Owlboy Reviews

Owlboy is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9.5 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2016

Although the game has been under construction for nine years, the quality of the final product shows that the creators have spent all their effort and obsession to create a memorable game during this time, and the result is a work whose impact remains in the gamer's mind for a long time.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2016

In the end, I have to say that this work took me with me, and with its experience, I went to a world that I had been away from for years. A world whose memories were so sweet that now, whatever the case, I intend to find those works again and stay for a while in the same era!

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آیت سلطانی
Top Critic
8 / 10
Feb 10, 2017

In development for nearly a decade, Owlboy has somehow managed to get every single thing right. From amazing storytelling to great characters, detailed pixel-art visuals to fluent gameplay, everything in this game is just the way it should be. Easily one of the best 2D platformers ever.

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8.4 / 10.0
Apr 10, 2018

‎Owlboy is one of those games that draw a smile on the player's face. Noe is very complex at the level of mechanics, but he knows how to touch the fiber and will amuse us from start to finish.‎

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10 / 10.0
Jun 20, 2018

Owlboy is a solid title that's filled with a vast, beautiful world and characters you'll come to love. Make no mistake, this game is worth your time.

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Gamers Heroes
JJ David
Top Critic
9 / 10
Nov 7, 2016

Games created with this level of attention to detail are hard to find. Throughout the past decade we can each pinpoint various favorite titles that truly touched our hearts and minds, but Owlboy stands at the top or near it. This is the kind of game that transcends time as its art, gameplay, story and music truly should be heralded as a shining example for developers to aspire towards. Whether this is something that can be duplicated remains to be seen as this title is a true labor of love and passion. Every frame in the shows the deep level of love that is only possible by withholding a game until perfection. I’ve only played a handful of games that could be considered perfect in my time and this stands among them. Congratulations go to the developers for creating a masterpiece.

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80 / 100
Apr 26, 2018

Despite an unsatisfying final act, Owlboy is an enchanting and dazzling adventure. The heartfelt tale will tug at your heartstrings, while the solid gameplay will make you want to see Otus' journey to its conclusion.

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85 / 100
Apr 9, 2018

The core of Owlboy's adventure is solving puzzles, interspersed with boss fights and occasional breaks to watch the story progression. It is a very competent game as long as the player does not mind a closed and ephemeral experience. It is, above all, a visual delight, made with a formidable pixel art that distinguishes it from the others in the industry.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Feb 21, 2018

Owlboy is impressive if anything for its amazing visuals and animation. The gameplay gets by thanks to it being competent enough, but won't really inspire anyone. This is a pretty straightforward 2D action-adventure game that does a bit more heart than the average. Do not expect much replay value since it seems the developers poured their heart and soul into the main story and could not spare much more to have side content or any diversions to mix up the action. Also, do not go in expecting a metroidvania, because it is not.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 19, 2018

Owlboy is not perfect, but it is a memorable journey with a lot of beauty in its world and floating islands.

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8 / 10
Feb 13, 2018

9 years in development and expectations were high when Owlboy came out; and it didn't disappoint. While gameplay is very classic and simple and story doesn't have lots to say, visuals and music are where the game really shines. Easily one of the best platformers of the year, if not ever.

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9 / 10
Feb 17, 2018

Owlboy is brilliantly paced from the start to the end with a well-developed cast of characters. It is one of the most impressive metroidvania game from an indie developer this generation.

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8 / 10
Feb 14, 2018

Owlboy succeeded in garnering elements from beloved classic games while adding its own touch. At the same time the game's cast of characters and its gorgeous art style made it unique.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 12, 2018

Fortunately on top of that, the gameplay is also sound, delivering a nice puzzle platforming experience with a wealth of variety and distinctive elements. That being said, the Switch version is rough around the edges right now. It's still possible to play through and enjoy, but it might be worth holding out for the patch (or even the physical version in May).

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8.3 / 10.0
Jan 20, 2017

Take a break, relax with Toby at the hot springs; camp out with the party and chat, then wake up to a rising sun and lively tunes; or cross paths with a fancy fish in the strangest place. It is a title to enjoy and blow off some steam, so forget about hardcore challenges if you want to give this tale a go.

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8 / 10
Nov 9, 2016

Barring the occasional frustration, D-Pad Studio have created a wonderful and satisfying tale filled with superb characters and marvellous presentation.

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84 / 100
Oct 27, 2016

Owlboy is a masterful tale of transcending disability

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2018

Owlboy is one of the most unique 2D indie games that I've ever played.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 10, 2018

Owlboy is amazing thanks to it's fantastic set of characters and an incredible world to explore. The game has beautiful pixel art and great dialogue that will make you laugh out loud. The only downside is that the game crashes for no reason sometimes.

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5 / 5.0
Mar 12, 2018

Owlboy is stellar game that well-deserves a spot on your console. The vibrant, detailed world, interesting characters, interactive gameplay, and soundtrack makes Owlboy not just one of the best indie games but one of the best platformers.

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