Stardew Valley Reviews
Harvest Moon fans and folks who live under rocks alike will find themselves in love with this new indie farming sim.
Stardew Valley's art style is vibrant and reminiscent of the SNES days, but it perfectly fits the overall aesthetic and feel of the game
Stardew Valley is an extremely charming, polished, and nuanced game that is a breath of fresh air in the management game genre and the entire games industry as a whole. I don't think I've had so much stress-free fun in a game for years, and would highly recommend it to anyone.
I can't recommend Stardew Valley enough, it's quite possibly one of the best entries for the genre in a long time, a staggering accomplishment by one developer, even when it doesn't necessarily do anything really new compared to its predecessors – and that's fine. It's an amazing game.
Come and join the mission to rejuvenate the marvellous place that is Stardew Valley; it’ll be the best farming experience you’ve ever had!
Stardew Valley is a very successful clone of the brilliant Harvest Moon: Back to Nature and even more.
Review in Polish | Read full review
Stardew Valley is a fantastic title that every Harvest Moon fan should play. In nothing better in this genre currently you will not find, the game delights on every front. Take and play!
Review in Polish | Read full review
The portability of the Nintendo Switch makes this undoubtedly the best way to play Stardew Valley. Unless you are really keen on modding the game, the combination of easy portability and excellent controls makes this a staple in any well-rounded Switch library. It's still the same great farm simulator it was on PC - robust, full of secrets, and comes with an inescapable charm that will keep pulling you back in, season after season.
Stardew Valley is a one-of-a-kind game. In appearance it is a pixelated Harvest Moon, but when you scratch a bit you discover an alternate reality that you don't want to leave.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Stardew Valley on Nintendo Switch is a great way to play the farming game, but it misses some obvious opportunities.
I've played over 30 hours of the game, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. More crops are always available to grow, more upgrades are ripe for boosting my farm, and more minerals are mine to mine. It's a game I can see myself coming back to time and time again for years, and that'll be easy to do with the portable nature of the Switch. It's a masterpiece, and a perfect game for Nintendo's newest console.
Don't start this game if you value relationships, your job, your social life, and having free time. Stardew Valley will take all of that away from you, but it's okay because it's a great game!
Stardew Valley brings new life into what has otherwise been an extremely stagnant genre. While the Story of Seasons series has tried shifting its formula from time to time, none of the recent releases have made great strides in making the experience feel meaningful, especially in regard to character development. While Stardew Valley does keep the daily grind of farm simulation going, it intersperses the mundane with real storytelling moments and endearing characters that will keep you coming back for more.
'Stardew Valley' takes its inspirations and runs away with them into not just an amazing game, but undoubtedly one of the best of the year. There is no shortage of engrossing gameplay, and it has an adorable personality. The Xbox One version has been ported over with very few issues and I see myself emerging only grudgingly from my farm work over the holiday season.
Stardew Valley is an awesome experience. What it lacks in scale and scope, it makes up for with heart and variety. I spent dozens of hours being immersed in Stardew Valley and I think you will too.
Harvest Moon is not that game, and its bells and whistles are traditionally much more limited, structured, and harder circled on the calendar. Despite all odds, it seems Stardew Valley is a different game than the one it mimics. And a pretty fun, different game at that.
Stardew Valley has it all: farming, crafting, cooking, mining, combat, exploration, quest fulfilment, collecting, friendship, mysteries, and so much more. It’s a game that keeps on giving, and with concerts, a board game, and a cookbook, it offers an all-encompassing experience. The different farm layouts and the ability to have different community centre bundles mean there is a lot of re-playability. Yes, you still have to grow crops and raise animals, but where to locate the fields and buildings? Which order do you complete quests in? There are so many variables. Although Stardew Valley v1.6 has a few frame rate issues, the extra content is a delight to find and I have truly been inspired with revisiting the valley.
The game pretty much builds on the fact that at the beginning you start with a tiny farm, on which you have only a few beds and you grow little until you get to a proper farm and also better equipment. This will take some time, but it will definitely be worth it. Most importantly, Stardew Valley offers incredible freedom and liberty - every day is up to you, and it's entirely up to you what activity you choose to do. You can choose to spend all day in the mine or in your garden, or just goofing around with the other NPCs in town and hanging out on the map. All of this makes Stardew Valley a game that kept me incredibly hooked and entertained for a few dozen hours, and if you get a friend to join you, trust me, the game will take another level up and be a lot more fun.
Review in Czech | Read full review
Even after a number of Stardew Valley years, the possibilities continue to feel fresh. No season is the same and you always have a new goal to achieve. And if you feel that you can say goodbye to your crops after fifty years, then it is definitely worth starting over as a winegrower with a different starting location. Because Stardew Valley is not boring!
Review in Dutch | Read full review
Stardew Valley is a rare experience that has a complex and effective reward system that keeps you saying to yourself “just one more day”. You can easily find yourself losing hours and hours that feel like minutes. You may develop an overwhelming urge to create spreadsheets and fill notebooks with observations, recipes, product values, and villagers’ favorite gifts. And it very well may be just what you didn’t know you needed.