A Hat in Time Reviews
A Hat in Time is nothing you haven't seen before. Solid gameplay, a charming environment, and 8 and a half hours of classic platforming fun.
Aside from its creative hats and hat-based abilities, A Hat in Time never exactly feels like an inventive platformer. But it does its job well, even while suffering from the occasionally awkward camera issues that 3D platformers are often known for. It stands out, though, for its infectious and endearingly goofy personality, its creative and widely different levels, and its enjoyable platforming. And, of course, all those hats.
Some scuff-marks aside, A Hat in Time is a creative, playful, and polished tribute to a genre that doesn't get nearly enough love on PC.
An adorable platforming adventure that steadily finds it own voice.
A Hat in Time feels like a labor of love from a team that adores classic platformers. Its negative elements, like the visuals and lack of polish, are overshadowed by the fantastic gameplay and silly sense of humor
Despite a lackluster beginning, A Hat in Time is a charming 3D platformer full of heart.
I'd be lying if I said my playthrough of A Hat in Time wasn't chock full of that same familiar sentiment on enjoying a game purely on its controls or even its tone which the developer paints in large and confident strokes.
This is a game that, despite its derivative nature, manages to delight in the details enough to make me remember why I loved the games that inspired it to begin with.
A Hat in Time is a hugely enjoyable take on the classic 3D platformer. The tight, familiar controls and varied, innovative levels result in one of the most fascinating and entertaining games out there. The issues with performance and the camera do little to wipe the smile from our faces while playing through this; if you adore the likes of Super Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie, then you'll fall utterly in love with A Hat in Time.
Despite some frustration with the camera and some platforming issues, A Hat in Time is a decent game that captures some of the magic of classic 3D platformers.
I feel like I've been a bit hard on A Hat in Time when I do find it to be a charming and fun game. I had hoped for some more originality to be seen in the game's mechanics or level design, but the lack thereof doesn't hinder the quality of the experience. Nothing in A Hat in Time is going to change how you think about 3D platformers, but if you know that ahead of time and are still looking for an enjoyable, cute collectaton, there are definitely worse options to choose from.
A hugely entertaining 3D platformer that channels the imagination and unpredictability of older games without becoming a prisoner to the past.
A Hat in Time has certainly been well worth the wait, and is easily recommended to platformer fans across all formats. It sits nicely alongside Yooka-Laylee and offers a different take on the N64 nostalgia that both titles share. It's unlikely to knock Mario off his perch as king of the 3D platformers, but it is a more than acceptable pretender to the crown. It also has a central antagonist called Moustache Girl who is a girl with a bushy moustache. A Hat in Time opens up to be a real standout in the recent renaissance of the 3D platform game.
The selfless girl of A Hat in Time is not only a great role model, but she forges her own identity as a true mascot, with subtle notes of likable heroes like Dr. Who (complete with her own time-manipulating Tarvis). Any game that makes me smile while I'm glued to it is a great one.
A Hat in Time is a highly polished throwback that brings classic 64-bit platforming gameplay into the modern era. There are a couple of mechanical oddities, and the opening hours of the game could do a better job at telegraphing where to go or when new abilities are required, though by the time my Platinum trophy popped, I was enamored. Hat Girl may not go down in history as an iconic character, and the story is nonsensical, but often it's this very bizarre nature that lends this cap much of its credence. A Hat in Time is delightfully charming and always manages to take a left turn, surprising and challenging even a storied gamer like myself.
A Hat In Time is a game that is proud to wear its influences on its sleeve and largely does them justice.
I find myself saying this a lot, but in this case it's the absolute truth - A Hat in Time is a perfect fit for the Nintendo Switch. Despite some glaring technical problems, A Hat in Time plays, feels, and sounds exactly like any other beloved classic 3D platfomer, but introduces enough new ideas to truly stand up on its own two feet. It's one of the most memorable games I've played all year, and I already want more of it.
A Hat in Time is a love-letter to the platform genre of the 90's. It's far from as perfect as Super Mario Odyssey, but it manage to be both charming and entertaining – and is almost a must-play for those who have grown up with this type of games.
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