the illusion of choice. The focus is always on whether the choices you make have any significant impact or are they just magical distractions. It doesn't really matter. What has been proven with The Walking Dead: Season Two is that Telltale tell great tales. They write fabulous characters. In amongst all of this they have throwaway sequences, disappointments and ridiculous individuals. They define the start and end-points and we get to walk a random path between them. That path we draw is our own and comparing to someone else's shows that impact of choices is irrelevant, but the decision itself is key. If we had to we'd encourage each and every one of you to play Telltale games as a season; to experience more of what Telltale have provided and avoid the chance to spend weeks and months poring over everything and persuading yourself something was wrong when really it was very right. But ultimately whichever you choose you'll get a piece of narrative as strong as anything and it'll be a ball along the way.
This is a masterpiece, raising the bar higher than ever, and is truly rewarding for those who have completed the original and kept their save files. The question was asked, and Telltale answered. If it continues in this way, then Season Three could very well break a man emotionally.
A slight stumble here and the The Wolf Among Us has beaten the Walking Dead Season 2 at its own game. Traditional gameplay is stripped down to the bare minimum in favour of choices. Some of these are fantastic in their unforgiving nature and the journey you'll take Clem on is full of drama and heart-break. The new cast are a miserable bunch of bickering bores though that will make you pine for the fallen friends of Season 1.
Bear in mind that this is more than just another interactive storyline with zombies in it. There are so many different layers to the experience. Weaving your own thread around the main story arch and deciding which characters to support and which to shun makes you feel better than watching top-notch TV shows like Breaking Bad or True Detective. It's almost like you're writing the story yourself and you're right in the middle of it, making all the decisions. It's a sensation few games can match.
When all is said and done, The Walking Dead: Season 2 is a disappointment. This comes as a shock, especially after the stellar review Gamers Heroes gave the original title. The TLC and heart of the original has been infected, leaving something that is akin to a shell of itself. It's not a terrible effort, far from it. It simply does not reach the heights of its predecessor.