Bastion Reviews
Classic in its gameplay, Bastion cultivates its difference when it comes to evoking its narration... in real time. Thus, throughout this action/RPG all classic (but devilishly rich and effective), a voice will romanticize your actions. Your victories, like your defeats, every situation. Add to that a shimmering 2D progression and achievement, and you'll have the indized game of this summer 2011 in front of you. Failing to be as striking as the previous ambassadors of the Summer of Arcade, Braid and Limbo ...
Review in French | Read full review
Bastion is good, but not perfect. The suboptimal target capture is sometimes frustrating, often you accidentally stumble over the edge of the floating islands and lose valuable life energy and the landscape sometimes obscures the character. Nevertheless, Bastion is a great start to the Summer of Arcade.
Review in German | Read full review
Simply put, Bastion is an indie masterwork. It fits right at home on the Nintendo Switch, being exactly the type of game suitable for mobile play. The gameplay’s simplistic nature makes it an easy game to hop in and out of on the go. And the optional challenges highlight the game’s thrilling and addictive combat, making it easy to come back to over and over again. My only regret is that I didn’t acknowledge this game sooner. Any gripes I might have towards Bastion seem nitpicky at this point. Seven years ago, Supergiant Games delivered a solid action RPG title. Now, it gets another chance to bask in the sun thanks to the Nintendo Switch.
All in all, Bastion manages to maintain its shine. The game is still stunning in both its art direction and writing.
Bastion stood out as one of the best titles when it first released years ago, and it stands just as tall this time around.
Bastion on the Nintendo Switch brings back a successful RPG that is full of marvelous details, including a brilliant art style, a very involving narration technique and some very accessible gameplay mechanics. Continuing with the practice of bringing major, successful games to the Nintendo Switch, Bastion is worthy of all the attention it gets.
Review in Portuguese |
Quite simply, Bastion is a game with lots of character and precious few flaws. Any fan of old-school action RPGs would be remiss not to play this game. If every title released had Bastion’s sense of newness and adventure, the gaming world would be even better than it already is.
When I close a good, long book, I always feel a little sad, as if I had just said good bye to an old friend. I want to know what happens to the characters that I grew to love, but I have to accept the end and move on. Bastion is a short game, which will run most people around five or six hours. Nevertheless, I feel that same kind of loss. Although I truly believe that Bastion could have doubled its length in terms of gameplay, I’m glad that the story didn’t risk imploding on itself. Don’t let anyone tell you this is a Diablo clone—that would cheapen Bastion; it needs to be heard to be believed.
Bastion is an intriguing and eclectic action-heavy RPG with great audio and visuals, and it mixes some interesting mechanics with tried and true gameplay. $15 might be a little steep for some gamers given its length, but this is a game you ought to play, particularly if you care about replayability.
Bastion is an arcade game with RPG elements, which is managed by a medium-complexity mechanic, but it is undoubtedly one of the titles having its own soul. It is charming and colorful, making it very fun to look like. The Supergiant Games team conjured up an extraordinary game, another step in the evolution of electronic entertainment towards a rich narrative, not limited only to reading the notes found along the way and dry conversations with the characters encountered.
Review in Polish | Read full review
Bastion was excellent in 2011, and it's excellent now. Everything in Bastion - the narrative, the audio and visual presentation, and the gameplay - works together to create a cohesive experience, a feat few games can manage. Those who have played the game before won't find anything new here, but this release is for the dedicated fans, and for those who haven't experienced the game 'till now. If you're in the later camp, I envy you. You get the opportunity to play Bastion for the first time. As for the rest of us, well, it's just another opportunity to experience an excellent game again. Celondia, we're coming home.
If you're looking for an action-RPG with a substantial story to fill the Diablo void in your life, then Bastion will be right up your alley. It plays well, has a striking aesthetic, and a unique story.
Bastion's dialogue talks vaguely about the world and the characters, giving off a strong sense of world building, but if you start to dig and think too hard about it, the lack of depth does begin to show. The gameplay is charming and colourful but the mechanics themselves begin to feel a bit like a chore in their implementation.
Bastion is a fun and engrossing ride, and I highly recommend grabbing the demo to see if it's your kind of thing. Allow the soothing (well, gravelly) voice of the narrator to wash over you, and go find out just what happened to this destroyed, understated, beautiful world.
With diverse, interesting gameplay, excellent production, and a world that sucks the player in, Bastion is a downloadable experience that's not to be missed. It's a game that every gamer should pick up, as it hits the core of why we all love our gaming hobby. Bastion celebrates experimentation, rewards exploration, allows room for growth and challenge, and never condescends. In the end, it leaves The Kid's motivations as an open issue. Are you a hero working toward a new golden age, a villain working out some major anger issues, or just a kid doing his best to muddle out of a bad situation? The Bastion ain't gonna tell you, son. That's gotta be up to you to decide.
Dive-roll into it today.
There's something about the dreamlike graphics and acoustic beats of the excellent music that keeps you entranced in Bastion
To conclude, if you have never played Bastion before then this is a must buy. It's beautiful, sad and a great journey with some fun Diablo type gameplay and neat surprises along the way. If you've played Bastion and purchased it on the 360 then it's free for you on the Xbox One. I would recommend downloading it again and entering back into this wonderful atmospheric world.
Bastion is really surprisingly high quality action RPG. It has a unique processing and gaming style with well-designed development and application of weapons. A not inconsiderable factor that tilted the bowl of scales in favor of higher ratings is the excellent price.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
Bastion even after 4 years is still an excellent title that everyone must know. Associations with Transistor - desirable.
Review in Polish | Read full review