Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle Reviews
If a tactical turn-based RPG based on a crossover between the Mario universe and the Raving Rabbids seemed extremely unlikely, then Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle makes it all very real and with gusto. Thanks to its fun and deep combat system, a variety of abilities and characters to choose from and overall magnetic appeal, this game is set to gain a place in the heart of fans and newcomers to the genre alike.
Review in Portuguese |
Excellent Mario-Rabbids-Crossover with beautiful worlds, deep character system and strategic battles. A must-have for the Switch.
Review in German | Read full review
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is the game that every third-party should aspire to create for the Nintendo Switch: its fun, inspiring, and just seems to push the hardware to its limits. Ubisoft did a great job capturing Mario's world and gives us a very entertaining experience.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle is an unexpected delight. Fans of tactical strategy games should absolutely pick this one up as soon as possible and enjoy dozens of hours of intense battles and detailed progression.
Having the Mario and Rabbids universes meet in a Tactical RPG could seem like a risky bet. But it works. Mario + Raving Rabbids Kingdom Battle is both a convincing crossover and a convincing Tactical RPG that fits perfectly on the Switch. And the local coop mode is just the icing on the cake.
Review in French | Read full review
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is an absorbing and addictive experience that combines unpredictable, tactically deep, turn-based strategy gameplay and dexterously imbues it with the humor and heart of a traditional Mario adventure.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is one of the best mash-up games in Ubisoft and Nintendo's partnership, and is a surprisingly strong strategy game to boot.
All in all, though, Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle is yet another fantastic game you should have in your library if you own a Nintendo Switch. It's clear that Ubisoft respects the sanctity of these iconic Nintendo characters, and the game certainly does them justice. Kingdom Battle might not be the most challenging tactical RPG around, but it does offer a satisfying combat flow, and provides ample opportunities for players to come up with interesting strategies and team compositions to complete a map with.
A quirky crossover that seamlessly blends two universes apparently far away, a compelling strategic game that despite its simplicity has a lot of depth to it (and one that could be a perfect introduction to the genre) and above all a production that truly captures that special, peculiar Nintendo feel: well played Crying Ubisoft Man, well played.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is yet another great Nintendo Switch exclusive, and one of the most original Mario titles we've seen in a long time. It may not do much outside of the core combat, but even that is enough to keep you entertained for its duration.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is one of the most creative turn-based tactical games in years.
Mario + Rabbids defies the stigma the Rabbids bring to the table and delivers a solid tactics-based game.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle features excellent turn-based strategy gameplay and buttery smooth combat and animations. A fluid and fun must-have for Switch owners and strategy fans alike.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle gets more right than wrong in creating a casual and fun tactics experience, but tedious puzzle sections and a shotgun approach to Mario references holds it back from greatness.
Ubisoft made a Mario game of the Nintendo's first party quality. It's a surprising gem which takes everything what's great in turn-based tactics.
Review in Polish |
The best part of Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle is its gameplay design. Exploring various worlds is pleasant and thanks to smart location of gold coins you can't get lost. The combat is simple but there are new mechanisms and character introduced every now and then so it doesn't become boring. My encounter with Mario and the Rabbids lasted for more than a dozen of hours and it was really fun.
Review in Polish | Read full review
With tight and brilliant gameplay, fun scenes featuring both Mario and Rabbids characters, a very detailed world, and challenges that'll keep you coming back, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is one of the best games on the Nintendo Switch.
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle is a wonderfully pleasant surprise that masterfully accomplishes almost everything that it tries to do.