Aegis Defenders Reviews
Platforming and tower defense do not mix well in Aegis Defenders.
Aegis Defenders is an average, run-of-the-mill indie game. It had some worthwhile goals, like hybrid tower defence and action gameplay mechanics with Lost Vikings character puzzles. The most interesting quality is that there is a two-player co-op mode, which changes the dynamic of the game drastically. The real shining moments are during the defending the target portions of the levels, since teamwork actually matters and doing these alone can be a bit much to manage. With a bit of polish and tighter balancing, this could have been a real darling. It is hard to say where the rest of the backer money went to… With more than double the requested goal acquired, the end result is a janky, yet mildly enjoyable, diversion that is fun for children.
If the developers were to take the tower defence sections and spin that into an entire, dedicated game, Aegis Defenders could be really something worthwhile. That side of the game is truly enjoyable. But it's let down by trying to be something more than that, and the platforming and "exploration" elements just don't gel well with the good stuff to make this game as cohesive as it needed to be.
Aegis Defenders is very much a decent game to play that successfully blends action-platforming and tower defense together.
Aegis Defenders does a lot of things right - the game looks good, it features interesting gameplay mechanics and has a decent plot...but that's not all that makes a memorable game and unfortunately, Aegis Defenders does not manage to organize its positive elements well enough, and its repetitive puzzles and challenges of exaggerated difficulty make this a more difficult game to enjoy which could be much better if it was better structured.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
With great art and an interesting idea at its core, Aegis Defenders still would have needed quite a bit more refinement to really stand out.
Aegis Defenders is a good experience that fully prevents itself from being great. There's a ton to love in its mixing of platforming and tower defense, but ultimately you're required to love it with a friend. Otherwise, you're better off looking elsewhere.
Aegis Defenders tries to provide a great experience with its pixel art visuals and tower defense mechanisms, and although some parts of gameplay are not polished enough, solid tower defense experience alone will worth your time.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Even with these rose-tinted glasses on, I must admit that Aegis Defenders' unyielding difficulty makes it a niche product.
Aegis Defenders is a metrodivania/tower defense crossover that can be both fun and smart when played in co-op, but that could drive you mad if you try to play on your own.
Review in Italian | Read full review
A retro art style, charming characters and intriguing gameplay that mixes action platforming with tower defense makes Aegis Defenders a welcome addition to the genre. Floaty controls combined with a punishing solo experience, however, take away some of the sheen from its otherwise solid concept. To get the best Aegis Defenders experience, I recommend finding a co-op buddy to play with.
In the end, Aegis Defenders proves to be a solid title with appealing visuals and well-established mechanics. More gripping on its co-op mode, this twelve-hours campaign can be a harsh journey if you try to fulfill it on your own.
Review in French | Read full review
Though it comes with a few control quirks and team AI quibbles, Aegis Defenders is still an engaging experience that marries two unlikely genres together in smart and clever ways.
Aegis Defenders is a beautiful game with an intriguing concept and fun gameplay, but it can be rough around the edges, the platforming isn't necessarily something to write home about. Playing alone can feel quite stressful and unfair. Aegis Defenders is best when it pins you in an arena with a buddy at your side and waves of enemies to tackle. In those instances, it provides more than enough gameplay and fun to justify its $20 price tag.
Aegis Defenders is a unique mix of action platforming and tower defense, the game can provide a lot of fun but it takes time before reaching its true potential, and the levels are too short.
Review in Arabic | Read full review
With a local co-op buddy Aegis Defenders becomes a fun mix of genres, but when playing solo it canbe an exercise in frustration.
It’s in these moments that charm of Aegis Defenders rises to the top. The visuals are sumptuous and eye-popping with colour. The design of the worlds and characters could have played into the tropes we’ve seen a thousand times before, but each feels wonderfully original. This accompanies a gentle and subtle soundtrack that perfectly fits the overall style and package. This is definitely a game worth exploring, more so if you have a second person to grab a Joy-Con and join in, but it’s worth keeping in mind that the two styles of gameplay differ wildly and while they’re both steeped in quality, should one of them not appeal, it might lose some of its shine.
An enjoyable experience featuring light RPG mechanics, platforming and tower defense all in a single game. Aegis Defenders is a must have for fans of the genre.
It may sound like I'm dishing out a lot of praise but I think just 'fun' describes Aegis Defenders quite perfectly.
A charming set of characters in a post apocalyptic world help to keep the player interested in this fascinating combination of action platformer and tower defence game. While the pace can feel a little off in places overall the game is a lot of fun and the splitscreen co op is a brilliant inclusion to keep you playing through,