Battlefield V Reviews
Nearly two years after its initial release, Battlefield V is a solid first-person shooter with an enjoyable campaign that unfortunately continues to suffer from many fo the issues that tainted its launch.
War in the Pacific expansion is a breat of fresh air for Battlefield V. It introduces two new armies, plenty of new weapons and vehicles, but also new maps based in titular Pacific. It's a great move to make. It will be worth to wait for the expansion culmination in February 2020.
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Battlefield 5, As we can Expect, is a Good first-person shooter but at launch, the Game suffers from not having enough content.
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The improvements, fixes, and additions since launch have made Battlefield 5 a much better game, but it's done nothing for the lack of originality.
Battlefield V is barebones on launch with some classic modes stretched within four months — which includes the all-new battle royale mode Firestorm. Even so, I still enjoyed my time on Grand Operations, scaring off a tank with a Panzerfaust and an anti-tank grenade, and jumping off from C-47s.
Battlefield V is an absolute joy to play either by yourself or even with buddies. The squad system is more than enough to keep you engaged in the game with the visual spectacle of the battlefield and superb audio in your ears, this game is only going to get better over time. What makes this a good Battlefield is that you can have many hours not only in multiplayer mode but in single play too.
Over the last month, enough content has been added to Battlefield V where it doesn't feel like you're picking up a glorified Beta, and the multiplayer modes on offer are as solid as ever, with Grand Operations standing out as the pick of the bunch.
don’t rule this series out just yet, as Battlefield V still has plenty of life in this old dog yet.
We begin with Billy Bridger being slammed down on the floor of a prison block floor. Two guards fiercely doing their job while holding the prisoner down. A man of military stature greets this well-known criminal with an offer that is way better than his odds in prison. Bridger's expertise are explosives with the mix of attempted armed robbery and a hint of assault. Explained by Mason, the mysterious army figure, he is willing to offer him freedom in exchange for Billy's recruitment in the army. After a reluctant 5 seconds of being in the "hole" Billy opens the slide and asks what type of unit was it that he had in mind, a slow turn around with a humorous "do you like the seaside" reply form the man while wearing the most dangerous smile ends our scene. At seaside, a dark, rainy and gloomy afternoon Mason and Bridger get ready for an off the grid mission. Thus, starting us off with the first War Story mission.
Gorgeous, fascinating, loaded with content, more ambitious and balanced than ever, Battlefield V is the ultimate war odyssey.
Maybe at first glance you conceive Battlefield V as an incomplete copy of Battlefield 1 but be sure that after experiencing it, your opinion will be completely different. It is clear that DICE tried its best to change the game from its roots and the result has been affirmative. these changes while being enjoyable, have added a specific difficulty to the game that makes Battlefield V more epic and thrilling. But on the other side, the hurry to release the game sooner has damaged its body of content, we have a game that is incomplete but given DICE's recognition we hope it will be resolved in the future. Single player campaign of the game is not that satisfying but it can entertain you for 2 or 3 hours. if you are a fan of Battlefield series and prefer epic battles over anything else, Battlefield V won't disappoint you gameplay-wise; and at the moment if you are not happy with its lack of content, my suggestion is to get the game in the next few months.
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Despite the obvious cash-grab ‘Firestorm' mode and the inevitable day one glitches that'll need to be patched out, Battlefield V does a wonderful job at making a game players won't soon forget (at least until the next one comes out). With interesting modes like ‘Grand Operations', ‘Frontlines', and the always classic ‘Conquest', coupled with the heartfelt campaign's the game as to offer, Battlefield V is definitely worth checking out.
The game places itself as a solid entry into the franchise but you can't help but wonder how the game constantly breaks new ground in new areas, but falls short in others.
Battlefield V is a wonderful first-person Shooter, that unfortunately had a lot of bad timing during its release and also was surrounded by a not so important controversy that definitely hurt its image and sales.
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Battlefield V captured WWII beautifully although the single player campaign was nothing special and multiplayer felt two thin this time around.
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Battlefield V presents one of the most engaging multiplier experiences of the year. The battles are insane and the game world is dynamic. Everything in the game including destructions, fortifications, playable modes, and classes works perfectly. However, some of the major problems such as bad Story mode and huge number of bugs prevent BFV from becoming a masterpiece.
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Despite all the controversies surrounding the announcement, Battlefield V continues to be a force of nature with his unique take on multiplayer that fans have come to love. With one of the best gunplay feelings in the franchise and an emotive single-player component, Battlefield V is a safe bet for veterans of the series and FPS enthusiasts.
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Battlefield V is very much a work in progress. The core experience is thrilling and comes together beautifully with the right players. It’s a multiplayer offering that DICE could no doubt expand upon in the coming months with meaningful updates to put it more in line with community expectations. Once the balancing issues and technical problems become a thing of the past, Battlefield V will stand as one of the most engaging multiplayer experiences on the market.
Battlefield V feels less like an experiment, and more of a refinement for the series to-date. It doesn’t have much in the way of environments that recall World War II. From its War Stories single-player to its robust multiplayer offering, this feels like a World War II movie with how the gameplay feels, the visuals look, and the sound punches. Battlefield V is a game that’s going to evolve over time, and as it stands, has the foundations of something great. I look forward to the improvements DICE will be putting into the game throughout its lifespan.