Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition Reviews
Pillars of Eternity is a marvel of an RPG that pays tribute to the most classic names of its genre and which brings a vast wold to explore, along with a plot where the player's agency will have major consequences throughout the events. Its involving combat system and high quality writing further contribute to make Pillars of Eternity an indispensable game that everyone should get their hands on.
Review in Portuguese |
Pillars of Eternity on Switch is the same fantastic CRPG with great writing, strategic combat and interesting lore but unfortunately dips in quality due to some below par performance and a less than handy translation of the game's menus to the Switch's controls
Pillars of Eternity can once again convince you with 100 hours full of gripping story, challenging battles and tough decisions.
Review in German | Read full review
Pillars of Eternity is worth looking into for any RPG fan. The game has a great plot and world to explore, and Obsidian has given players enough options to ensure that anyone can see the end of the story, regardless of skill level.
A fantastically grim fantasy experience slightly soured by porting issues.
An old skool RPG if ever there was one, Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition should be on your shopping list if you're a strategy and RPG junkie. It's as close as we're going to get to a new Baldur's Gate, and while it has its quirks and suffers from agonising load times on consoles, it's still a joy to play.
Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition is a must-have for every fan of the genre, especially the oldschool kind. Developer delivered amazing atmosphere, engaging gameplay for dozens of hours and interesting story with many sideplots. Unfortunatly, all of this comes with long loading screens.
Review in Polish |
All that aside, PoE is an experience I am still working through at the time of this article. It's tough and long, but absolutely rewarding, and it makes it very clear why games in the lineage of the genre — Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and so on — are still held in such high regard today. Someday I hope to tackle those, but until then, PoE will keep me very busy.
In the same fashion as classic isometric RPGs like Baldur's Gate, a new title has established itself as a top notch experience. Following a story of torment, hatred, suffering, loss of hope, and the courage to fight back against what is wrong in the world, there is an adventure here for everyone to love. With roughly 100 hours, gorgeous environments, customizable party options, and more, this is a must buy for any RPG fan looking for the next best thing.
One of the best RPGs of the recent years finally lands on consoles, with a new (and mostly good) UI and both of the expansions bundled in, and, even after more than two years, can still be a very good choice for all the role playing games aficionados on both Ps4 and Xbox One.
Review in Italian | Read full review
A worthy successor to the computer RPGs of the late 90s and early 00s, and a fine example of an electronic Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
Not for everyone but if you can see past its issues, herein lies a phenomenal old school RPG.
Pillars of Eternity's port to the Switch is a great port indeed. It brings the modern classic to the handheld scene for on the go awesomeness. The only lacking feature of this entire release is the controls. Had they included touch capabilities, it would have set it far apart from the other console releases. As it stands now, the mediocre controls truly hinder the game itself. Yet at the same time, the core gameplay is still there, and it's still awesome. While the controls are flawed, it's still playable, just don't expect perfection.
It is, without a doubt, the best old-fashioned isometric RPG available on console, so if you have a hankering to get stuck into something you can really sink your teeth into, look no further.
If you have been putting off picking this title up, now is the time. I could not think of a better way of spending 200 hours of my gaming time, and after you play Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition, nether will you.
The story, design and writing styles are brilliant with some excellent moments and lots of hours to delve into.
A huge title, rich in content and made playable on consoles in an almost miraculous way. Knowing that you always have the vast world of Eora in your pocket and that you can also play short sessions thanks to the portability of Nintendo Switch is no small added value, the interface is clear and readable despite the size of the screen and feeling part of the adventure, especially for lovers of role-playing games, is instantaneous.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition is a must for any fan of the genre, especially when it comes to old school. We get an excellent atmosphere, addictive for long hours gameplay and an interesting storyline with many plots. It's just a pity that so often and for a long time we have to watch the loading screen.
Review in Polish | Read full review
When it comes to writing and storytelling, Pillars of Eternity is a class act. Obsidian had complete freedom to pursue their vision, and it shows in the impressively-constructed world and excellent characterization. Every side-quest, no matter how minor, has at least some significance in the development of the protagonist. Again, it takes time to adjust to the controls, but they work very well. Players can comfortably lean back, relax, and micromanage when necessary. However, the mediocre frame rate and long load times mar the experience. Still, fans of the genre will appreciate this fantastic game.
Pillars of Eternity's reputation for quality is well deserved. It's definitely worth checking out, whether on other platforms or when the Switch version is fixed up. For now, the version on Nintendo's latest is an interesting curiosity with some pretty heavy issues. And it's not the first time I've seen that phrase used in relation to an Obsidian-developed game published by another company.