Tiny Trax Reviews

Tiny Trax is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10
Sep 15, 2017

Overall, Tiny Trax is a pleasure to play. It's exciting, visually lovely, and frustrating but addictive. It's these qualities that make the difference between a mediocre game and a great game – and Tiny Trax is a GREAT game. If you have PlayStation VR, you buy it this one since its inexpensive and a lot of fun. See you on the trax!

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7 / 10
Aug 7, 2017

The fantastic music paired with a great colour scheme and visuals really creates an odd juxtaposition. Futurlab, however, has crafted a really interesting game out of such a simple premise, and as their first step into VR, I really think they could do something quite special one day. Velocity3R, maybe?

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6.3 / 10.0
Aug 2, 2017

Tiny Trax is conceptually an excellent VR game but its lack of replay value, unintuitive track layouts, and frustrating level of difficulty are quite disappointing.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 31, 2017

Tiny Trax brings slot racing to a whole new level, but AI is merciless. Find yourselves a buddy to play online or prepare for painfully difficult experience.

Review in Polish |

78 / 100
Jul 30, 2017

Tiny Trax brings nostalgia to older players by recollecting the fun provided by slot-cars from past decades. Although easy to play, the game takes time to be mastered until the player feels comfortable against an AI that almost never commits a mistake. There is little variety in tracks and cars, however, each track is unique and surrounds the player in a fun and immersive way, taking advantage of virtual reality.

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Top Critic
80 / 100
Jul 29, 2017

Tiny Trax is an excellent VR experience, it's good on its design, gameplay mechanics and visuals. Futurlab made a very good job with its first VR game.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Jul 29, 2017

Tiny Trax set its goal fairly low and achieved it. It has very shallow and simple gameplay that is dressed up by stunning visuals and polished presentation. Soundwise, the experience is forgettable and leaves no impression whatsoever. After the initial wow factor of the VR implementation wears off, there really isn't much to this game, and, really, it could have been playable without it at all. The multi-player modes may not have strength to support it, either, given the core user base for PSVR headsets is really niche, making this a very hard recommendation. It is as exciting as actual slot car racing.

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7 / 10
Jul 25, 2017

Once you get the hang of Tiny Trax, it's a fantastic little racer that demands you learn the tracks, perfect every corner, and know exactly when to boost in order to win. Some people might stall while getting over the initial hump of learning the handling, others when contemplating the amount of content in the game, but get past that and you'll find a slot-racer for the VR generation.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 25, 2017

It's been a while since I've so thoroughly enjoyed a learning curve in a racing game. Tiny Trax hides a highly challenging racer behind its charming presentation, and I've enjoyed going from nearly being lapped to occasionally winning races. The only thing that really holds the game back is a lack of content and options, as there are only three cups of tracks to master, but FuturLab definitely has a winner in the gameplay department.

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8 / 10
Jul 25, 2017

Tiny Trax is a beautifully presented arcade racer which leverages PlayStation VR in an original and intelligent way. Clever use of layers gives the illusion of impressive depth to its dozen or so courses, and smart game design means that the title's extremely accessible but still challenging to master. Our only gripe is that we wished there was more of it, but the release is fairly priced and honestly a must-have if you want to experience something a little different in virtual reality.

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7.8 / 10.0
Jul 25, 2017

Tiny Trax offers simplistic yet superb virtual reality racing that lets you see all of the racing unfold in front of and around you. It’s uniquely fun and you’ll find yourself hooked into its simple yet deep mechanics almost immediately. Despite this, it’s let down by a lack of content; what’s on offer is brilliant with each vibrant track full of personality and charm, but there are just not enough of them. I still had a hell of a lot of fun playing the game though. If you get into the multiplayer side of it you’ll easily find yourself easily spending hours on end speeding across the fantastic raceways, whilst the single player is great whilst it lasts. There’s no better way to re-live those days of slot-car racing than by jumping on Tiny Trax – even if it is a little limited in content to play across.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 25, 2017

Fun is woven into every aspect of Tiny Trax being, and while the lack of additional modes and relatively no-frills VR implementation both leave something to be desired, the skilful handling model will keep most wannabe racers of all ages coming back for more.

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6 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2017

Tiny Trax by FuturLab can only be described as a Scalextric virtual reality game. When I first laid eyes on this game, I was flooded with nostalgic feels. However, when I got into the game those feels dissipated and left me with a small sense of disappointment. Only a small sense though.

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6 / 10
Jul 24, 2017

Tiny Trax is a brilliant brilliant concept and FuturLab need to be commended on crafting such a wonderful Virtual World with tracks that are literally out of this world. The VR itself is comfortable, and you never seem to get tired eyes and definitely no motion sickness. Technically on that front it's top notch. It's just a shame that the gameplay itself falls short of its potential.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2017

Tiny Trax was a blast for an hour. That's how long it took me to play on all the circuits available. The gameplay was tight, the A.I. was slightly overpowered, and the positions for your all-encompassing view were a delight to experience.

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