Full Throttle: Remastered Reviews

Full Throttle: Remastered is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
May 3, 2017

Perfectly executed upgrades to both the audio and art bring Full Throttle brilliantly into the 21st century.

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80 / 100
May 4, 2017

Good remaster of a classic, that dramatically increases the degree of detail without damaging the style. Unpretentious in terms of gameplay.

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8 / 10.0
May 4, 2017

Full Throttle is as great as it ever was, with a charming story and interesting puzzles. The remaster does little to add to this, but it's still very much worth your time.

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Top Critic
Feb 23, 2018

Worth playing, but you'll want a walkthrough.

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Apr 27, 2017

When Full Throttle works, it's a delight—a well-paced, funny story with only a few cringeworthy moments (the final scene between Ben and Maureen being possibly the corniest of them all) and a brief, but satisfying run-time. As far as strict remasters go, you can't do much better than Full Throttle: Remastered.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2017

Wonderful remaster of the old classic. Get on the bike and feel the road in Ben's adventure – it's absolutely worth your time.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 11, 2017

If I do a top games of 2017 list at the end of the year, I can already tell you that Full Throttle Remastered will be on it. This is point and click adventure gaming done right during the best and brightest days of the genre. Double Fine has done a superb job remastering and re-releasing it; don't miss it.

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Apr 20, 2017

In all, Full Throttle Remastered is a great package.

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5.5 / 10.0
Apr 18, 2017

Full Throttle hasn't aged particularly well, and it's made more unenjoyable by a remaster that actively sucks the life out of the game's personality.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2017

Sometimes a puzzle in Full Throttle Remastered is really clever, deserving a smile of accomplishment occasionally. But some puzzles end up with you just clicking around until you figure it out

8 / 10.0
Apr 20, 2017

All in all Full Throttle is an enjoyable, yet short experience. I beat the game in approximately 5 hours. If you are a fan of point and click adventure games, then you owe it to yourself to play Full Throttle. It’s one of the classics of the genre, and the new remastered version is the best way to experience it.

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Apr 18, 2017

Full Throttle is a relic of the time when games first really crossed the 2D/3D tech boundary, when designers devised a new set of rules for making games—with mixed results.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
May 4, 2017

The plot is not as epic as some other LucasArts adventure games, but it really doesn't need it. At the end of the day, it's a story about a guy who is on the run and wouldn't give up his wheels... Somewhere there is an heir to a major company, too. Full Throttle Remastered gets the highest compliment an adventure game from 1995 could get: it did not need to be remastered. It is a pretty short game, which wraps itself up at breakneck speeds at the climax, but it is definitely a ride worth taking at least once. Best to play it in the classic mode and take in the atmosphere from a bygone era. Some parts are a bit of a pain, but it is all worth it for the ending.

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May 1, 2017

Full Throttle Remastered is an excellent new take on a beloved classic game that you have to play on PS4. It's one of the best games in the adventure genre, and its revamped look and remastered audio make it the definitive version. There are areas where the game hasn't aged well, but this is not a deal-breaker. If you like adventure titles and haven't played Full Throttle, you have to try it today. And even if you've already played it, the new look and other improvements will make it feel like a new game.

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9 / 10
May 10, 2017

Full Throttle Remastered is a must-have on PlayStation 4. As a huge fan of point and click adventure games, and after enjoying Grim Fandango Remastered and Day of the Tentacle Remastered, I had been looking forward to playing this one on Sony's home console. The game still holds up nicely even after all these years, so kudos to Tim Schafer and the team for doing things right the first time. The audio has been reworked considerably and this, along with the revamped graphics and the 16:9 presentation gives us the best and definitive version of the game. If you're a fan of adventure games, you have to give this one a go. And if you're a fan of the original release, then you're definitely going to love this new take.

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78 / 100
Apr 19, 2017

Not every classic resists through time, especially in videogames. Full Throttle Remaster is a mix between the well preserved with the old atmosphere. While in terms of story, characters and charisma the game itself hasn't aged a single day, its gameplay and visuals often go in the opposite direction, using old 3D effects (including the remastered ones) and mechanics that sometimes don't match the adventure style and become frustrating and badly done. Despite that, Double Fine's restoration is exquisite and brings new life to a 20-year-old game, giving the proper care to sound, models and scenarios, adapting the charisma of the original game to this new generation. The Portuguese subtitles are present, and the jokes were well adapted to the language. It is definitely a remaster made for the fans of the adventure genre and of the creative Tim Schaffer, but it might not be the best starting point for first-time players.Despite this, Double Fine's restoration is exquisite and brings life to a game of over 20 years old, with all the sound, 2D models and scenarios receiving due care by the team, bringing all the charm of the material for a new generation. Definitely a remaster made for adventure fans and the works of creative director Tim Schaffer, but may not be the best starting point for first-time players.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 19, 2017

Out of Grim Fandango, Day of the Tentacle, and Full Throttle I think Full Throttle Remastered is my favorite of these classic LucasArts games. Everything here is so good even all these years later whether it be the story, characters, soundtrack or setting. Even in 2017 I think it is one of the best point and click adventure games you can possibly play. Fans of this genre would be doing themselves a disservice if they don't go on this motorcycle ride with Ben.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Jul 16, 2017

There is obviously an enormously high bar for the LucasArts adventure game catalogue, and Full Throttled Remastered doesn't quite hit that standard.

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8.5 / 10.0
May 13, 2017

Full Throttle Remastered is more than a usual remaster and it is more like a complete remake. The original game had some gameplay issues which they are still present in the remastered version of the game. The action sequences of the game are still suffer from bad gameplay but overall, this Full Throttle Remastered is a great adventure game and a fantastic remaster.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
May 20, 2017

As a game, this is, for the most part, your standard '90s LucasArts adventure: humour, great visuals, wacky solutions to puzzles, and all. It was never a golden classic, but it certainly deserves its place in history, albeit only for the most devoted of genre fans, since it is way too short and easy. As for the remaster at hand, it retains Double Fine's love for its past creations. Long story short: check it out.

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