Last Encounter Reviews

Last Encounter is ranked in the 9th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Feb 24, 2020

Last Encounter is a fun and frantic roguelike that is now on the go.

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Top Critic
4 / 10
Apr 16, 2020

Last Encounter on the Nintendo Switch is a twin-stick shooter with a roguelike structure that puts the player exploring a hostile galaxy and if its ideas regarding upgrades and development, as well as a more careful approach to combat, are positive, the end result is a rather frustrating experience where it can become too cumbersome to pursue with upgrading the ship and where a simple mistake will throw the player all the way back.

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4 / 10.0
Mar 14, 2020

Last Encounter is punishing with difficult AI and controls. Be prepared to die a lot and invest a good chunk of time if you hope to master the game and make progress.

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Digital Chumps
Drew Brown
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
May 28, 2017

If you are so fortunate to be blessed with the necessary skills and patience to succeed in this style of game I think that this would be an excellent option for you to look into. While I don’t believe that this game is groundbreaking for the genre, I think that it brought unique additions to it.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Mar 4, 2020

Ultimately Last Encounter is a decent game that misses the mark on greatness.

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6 / 10
May 23, 2018

At its core, Last Encounter provides a fun experience that borrows elements from the shoot-em-up, while embracing roguelike qualities of randomization, and implementing plenty of customization.

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May 13, 2020

Overall, this is one of those games that’s going to appeal based on your tastes.

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5 / 10.0
Apr 2, 2020

Despite everything you just read, Last Encounter is not a bad game. It looks decent, it plays decently, and it sounds decent. That's all it is, though: a relatively inoffensive twin-stick shooter. Since it glosses over the woes concerning design, perspective, and heck even gameplay, but this title is pretty functional. If "functional" is the kindest word that can be mustered for this flat and frustrating game, then I wouldn't necessarily call it good, either.

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New Game Network
Adam Carr
Top Critic
40 / 100
Feb 20, 2020

Almost every good piece of design in Last Encounter is knocked down multiple pegs thanks to an oppressive grind. It successfully manages to invest you in the world and its systems, before quickly erecting barriers that direct away from the interesting features. Had the game been a bit more generous with its upgrades, or toned down the monotony, this could have been a solid roguelike.

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Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Feb 16, 2020

Last Encounter can be fun sometimes, but most of the time it lacks balance and stacks up the odds against you.

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7.3 / 10.0
May 8, 2018
Last Encounter: REVIEW (Rogued in Space) video thumbnail
Top Critic
4 / 10
May 7, 2018

In short, Last Encounter has a neat concept, but fails to follow through with it. A good challenge is the lifeblood of a videogame, especially when it comes to roguelikes. If the level of difficulty is incapable of matching and growing with the player's skill and arsenal, then there's no purpose in continuing to play. Before long, what should be a thrilling run deep into enemy territory becomes nothing more than a thirty-minute spectacle of light and sound. Anyone who picks this title up will inevitably face a tough choice. Do they make full use of the overpowered weapon system, knowing that they will rarely have any fun, or do they ignore everything, thereby stripping the game of its identity?

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8 / 10.0
May 7, 2018

I think Exordium Games did a great job developing this game. No wonder that it was nominated for Best Indie Game and Official Pax Rising Selection awards. One thing I didn’t like which I mentioned earlier is the avatar creation. I think it’s better to have a customizable avatar when it comes to stats. Overall, I enjoyed it. I have played a couple of similar titles and I think this would be one of my favorites. I also think that it’s more fun if played with others so having an online multiplayer option would be great. I would recommend this to my friends and family and it’s definitely worth to try.

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Feb 15, 2020

With so many roguelike twin-stick shooters out there, Last Encounter remains an overall enjoyable yet middling experience.

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Feb 17, 2020

You like shooting things? How about shooting things with friends? How about resurrecting into human dolls after death? Then play Last Encounter!

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Aug 1, 2018

In the end, Last Encounter is an alright game. It isn’t bad, not exactly great, but it does what it sets out to do decently enough. If the game’s sense of scaling were better, this would be a better title for sure. Exordium Games however do provide weekly patches to the game, so it should be noted that a couple of scaling issues could be addressed by the time of this writing. For about $15, I would advise waiting for a price drop but otherwise this is still a decent purchase. I played about three and a half hours with seven runs, with the first surprisingly good in hindsight. The game can be fun at points but also relatively annoying at others. It merely depends on if one can get a couple friends and just casually enjoy the game for what it is.

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8 / 10.0
May 18, 2018

Last Encounter is a brilliant Shoot ‘Em Up. Exordium Games have really designed a unique styled experience in a class where there’s plenty of competition. With plenty of base customization between the available pilots as well as the ships they can operate, the upgrades become the icing on the cake as you explore the space beyond the gate in hopes of perhaps finding a new start for our just about extinct species.

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