Sniper Elite III Reviews

Sniper Elite III is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Jun 26, 2014

This, finally, feels like a game which knows how to play to its strengths and minimise its weaknesses. Anyone who enjoys a good tactical shooter, especially those with an affinity for the long-range kill, would do well to check it out.

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7 / 10
Jul 16, 2014

It's a shame that some pieces aren't as well designed or constructed, but with a limited market aimed for sniper players, there's really no way of putting it other than Sniper Elite III is the smartest and best sniper game money can buy. Now it just needs to step up to the plate and become more.

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Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Jul 8, 2014

Sniper Elite III's gory killcams and open-ended arenas succeed at making the act of sniping more involved and rewarding than you'll find in most other shooters, but it struggles to flesh out a complete game experience around that one mechanic.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Jul 10, 2014

Without a strong setting, characters, or story to hold it all together, Sniper Elite 3 lives and dies on its gameplay mechanics.

7.3 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2014

It's a great accomplishment for Rebellion to have made another successful Sniper Elite game, but the occasional jarring bug and a weak story hold Sniper Elite 3 back from being a truly great sniping experience.

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6 / 10.0
Aug 14, 2014

It comes across as a budget title - both graphically and thanks to the bugs that make it feel unfinished. This used to be acceptable - it was, after all, the epitome of a guilty pleasure, some gory ridiculousness to pass the time. Now it feels overstretched and too reliant on that gimmick, diluting the core sniper experience. In the shadow of Wolfenstein: The New Order, even shooting a digital Hitler (and, yes, even the legend that is Charlie Brooker) feels underwhelming. A greater focus on ballistics, not ballsacks, would serve Rebellion well.

Top Critic
6.2 / 10.0
Jul 5, 2014

[I]t's the KFC's popcorn chicken of videogames, literal trash you cannot stop cramming in your face.

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Death Metal Hero
Top Critic
Jul 10, 2014

Aside from the bugs Sniper Elite 3 is a good game, the survival mode is really fun too. If the game seems too easy for you, you can always crank up the difficulty. I played on Marksman (Normal) and plowed through the game with very little issues. If you want an epic story, and ground breaking game play then you might want to stay clear of Sniper Elite 3. Just make sure you buy this game for next-gen consoles.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 3, 2014

It's not a perfect game, and there are a couple of small issues. But they really are small. I had two CTDs, and a few instances of Sniper Elite 3 freezing up for about fifteen seconds during the bullet cam. Once, I seemed to be unable to relocate, with the attention marker stuck on my player, despite the fact that I fled into a series of empty underground tunnels. The game relies perhaps a little too heavily on the 'OMG' tactic of dropping a tank into a level as a mandatory boss fight. But for everything that Rebellion has got right here, these are minor flaws. Sniper Elite III is so enjoyable because it's a stealth game done right.

7 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2014

Sniper Elite 3 is a relatively fun niche shooter experience that improves some of the faults seen in its predecessors, particularly in regards to mission design and the open nature of levels. It's still weighed down by bugs, erratic AI, and a shoddy story, but it will certainly entertain fans of the franchise and those looking for a thinking man's shooter experience.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2014

Sniper Elite III is a step in the right direction. We've still got a ways to go but the improvements here are obvious and appreciated, and greatly enhances the fun factor and general quality. It's on next-gen consoles and although it doesn't feel "next-gen," there's no doubt that Rebellion took advantage of the extra power.

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Digitally Downloaded
Nick H.
Top Critic
Jul 9, 2014

If you happened to play Sniper Elite V2, you already have a good idea of how Sniper Elite III plays - but this latest iteration does everything a bit better. With less than a dozen maps, relatively lacklustre story and questionable enemy AI, Sniper Elite III is a flawed but enjoyable game nonetheless.

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5 / 10
Jul 8, 2014

All-in-all, it's decent enough to pick up and play through a mission when you have a little bit of spare time, but not really something worth making the time for.

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Gareth Fidler
Top Critic
8 / 10
Nov 17, 2014

The Sniper Elite series is steadfastly ploughing its own furrow in a marketplace primarily dominated by the likes of Battlefield and Call of Duty. While it's unlikely to match either of those titans in terms of sales, it does offer an experience different enough for regular shooter fans to justify a purchase. As a PR exercise for anybody who has regularly played online shooters and may still have unresolved anger issues directed at snipers, Rebellion has made a strong statement with Sniper Elite III and as a form a therapy it proves to be both beneficial and effective.

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70 / 100
Jul 6, 2014

Sniper Elite 3 puts in a respectable effort to improve on its predecessors, with bigger levels and more gameplay variety, but is ultimately let down by bugs and a lack of polish.

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Jul 6, 2014

A surprisingly active take on the sniper genre means you can't camp in one spot for long, but that turns out to be a good thing as you're forced to rethink your positions throughout a stage. Some dodgy mechanics for the close range weapons and online issues should have been fixed before launch, but the MP is being patched. Worth a shot for any sniping fans out there.

7.1 / 10.0
Jul 9, 2014

Sniper Elite 3 is an enjoyable time killer, but feels like a rushed game built around a single feature and as such falls woefully short off it's mark.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2014

The game is a solid experience for anyone who has enjoyed the series up to now. If you've never tried it then this is the one to jump into. If you've never liked it, this won't convince you. It's more of the same but it's polished and unapologetically good fun.

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Jul 11, 2014

A huge improvement over the fun but flawed 'Sniper Elite' and 'Sniper Elite V2,' 'Sniper Elite III' is a welcome breath of fresh-air in the series and the WWII game genre. The trip to North Africa gives players environments unfamiliar and exciting, while the open-world approach to missions makes sure there's not just one right way to get things done. There's still a good deal of improvement left possible for the series, but the replay value of this outing, including the understated multiplayer system makes this a game worth checking out.

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Top Critic
5.5 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2014

Sniper Elite 3 isn't a game I can really recommend unless you are a big fan of stealth/sniper gameplay. The campaign is one of the biggest problems I have with the game due to the overall dullness of the whole campaign like the repetitive missions and boring story. The overall gameplay of Sniper Elite 3 isn't that bad and there can be some good moments in the game, but overall I would either give this game a miss or wait until a price drop.

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