Dishonored 2 Reviews

Dishonored 2 is ranked in the 96th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2016

Dishonored 2 world is big and very detailed with multiple paths and ways to go about it. There are many secrets to discover and puzzles to solve. If you are a fan of the first then this is the perfect sequel you can get. A great game with the right amount of new techniques and ideas to provide new gamers and fans of the original with a great experience.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Dec 1, 2016

Don't get disappointed by a plot that is as far from ambitious, original, and engrossing as possible, because, as gameplay goes, few can hold a candle to Arkane Studios' Dishonored 2's level of replayability, non-linearity, and just plain fun. As for the gripes concerning the inexcusable framerate drops, follow this simple advice: wait a while, and then jump right in, because this isn't a title that's worth avoiding just because of its current technical issues.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2016

Dishonored 2 is a good game marred by too many issues, and adds up to far less than the sum of its parts.

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6 / 10
Nov 29, 2016

Dishonored 2, however unfortunately, feels like a dumbed-down version of its predecessor, when a lot more could have been done to utilise the new hardware and create a fantastic experience, building on that of its predecessor.

86 / 100
Nov 28, 2016

Dishonored 2 is bigger and better than its forbearer, with greater variety of level design and even more flexible gameplay. It is a shame the central narrative isn’t more engaging and that the sequel is haunted by technical deficiencies.

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Nov 15, 2016

Like before, 'Dishonored 2' isn't just a great story. It's actually the same story, but hasn't lost any luster in the retelling. It has some of the best stealth we've seen this generation, buffeted by empowering, extraordinary powers, peerless level design, and intriguing characters. Arkane did the same thing this time around, only better.

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Renan Fontes
Top Critic
7 / 10
Nov 14, 2016

There's so much effort put into the actual gameplay and level design that Arkane Studios' laziness with everything else makes the unrefined parts stand out all the more. It isn't enough to ruin the whole experience, but Dishonored 2 absolutely suffers from its horrible story, voice direction, sound mixing, general lagginess, and sloppy optimisation. A video game's first priority should be the gameplay, but its other facets shouldn't suffer as a result. The actual game design is incredibly creative and the replay value is through the roof, but everything else is lacking in just about every other regard. As it stands, Dishonored 2 is certainly playable and fun, but never lives up to all its potential.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2016

Dishonored 2 is an excellent sequel to an excellent game. It retains everything that was good about the first game and effectively doubles it with more characters, more abilities, and more levels. It retains some of the same flaws, including incredible ease, graphical issues, and a weak main narrative, but it more than makes up for it in other areas. It's hard to not be delighted with Dishonored 2, as it shows a developer at the very top of its game. Fans of the original and newcomers alike should find a lot to like here, regardless of whether they want to be a silent assassin or a lethal predator.

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9.5 / 10.0
Nov 12, 2016

Dishonored 2 is a prime example of how to do a sequel right. Everything that made its predecessor amazing is here, and it's better than ever before. If you liked the original, you're sure to love this one.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2016

Dishonored 2 is a fantastic entry to the series, and made me an even bigger fan of the extremely talented Arkane Studios who developed both games in this amazing series. If you were a fan of Dishonored, then you are going to be a big fan of Dishonored 2 as well.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2016

Dishonored 2 is one big bombshell of atmosphere. The game offers something for everyone, with the general rule that a solid gameplay experience is maintained. An interesting setting, combined with a compelling story, ensures that you won't get bored for a moment. The game offers the best of the first Dishonored, with enough tweaks to keep things fresh.

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90 / 100
Nov 13, 2016

Arkane already had a great game in his hands, and unlike many other firms, they didn't spoil it, they made it even more great. If you enjoyed the first game, I'm sure you're already plunding Dishonored 2.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2016

Dishonored 2 ist eine unglaublich gelungene Fortsetzung, die vor allem ihre Stärken im Gameplay und der umfangreichen Welt ausspielt. Leider geht durch den Einsatz von zwei spielbaren Charakteren die Story etwas unter und auch die Gegner KI lässt einen meistens von reinen Schleich-Einlagen, auf ein Massaker umschalten, aber ansonsten hat Arkane Studios hier alles richtig gemacht und liefert einen der wohl besten Stealth-Titeln der letzten Jahre.

Review in German | Read full review

Nov 24, 2016

Dishonored 2 is like meeting an old friend – you know who he is and what to expect from him. Basically, Dishonored 2 is the same as the first Dishonored, only bigger. It's bit of a shame that it wasn't a bit more ambitious, but whoever loved the first game will be equally excited about the sequel.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 16, 2016

Whilst it has taken me a little while, I am fully engrossed in Dishonored 2 and slowly becoming obsessed with keeping my chaos low and learning the clever tricks presented to me in order to beat the guards and targets I have been presented with.

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4 / 5.0
Apr 20, 2019

An interesting idea, but not a very good game. I enjoyed watching it for an hour but replaying it became very frustrating. Bandersnatch did a similar idea and doesn’t require a direct purchase price.

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Sep 10, 2017

Incredible freedom of choice for character talents as well as mission completion, you can butcher everyone in sight or you can complete the game without a single kill, you can pick from a host of magical abilities or you can go for the Flesh and Steel trophy by completing the game without a single magical ability, deliciously crafted steampunk locales, superbly fun trophy list, satisfying lethal kills, unique skills and locales.

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Oct 18, 2017
Dishonored 2 - Review video thumbnail
Dec 22, 2016

Dishonored 2 was a very enjoyable and challenging game with deeply engrossing story.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2016

Dishonored 2 is the best kind of sequel. It smartly builds on what its predecessor achieved without deviating from the core of what made it so beloved by fans and critics alike.

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