Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands Reviews

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2017

Ghost Recon Wildlands brings us to an immense open world set in Bolivia, where we can explore and make the operative proud of out Ghost Squad. Its cooperative for 4 players make it a very attractive game yet its technical section and its bugs make it not a totally satisfactory experience.

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80 / 100
Mar 7, 2017

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands is equal parts new approach to a storied franchise and familiar and well-trod open world systems. While it doesn’t break a great deal of new ground for the genre, when played with friends this cooperative open-world game can be an amazing amount of fun. Those moments are tempered by technical mishaps and inconsistencies that can be patched, but as a result, this launch ride is going to have some technical potholes that put a damper on an otherwise excellent experience.

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Mar 8, 2017

A solid but glitch-riddled open-world tactical shooter that falls agonisingly short of realising its full potential, Ghost Recon Wildlands is the very definition of a 'nearly' game. It's so very nearly brilliant, but there are a few too many problems with it that mar the overall experience. Shame.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 10, 2017

Ghost Recon Wildlands is not the best choice for people without a good team. The size of the map, multiplicity of activity, character development, and modification of armaments do not reward a great deal of clichéd gameplay and weak plot. A game created for fans of cooperation.

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7 / 10
Mar 7, 2017

There's nothing necessarily wrong with the tried and tested Ubisoft formula. However, it begins to feel more tired when the narrative potential falls short, the engagement and immersion I would have otherwise felt hindered by not taking the subject matter seriously enough. However, the slick gameplay, blending of stealth mechanics with a Far Cry like world, seamless co-operative play and well-fleshed-out solo experience prove Ubisoft's teams aren't resting on their laurels and are actively trying to build upon the formula.

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8.7 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2017

In sum, Ghost Recon Wildlands takes the series to the (vast) open world and largely succeeds. Like its predecessors, it's best played with friends in co-op, and while it sacrifices some realism, it adds a lot of new opportunities for fun and mayhem against the bad guys.

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4 / 10.0
Mar 8, 2017

This is a game that doesn’t seem to care at all about the very real horrors of modern Central and South American history—that presents a dire international problem as something that can be solved through the clean precision of four American badasses pulling off sync shots. Whether out of neglect, a lack of understanding or a deep callousness, it turns the suffering of the people who right now live under vicious cartels into a playground for a forgettable sandbox shooter. Its audience needs either a willful ignorance of—or a disturbing outlook on—the world around them to be able to play Wildlands without a deep sense of unease.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 6, 2017

Ghost Recon Wildlands had amazing potential but its unbalanced gameplay mechanics and unnecessarily huge open world stop it from topping its fantastic predecessors.

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8 / 10
Mar 6, 2017

Ubisoft's gamble on transitioning the tactical shooter Ghost Recon: Wildlands to an open world sandbox has been a nonstop enjoyable thrill ride.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 7, 2017

When things come together, there is enjoyment to be had in Ghost Recon: Wildlands. ... You shouldn't buy Wildlands right now.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 6, 2017

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands is a fun, tactical, engaging shooter with plenty of depth and good AI.

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6 / 10.0
Mar 29, 2017

Ghost Recon Wildlands utilises the tried and tested Ubisoft open-world formula, however the lacklustre story, bland characters and repetitive mission design means it never hits the heights it could have reached

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2017

In the end, Ghost Recon Wildlands suffers because it plays things a little too safe and fails to make proper use of the gorgeous fictional world of Bolivia in a way that offers more than solid stealth shooting, fun co-op, and small bursts of player-created fun.

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Top Critic
7.7 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2017

Vast, but very little peppered throughout. Wildlands is one that plays better with others.

4 / 5.0
Mar 19, 2017

Wildlands is a fun sandbox open-world shooter from Ubisoft Paris with a massive amount of content that is best experienced with other players in its seamless drop-in, drop-out four-player co-operative multiplayer mode.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Mar 14, 2017

Bugs and clunky controls can often stop an experience in its tracks. Fortunately, the beautiful world and strategic stealth of Ghost Recon Wildlands manages to overcome its hiccups usually and still deliver an adventure that is both fresh and familiar.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 14, 2017

As ambitious as it is, Ghost Recon: Wildlands fails to break free from the Ubisoft blueprint. However, that doesn't stop it from being an addictive, sprawling shooter, particularly when playing online

Mar 11, 2017

Ghost Recon: Wildlands is not a fantastic game. Some part of me is fascinated by Wildlands in the same way I was once fascinated by Crysis. Look at what we can do. Look at these amazing virtual worlds people create from thin air. It's just a shame so many of these worlds are about as meaningful as virtual bubble wrap.

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3.4 / 5.0
Mar 12, 2017

In the end, Ghost Recon: Wildlands does enough to make it an enjoyable experience all around, even with some of the pesky issues that may have slipped past the testing phases. There is a lot to do between story missions and enough stuff to explore and try out to keep your interest up and it is a nice change of pace in this type of game to not have everyone that is on the map as an enemy. Furthermore, it’s a welcome thing to have to worry about civilians in a firefight and not wanting to get any noncombatants injured or killed when the round are going up and down range. There are many hours to be had in Ghost Recon: Wildlands and lots of late nights with you gaming friends as you all take on the cartel… I just wish that the pop up to join a public co-op game would stop freaking pop up in the middle of your game.

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4.5 / 5.0
Mar 7, 2017

In the end, Ghost Recon: Wildlands should certainly be on your list of games to check out in 2017. It's quickly becoming my favorite first-person shooter of the year, thanks to its impressive landscape, captivating storyline and fully customizable characters.

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