Star Wars Battlefront 2 Reviews
A great sequel to the 2015 game. Star Wars: Battlefront II feels like a complete product, but the loot box thing, surely is going to cause bad reactions.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
With Star Wars Battlefront II, DICE and EA have righted most of the wrongs from the first game, and have created one of the best Star Wars games ever.
Star Wars Battlefront II offers a sizable improvement over the first game in almost every way. The campaign is short but well-paced and enjoyable, and multiplayer provides a robust offering with smooth and frenetic battles.
Star Wars Battlefront II draw a line on the past of the licence. Complete overhaul of the space combat system, disappearance of the walker mode, addition of classes, big content at the launch, various objectives, addition of a solo campaign. Everything we could have expected in the first one is finally here. Only the cash shop and the feeling of shooting (little bit spineless) are a problem. Despite that we have in front of us a complete Star Wars game, especially with best SW space combats since X-Wing serie.
Review in French | Read full review
As an overall package, there’s a surprising amount to love about Battlefront II. Starfighter Assault aside, its individual modes are arguably not strong enough to carry their own games, but the variety on offer here does feel fairly generous. Yet, despite being chock-full of some brilliant Star Wars moments, it’s EA’s instance on putting profit over the player that leaves such a sour taste in our mouths.
I had a ton of fun playing Star Wars Battlefront II. It executes on presenting the Star Wars universe near-perfectly. The sights and sounds of lightsabers and blaster fire encapsulate every child-like midichlorian in your body. The campaign, while disappointing, is a small part of the complete package. There is enough content to keep you busy for dozens of hours, but the progression system may need an overhaul if EA wants to keep a strong multiplayer audience engaged.
A sequel that delivers a glut of content, but locks too much of it away, Star Wars Battlefront II is nonetheless a clear labour of love and a robust multiplayer shooter, sadly buried in an over-complicated progression system. To try or to try not, then? If you're prepared to put in the time and effort, then Star Wars Battlefront II can be enormously fun and rewarding, even if it might not necessarily be the game you were looking for.
Overall, Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) is still a fun game thanks to more content than it had two years ago and an exciting single player campaign that is actually canon to the Star Wars universe.
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 feels lackluster and dull in so many categories.
New Battlefront has an extremely mediocre single player campaign, which is as far from a viable reason to buy this game as it can be. The multiplayer mode provides lots of fun but at the same time it suffers from lootboxes which disrupt the balance on the battlefield. Star Wars: Battlefront II is a good game dragged down by bad business practices of the publisher.
Review in Polish | Read full review
Star Wars Battlefront 2 is fantastic follow up to the 2015 title but is ultimately held back from reaching true greatness thanks to its demonic microtransactions.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 is a prime example for how not to make a sequel using a simple formula. DICE tried to fix what was wrong in the predecessor, messing up the good parts in the process. And this awfuly broken economy of the game...
Review in Polish |
Star Wars Battlefront 2 is a game on par with its predecessor in terms of quality, but that is hard to see when it is covered in garbage business decisions.
Unlike a lack of response (or urgency) after the launch of Star Wars: Battlefront, I truly hope that lessons are learned quickly and implemented before Battlefront 2's player base walks away in protest. Again.
Battlefront II is everything the first should have been: it’s an immersive, fantastical experience with a heck of a lot of content to venture through. However, the game’s Star Card system is still problematic, and the inconsistencies seen in multiplayer, alongside the lack of in-game voice chat, pull it back from fully reaching its huge potential. Whilst the single player campaign is a let down in many aspects, it doesn't bring down the much improved multiplayer portion of the game.
All things said and done Star Wars Battlefront II is still worth playing and yes buying.
A game with incredible graphics and brilliant sound design that is brought down by a middling campaign and murdered by a confused and unbalanced multiplayer
Star Wars Battlefront 2 could've been game of the year, but some key mistakes basically ruin the whole thing.
Yes, Star Wars fans will leap at the chance to enter a galaxy far, far away – and even casual players will appreciate the quick accessibility of multiplayer matches. But those looking for a deeper, more nuanced and balanced online experience might need to look elsewhere if things don't improve further.
When you design a Star Wars game around a loot crate system, you're bound to have issues. In this case, not even gorgeous graphics and smooth gameplay can make up for the mistakes made by EA and DICE.