Ace Banana Reviews

Ace Banana is ranked in the 3rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Oct 19, 2016

Ace Banana is a fun VR game that is best played in short bursts. The motion tracking drift outside of the archery sections are hard to ignore, especially when this issue hasn’t cropped up in other VR games I’ve played using the same set-up, but the archery itself is accurate. While it’s more immersive with Move, I would recommend playing with the DS4 if you wish to progress through stages quicker, and also want to avoid any potential shoulder ache. Ace Banana is a pretty good games that can showcase just how fun VR can be for a wider audience.

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1.5 / 5.0
Oct 23, 2016

Ace Banana shows promise with its bright graphics and skillful ability to pair Move controllers with fast-paced, precise gameplay.

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5 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2016

While Ace Banana puts an amusing foot forward at first, it is hard to remain supportive of the end product. When bugs derail an experience so dramatically, it is extremely unfortunate. As much fun as the title looks to be, I cannot in good conscience recommend a game that has this many genuine issues. Hopefully this is something that can be resolved in a later patch, but as of right now, it would be best to leave this jungle unexplored.

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Justin Celani
Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Oct 24, 2016

I felt there was very little content here to keep me coming back, other than the novel feeling of the bow and arrow, which is absolutely amazing in fact. Aside from this and maybe the visual style, I don’t see a huge reason I’d return to it, especially if other games adopt this bow and arrow feel. Yet at the same time, I can’t complain, it’s a simply game with colorful graphics and is appropriate for players of all ages. Just don’t expect it to kill hours of time.

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71 / 100
Oct 23, 2016

Ace Banana is a very easy game to pickup and play making it perfect for all ages.

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Oct 21, 2016

The result of Ace Banana’s somewhat narrow design spec and the control issues that it presents mean that it isn’t really something that can be recommended. It isn’t a total trainwreck and might be a fun diversion for younger players for a while, but there’s a chance that even they will ultimately come away frustrated.

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3.5 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2016

If motion controls worked I could mildly recommend Ace Banana for those who want their archery fix or just enjoy a decent arcade game. It is moderately priced for a VR game and for the brief moments it works properly it is immersive. With no way to guarantee you won’t have motion control issues (looking online I am hardly alone in my complaints here) I can only recommend Ace Banana if you desperately need a fix of mediocre motion controlled VR.

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6 / 10
Nov 1, 2016

Developer TVR (Time of Virtual Reality) and publisher Oasis Game are already planning for the future with Ace Banana. Currently, the game only has a single-player mode, but a two-player online cooperative mode will be coming to the game in the coming months. As it stands today, Ace Banana is an entertaining arcade gallery shooting game for the PlayStation VR. The bright, colorful visuals work well with the artistic approach and characterized monkeys.

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2 / 10.0
Oct 21, 2016

Ace Banana demonstrates that virtual reality experiences can be as creatively bankrupt and technically destitute as the most cynically conceived mobile games. It's an untended facsimile of wave-based survival that specializes in unreliable control, dubious assembly, and the induction of nausea. If critics are concerned that virtual reality may be a fleeting gimmick then Ace Banana is their core example.

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1 / 10
Oct 20, 2016

It’s somewhat cathartic to discover the single worst launch game in a new hardware’s lineup, but simply calling Ace Banana a rotten fruit that spoils the batch does not do its awfulness justice: this is, simply put, VR poison, the kind of low-budget and poorly optimized trash that would put newcomers completely off VR gaming just as it has began its console infancy.

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Oct 27, 2016

The game is simply too limited, too clunky, too ugly, and too underdeveloped for its own good. Especially when Blast ‘em Bunnies does the same thing, only much better. The extra VR effect in Ace Banana just isn’t worth the trade-off in every other way.

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Top Critic
4 / 10
Dec 14, 2016

If you’re dying to have a shooting gallery type game for PSVR, there are better options. There are more fleshed-out titles, for equal or less cash, than Ace Banana.

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6.5 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2016

If you're looking for a fun, colorful family shooter than Ace Banana will be for you. The shooting feels good even though the Move controllers can sometimes not work right. Thanks to the varied enemies the game doesn't get boring although I do think the price is high for the amount of content that you get. If you can get past that and a couple other faults however than by all means become a banana archer and shoot some monkeys.

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Oct 22, 2016

'Ace Banana' isn't a particularly fun game when it works, which makes all of the issues I ran into even more damning. There is room for a good archery game on PlayStation VR, but this isn't it. Its wave-based gameplay only serves to mask its lack of content, and even a charming aesthetic can't redeem this poorly designed game.

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7.3 / 10.0
Oct 30, 2016

Ace Banana is a fun, colorful archery game with frantic action and a ton of power-ups and enemies to keep things fresh. With the art style of a Saturday morning cartoon, things maintain a sense of whimsy amidst the chaos. The action feels great when everything's working, but the loss of controller tracking can make a round infuriating in a hurry. If you want to expand your PSVR launch library with a game you're sure to get enjoyment out of, Ace Banana is worth a look for you though.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 19, 2016

All in all, Ace Banana is a silly little game that provides a slice of first-person-shooter fun that’s sorely missing from the PSVR’s launch lineup, and it’s family friendly, too. It’s not going to be your go-to game to show off your headset to friends and family, but it should keep you entertained far longer than it has any right to. Sharp visuals, cheery music and sound effects plus reliable VR tracking makes this one a solid game. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my bananas need saving.

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