Zero Time Dilemma Reviews

Zero Time Dilemma is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Sep 1, 2017

Generally speaking, Zero Time Dilemma is a great game and a must-play for those that escaped 999 and VLR. Like many third acts in trilogies across all kinds of media, it's not as strong as the first or second act, but it's still solid and I recommend it.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2016

Zero Time Dilemma is an adventure full of disturbing and compelling twists and turns with gameplay make it interesting and inviting, even if you haven’t followed the series from the very beginning.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Oct 20, 2022

Obviously, I would highly suggest this game, but only if you have played the other games in the series. As a single game, and as a whole, this is a fantastic game series that I believe any fan of great puzzles and a good mystery story will enjoy. I highly suggest it and now, everyone can enjoy these games on Xbox.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 31, 2017

After completing Zero Time Dilemma all I want to do is go back through all three games with the knowledge I've gained through the series, and see how far back everything is foreshadowed and set up. This isn't just an impressive game in its own right, but a fantastic trilogy that should be experienced by anyone looking for a good sci-fi puzzle thriller.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2017

This closing chapter isn't perfect, and some low-quality textures can be distracting on PlayStation 4, but it does manage to put a bow on one of gaming's greatest stories.

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86 / 100
Jun 29, 2016
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma (PC Review): Mind Break video thumbnail
8.8 / 10.0
Jun 23, 2016

Difficult puzzles and a bold, non-linear story structure will challenge your mind, and difficult moral decisions will test your heart

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9 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2016

At the end of the day, this is an absolutely fantastic game that’s only bogged down by its animations. However, at the same time, this is a wonderful example of where the technical problem they couldn’t get down doesn’t harm the enjoyment of the whole. What does harm the game’s overall enjoyment is just how lost one might be if they didn’t go through the previous games. Even so, while this potentially ends the franchise with a weird bang, it’s a bang nonetheless.

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90 / 100
Aug 29, 2017

Zero Time Dilemma is an incredible game and a worthy conclusion for the Zero Escape series that finally arrives on the PlayStation 4. It's transition from the Vita to the PS4 was handled with a lot of care, being done in the best way possible.

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9 / 10
Aug 25, 2017

Chime has done it again with Zero Time Dilemma, giving us a game that is a must-have for fans of visual novels, and even more so for fans of the series.

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9 / 10
Jul 2, 2016

As the third entry in the series, Zero Time Dilemma takes a lot of inspiration from the past games while lacking anything innovative to move the series forward. It is arguably a great game but it often feels less polished compared to its predecessors and the presentations suffers as a result.

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Jun 29, 2016

Fans of Zero Escape, you're in the right timeline: the one where the series gets the spectacular ending it deserves. Violent, tense, and thought-provoking, this is a game that will keep you up for days while you finish it, than days more while you process what you just saw. If you haven't picked it up yet, you owe it to yourself to do so now.

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Mikhail M.
Top Critic
Jul 4, 2016

Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma is a game everyone absolutely must play. If you haven’t played the previous games in the series, drop everything and experience them. Even though the artistic direction is a misfire, ultimately you’re looking to a game like this for the narrative, and it absolutley delivers something intelligent and meaningful there.

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9 / 10
Jun 23, 2016

Once you do open up the puzzle routes, Zero Time Dilemma becomes a well-blended avalanche of slick cinematics and brain-teasing escapes for the next 20 hours

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9 / 10.0
Jul 4, 2016

Zero Time Dilemma is a satisfying conclusion to the Zero Escape series, but I feel it’s missing a final challenge room to test my wits.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jun 27, 2016

Thankfully, we do live in the brightest timeline – the one where this lovely gem of a game does exist.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 25, 2016

As the final chapter of the Zero Escape trilogy, Zero Time Dilemma is a dramatic journey through the strengths and weaknesses of the human spirit, one that longtime fans and newcomers can both enjoy and appreciate.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Aug 24, 2017

Zero Time Dilemma is a nice bow on top of the Zero Escape trilogy, and one that I think many will enjoy if they liked the previous games.

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90 / 100
Jun 23, 2016

Zero Time Dilemma takes some bold strides to tell the series’ final chapters, but even when it falters, it’s never slow to catch back up and deliver. Through well-designed escape rooms, brilliant writing and narrative decisions, and a more relatable cast than ever, Zero Time Dilemma puts the most deserving and exceptional final touches on this excellent trilogy.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2016

Zero Time Dilemma is a masterpiece of storytelling.

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