Killzone: Shadow Fall Reviews

Killzone: Shadow Fall is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Nov 13, 2013

: Killzone: Shadow Fall is not going to win over the masses, especially those who never cared for the series to begin with. It is, however, a fine shooter with a fun story, and a multiplayer mode that fans can sink hours and hours into.

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8 / 10
Dec 4, 2013

Killzone: Shadow Fall will be best known for the visual showcase on day one of the PS4's launch, but looking past the graphics, the game boosts a very solid multiplayer experience and lengthy campaign. The campaign can be frustrating at times and the pacing is inconsistent, especially late in the game where it feels like you are defending a room against waves of incoming Helghast soldiers every 20 minutes.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2013

Killzone: Shadow Fall is not only a technical showcase for the PlayStation 4, but it also manages to provide a intriguing single player campaign backed up by a strong multiplayer component. However by playing it safe, Guerrilla Games have taken the franchise a few steps back.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2013

Most of the time Shadow Fall is confident about what kind of game it is, and it's when it leaves players to decide how they want to fight it shines.

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7.8 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2013

At the end of the day you will find a 7-10 hour campaign within Killzone Shadow Fall. The only reason to replay it will be for the visuals or the story, as Battlefield 4 will certainly cast a deeper/better shadow in terms of first-person shooter gameplay when you're trying to decide between Killzone or it. BF4 will also outshine the multiplayer aspect of Killzone Shadow Fall, which features huge levels, good modes/matches to play, but dreadfully slow gameplay that keep it from being the reason to purchase KZ over other FPS titles at launch. Having said that, it's Killzone and it will fight nicely with the other Killzone games on your shelf. It still brings some of the most intense campaign gameplay in comparison to other FPS titles at launch, and brings some unique elements (enemy A.I. and the OWL) to make it worth your time and money.

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Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Nov 26, 2013

The gunplay is uninspired and the multiplayer has been detrimentally cut down, but the presentation is truly something to behold for console gamers.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 19, 2013

By no means a bad game, Shadow Fall instead feels consumable, there to be experienced and then forgotten. Enjoyment is there in spades, although each moment of awe is fleeting with no lasting impact. Killzone has finally become part of the Sony legacy - not as a franchise of compelling depth, nor in delivering iconic gameplay. Instead its legacy will be one of visual fidelity - a legacy that Shadow Fall attempts to rise above but to which it seems eternally bound.

Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2013

While the gameplay was OK, there were just too many things in the campaign mode that bugged me. Multiplayer is much better, however, with a solid mission-based experience and smooth interaction.

Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2013

Killzone: Shadow Fall serves up decent sci-fi themed first-person-shooter action complete with teases of what the new console generation has in store for us. It's not particularly inspired, nor is it anything to write home about, but as something to make your early adoption feel justified, I think Killzone does the trick.

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4.5 / 5.0
Dec 31, 2013

Kill Zone Shadow Fall is a very enjoyable first person shooter on the PlayStation 4 that really showcases the power of this next-gen console with some fun gameplay tweaks. Graphically, it's one of the best games on this console at the moment and features a very strong single player and online experience. I love the inclusion of OWL into the gameplay, especially with the new DualShock 4 Controller. Sure, there are a few inconsistencies here and there which also includes some very difficult places in the game but overall, it's a must have game for first person shooter fans!

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Top Critic
8.2 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2013

As it is, it's still a sterling shooter that shows off the potential of the PS4's powerful hardware, and an easy recommendation for PS4 owners looking for their futuristic shooter fix.

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games™ Team
Top Critic
Nov 28, 2013

It all comes back to that poster hanging on the bedroom wall. Killzone: Shadow Fall is so full of influences, struggling to balance so many different ideas across the eight or so hours of single-player that it fails to settle cohesively. Even worse, nothing here feels particularly new. Killzone: Shadow Fall is an immensely enjoyable shooter but one busy distracting itself from being anything more.

3.7 / 5.0
Nov 15, 2013

Killzone: Shadow Fall is a solid launch title for the PS4. It delivers the next-gen experience without cramming it down your throat too much, which is a great change of pace from previous console generations. While it obviously presents what the PS4 is capable of, the developer was careful after the beginning of the game to make sure that the Killzone experience was delivered, no matter what platform it was delivered on. This is definitely a good thing. All-in-all, Killzone: Shadow Fall brings more good things to the table than bad, and a robust multiplayer component gives it a lot of playability past the campaign. This exclusive next-gen shooter is one of the reasons to own a PS4 at launch, and even though it's not perfect, shooter fans will no doubt enjoy Killzone: Shadow Fall for what it is–a good game.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Dec 28, 2013

I can't speak for veteran Killzone players, but as a series newcomer I expected more from Shadow Fall. The PlayStation 4 represents the new generation of gaming, but it seems Guerilla Games may have been stuck in the past with Shadow Fall. There just aren't enough "next-gen" moments worthy of being the poster child for the PS4.

6 / 10
Dec 16, 2013

If you're looking for a single player shooter, then this isn't the one to get, but if you're looking for a solid multiplayer, in which you can have some serious fun shooting dudes with an arsenal of weaponry, then Killzone: Shadow Fall might be a justified purchase at £50 in this rather limited and safe launch line-up for the PlayStation 4.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2013

Although this review has felt rather negative towards the campaign, there's a lot to like there, too — for the first half at least. And once you're done with that you can always jump into the always brilliant online arena. As far as launch games for new consoles go, Killzone: Shadow Fall isn't bad by any means. Just don't expect anything revolutionary outside of dust particles in shafts of light and you'll be fine.

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Delta Squad Reaper
Top Critic
Mar 2, 2014

This game is beautiful as it is enriching with a great story, even if it has the few cons I felt it had, it is still a must buy.

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Nov 25, 2013

And so in the absence of any new ideas, Killzone: Shadow Fall exists as worshipful paean to the technical power of the PlayStation 4, not as a game to actually play and enjoy.

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Game Debate
Joffy S
Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Dec 21, 2013

The multiplayer's fairly addictive in its own right but it's up against some true big-hitters at launch that unfortunately look like they are not just hogging the limelight but the player count as well. Still, for what it is it's an enjoyable enough experience that should help you get a bit more life out of this package, which is more than can be said for some of the single-player campaign.

Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Jan 8, 2014

Single-player and multiplayer combined, this is a good package, and certainly one of the highlights of the PS4 launch titles. Unfortunately, it's also a highly typical launch game, in that it does little to actually provide a truly next-gen experience.

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