A Hat in Time Reviews

A Hat in Time is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10
Nov 10, 2017

A Hat in Time is a fantastic experience. It's got stuff that anyone of any age can enjoy. I know it reminded me of some of the classic 3D platformers of the mid-to-late 90's, both in general feel and tone. Throw in a goofy-yet-fun story and a wacky cast (with great voice acting to boot), and you'll be able to get anyone interested. While the game is only available on PC at the time of this review, it will be coming to consoles at a later point.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 12, 2017

A Hat in Time is more interested in looking around than staring backward. This is a challenging exercise for a 3D platformer, and yet A Hat in Time keeps its perspective balanced between careful devotion and sensible progression. Being responsive to your environment, as it turns out, makes it easier to see where you should be going.

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Ian Howarth
Top Critic
6 / 10
Nov 16, 2017

In all I'd recommend A Hat in Time as a quick pick up game when there's a lull in the market (which 2017 definitely hasn't had), but not at it's current price.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2017

A Hat in Time was presented to me by the developers as a "GameCube love-letter, cute-as-heck 3D platformer". Well, it is indeed a very nice 3D platform with a nice level design and some good platforming phases inspired by Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine, mostly. I enjoyed very much playing it.

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9.5 / 10.0
Oct 19, 2017

When a game can bring about those kind of emotions but also stay fun and enjoyable, that’s how you know it’s really good in my book. You never want to give up and only want to keep trying til you beat it.

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6 / 10.0
Oct 11, 2017

Playing through A Hat in Time was an experience that made me question the idea of a specific term - ‘Inspired'. It's clearly built as a homage to titles like Super Mario and Luigi's Mansion yet struggles to stand out on its own because of it. It certainly made me smile from time to time, but most of that time was also spent thinking how a finer experience could be achieved by simply playing the games that inspired it. An issue presented by a certain other homage earlier this year.

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Top Critic
Dec 8, 2017

At its heart, A Hat in Time is a lovely platformer that wants to be a joy to play, but its technical shortcomings are far too big to ignore.

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Oct 8, 2017

While rough around the edges, A Hat in Time is still an adorable and highly enjoyable love letter to 3D Platformers, and a potential new classic.

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Daisy May
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Oct 19, 2019

A Hat in Time is absolutely worth your time. If you love 3D platformers, and you haven't already played this, for the love of god, please give it a shot. This is one of those games where Switch should be your last choice though, as the concessions made to get it on Switch are a bummer, to say the least.

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7 / 10
Dec 5, 2017

A Hat in Time won't wow you out of the gates, but if you can plough through the mud, you'll find an enjoyable 3D platformer with a goofy personality.

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9.4 / 10.0
Oct 21, 2017

Playing through A Hat in Time was time spent with a broad smile and a belly full of chuckles. It was one of the most wholesome gaming experiences I’ve had in years, recapturing that childhood wonder and pure enjoyment of playing games.

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Dec 6, 2017

A Hat in Time is a top piece of work from a developer who embraces all that is great about an old style 3D platformer and then makes it their own with innovative and insightful fresh ideas.

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Rudy Lavaux
Top Critic
7 / 10
Oct 17, 2019

A Hat in Time is a delightful 3D platformer, with tight controls, some of the best humour seen in the genre to date and compelling scenarios driving the collectathon aspect of the game.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 24, 2018

In the end, A Hat In Time features enough charm to overcome its shortcomings. If you can live with the unreliable camera, then you'll find a game that offers a pleasant platforming experience, tons of secrets to uncover, and a good amount of abilities to experiment with. The variety of environments and activities is appreciated, as are some of the breaks from platforming norms. The characters may be the main reason for playing the gamefrom beginning to end, just to see what they'll say or do next. For fans of platformers, A Hat In Time is well worth your time.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 13, 2018

When it comes down to it, A Hat in Time is just plain fun.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Dec 23, 2017

Despite some snarly camera issues, A Hat in Time should not be overlooked. Behind the vivid graphical style lies a charming and cute platformer that provides even the most experienced players a challenge. A hoard of collectables will help extend the life, and an excellent soundtrack befitting of the genre will ensure that ears will also be delighted. Hats off to the developers!

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6.5 / 10.0
Dec 12, 2017

While it doesn't provide anything new for the platforming genre, A Hat in Time is a decent game but it has the potential to be a much better experience if it started to provide its own ideas.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 18, 2017

A Hat in Time is not the best platform game of this year, but it surprises us with degrees of experimentation and gameplay variety. Gears for Breakfast debut title is not only recommended for those who yearns the golden age of old school 3D platformers, but also those who want the experience from the past fused with modern designed elements.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 18, 2017

A Hat In Time is a solid 3D platformer. It's not as magical as the games it's striving to emulate, but it is loveable and fills a void sorely missing on consoles.

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8 / 10
Dec 13, 2017

A Hat in Time is a cute and whimsical 3D platformer that draws inspiration from many of the cult classic games in the genre. It brings together a richly detailed world with multiple levels, a quirky cast of characters and supplements it with some fun gameplay systems.

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