Far Cry 5 Reviews
I know it's redundant for me to say - and I'm directly quoting Jon's Far Cry 4 review here - "That growing Ubisoft problem of over-familiarity rears its ugly head once again". If you've had long enough since FC4 or Primal to hunger for more, or you just really hate religious cults, there are many hours of mindless, gun-nut paradise to enjoy here. But it has to be said that if you've played one, you've kinda played them all.
Montana features some of the most beautiful country in all of America, and Ubisoft has done an amazing job of capturing its rural glory. And the freedom to get credit for just f***** around in this gorgeous world, doing whatever feels most fun, is legitimately intoxicating.
These issues notwithstanding, Far Cry 5 is a welcome entry in a series that's been consistently entertaining over the years. The campaign is filled with memorable characters, robust progression, and action galore that all combine to make it a treat to play.
Far Cry 5 is an extremely fun game with an extremely pointless story. As I enjoyed 30 hours of my play time wondering in the beautiful world of the game, I also chased a goal which at the end it didn't even matter.
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In short, Far Cry 5 is a fantastic addition to the series, bringing an exciting campaign with a unique villain to drive the player forward.
Far Cry 5 is not the game that it pretends to be. Far Cry 5 is also not the game that most reviewers thought it would be. Ubisoft has crafted a brilliant open-world shooter, but the company has also presented a subversive take on the hero's journey that is both engaging and disturbing. Most importantly, it's a game that makes you think, which is something you don't often see.
There might not be much about Far Cry 5 that is terribly new or innovative, but ultimately it is a vast improvement over its predecessor in nearly every way.
Far Cry 5 is a huge game with plenty to do and a natural sense of progression. The main story is all over the place and requires plenty suspension of disbelief but it still ends up being enough to drive the narrative and it'll keep you coming back until you've completed all it has to offer.
Far Cry 5 established itself as one of the best in the series, The game features some gorgeous scenery, an engaging story and the overall story is great fun and the theme is very realistic. The game mixes up the missions so it doesn't get repetitive halfway through the game. Far Cry 5 is a great entry to the series for newbies and veterans alike.
Far Cy 5 is the best Entry in far cry series beside far cry 3. it Provides a lot of high quality variable content to the players. narrative and characters are great in far cry 5 and encourage player to keep pace with the story. also far cry arcade and co-op play are so interesting and fun and Ubisoft has done his job well in far cry 5.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Far Cry 5, while having some issues, such as the janky AI and a rather far-fetched plot, more than makes up for these things with some compelling and truly innovative approaches from Ubisoft. There is a real sense that it put a lot of love back into a series that over the last spin-off and fully-fledged entry was possibly becoming mundane. The world set in the USA presents a real contrast to the tropical paradise settings of all the previous entries. Additionally, the organic approach to missions and narrative advancement mean that Far Cry 5 avoids the 'cleaning up of the map' feel that some previous games have conveyed. The gunplay is smooth and fantastic and the graphics are stunning. Anyone who hasn't played a Far Cry game before needs to get this and any doubters of Ubisoft's ability to deliver a truly great open-world title need to do likewise.
Without a doubt, Far Cry 5 is the most varied game in the series. Although there are a few problems with narrative and enemy AI but Thanks to smart changes to the exploring formula and of course amazing world of Hope County, we can finally say that Far Cry series has evolved
Review in Persian |
But with gaming constantly evolving in complexity in both narrative and real-world commentary, Ubisoft's latest adventure feels like an artifact. Trying to say something profound and winds up toothlessly paying lip service, leading to a flat and hollow narrative.
Far Cry 5 has an interesting story and a theme that explores dark corners of the North American psyche. The Story has some pretty good moments that make you think about what a group of people is capable of when they follow an extreme ideology and they try to impose their vision of the world not caring about anything besides what one person or a book says. But the story just stablishes the setting of the game, on top of it there is a pretty fun game, full of action and adventure in witch you'll be running from religious fanatics and blowing everything that stands in your path to put an end to madness.
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Far Cry 5 offers full sandbox game in beautiful world. Ubisoft adds new interesting features and co-op through entire game to the series formula.
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Far Cry 5 represents the meaning of massive content and convince you that it worth 60$, We have over 30 hours of fun to play, In a map that presents events without any boredom. But the messy ending and boring side conversations, as well as the lack of gameplay evolution, have to be considered on the next part, not to mention the weak Ai, In general, Far Cry 5 has the biggest content in the series, which is easy to say, but repeating the experiment again with a number of things presented in the previous parts may be a danger may have been accepted and praised this time because the fifth part introduces major developments in game world but The gameplay itself has not changed, The end of the story can not be accepted in this way without an answer to the shape of the world after the game.
Review in Arabic |
With a disappointing lack of conviction with the story and glaring identity issues between comedic relief and serious storytelling, Far Cry 5 is not Ubisoft's best constructed Far Cry in terms of an immersive story. Stepping away from that, however, it's just great damn fun. Far Cry Arcade is sure to keep the content fresh for many months to come, offering real value for your money at the $60 price tag.
Even if we ignore the ridiculous quantity of content, and we focus only on the main storyline, we still get an amazing experience. Far Cry 5 is not the game we actually expected, but it's exactly what we should have wanted in the first place.
Improving what was already good in the franchise and inserting memorable antagonists, Far Cry 5 delivers a fantastic experience with refined gameplay, chaotic combat and the addition of combat companions that steal the scene at every moment in the game.
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Far Cry 5 manages to deliver some satisfying open world action with a focus on co-operative play, but a few poor design choices, disappointing story and occasional bugs hamper the overall impression.