Battlefield V Reviews
Battlefield V is full of a lot more content than people might be expecting. War Stories contains meaningful experiences in short spurts, the maps in the game are huge and well designed, the modes of play raise the entertainment bar when compared to Battlefield I, and the customization/progression system will keep people occupied for a while, as well as provide motivation to keep playing. This feels like a Battlefield game, which should tame concerns of lack of launch content.
Battlefield V brings a lot to the table. Between the great gameplay, superb story from singleplayer, and customization of your character, there's something for everyone. I've lost countless of hours playing the game simply because it was so fun. I came into this expecting the worse and ended up with a contender for game of the year.
Battlefield V delivers the series' finest single-player campaign yet, painting the horror of war from rarely seen perspectives. That tension carries through to the multiplayer, which has been tuned to hammer home your vulnerability in a firefight.
Battlefield V retains heart in its single player War Stories mode and variety in its multiplayer modes. New & improved personalisation within 'Your Company' gives each of the classes a fresh, personal feel to your soldiers, while remaining authentic to the era. A solid road map of content is set to deliver new maps, modes and seasonal events to keep gamers coming back, which is a good thing as no other game does raw gun play and bullet physics quite like Battlefield. It just feels right and Battlefield V is no exception.
Battlefield V is a good surprise with a new teamplay system (support by intelligent heal mecanics), more destruction, customization and specialization system for weapons and vehicles. Definitively Battlefield V is a monumental shooter desptite a conventional singleplayer (who stay interesting).
Review in French | Read full review
Despite the bad press at the start, I have a lot of faith in Dice as a developer and they have delivered a fantastic shooter this year with Battlefield V after listening to their community and taking their feedback seriously
Not as drastic a change up as its WW1 predecessor, nor as wild or wondrous, Battlefield 5's deliberative design sidelines its strengths as a simulative sandbox.
An impressive shooter, both in gameplay and technical elements, which lacks of content at launch, but promises lots of new maps, modes and weapons (free for everyone) for coming months.
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Despite changes such as fortifications, more physical character movement, and an increased focus on squads, it still scratches that distinctive FPS itch that Battlefield always has.
If you’re a Battlefield fan who didn’t like the times when DICE has played it safe in the past, Battlefield V is for you. I’m one of those people, and I cannot wait to jump into epic play sessions of what could quickly become my favourite Battlefield game, more so now that the community won’t be divided with future content.
The gaming experience in Battlefield V left me pleasantly satisfied.
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A good but incomplete game that tries to improve every part of Battlefield 1, and achieves it... While falling short on content on its release (no coop, no battle royale, only 3 shor campaigns...)
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Battlefield V successfully delivers expectations from gameplay perspective. The new featured Grand Operations mod and War Stories are great. But releasing with only 8 maps and lack of content is also concerning.
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Battlefield V achieves a full immersion within the WWII phenomenon due to a magnificent storyline and some excellent general details. The multiplayer meets all of the expectations and in the end the franchise manages to stay as a reference in the FPS genre.
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After spending quite a while with the game, I'm blown away that there's still so much to discover. With dozens of collectibles to find in the single player campaign, a seemingly-unlimited number of weekly challenges, and the Tides of War looming large on the horizon, Battlefield V is the best this series has ever been, and easily the best FPS of the season.
Still the best in its own kind.
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Battlefield V builds upon its predecessor in meaningful ways, DICE stripping away practically every one of the series' fripperies to get to the nub of what truly makes the series tick. This is Battlefield at its most undiluted and raw, and it's all the better for it.
A mindblowingly impressive looking shooter with loads of free DLC (and no loot boxes)!
Battlefield V‘s war stories have tedious mission design and are a step back from those of Battlefield 1. The multiplayer is only a slight iteration on its predecessor and, while the online experience is stronger overall, the lack of content on release means it feels like DLC for Battlefield 1 instead of the new game I waited two years for. I will consider increasing the score when Battlefield V is complete in March, however as of November 2018, I don’t recommend you buy in at full price. Wait for a sale, by which time Battlefield V might actually be finished.
All these issues of performance and balancing make for an unenviable situation for the developers at DICE.