Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition HD Reviews

Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition HD is ranked in the 25th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Sep 29, 2018

Square delivers most of Final Fantasy XV in a smaller, but no less epic, package.

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6 / 10
Sep 18, 2018

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD is the sort of game that you play and then wonder why exactly it needs to exist.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2018

Probably the most un-Final Fantasy game in the series history XV Pocket Edition HD at least provides a decent game to get us going before more full-fat titles arrive.

6 / 10
Sep 24, 2018

Final Fantasy XV Pocket HD is a bullet-point RPG that just about gets away with its narrow focus thanks to the charm of its lead characters, fun combat, and having been able to crib some of the original's great production values, particularly the epic soundtrack. It's more or less impossible to recommend to PlayStation or Xbox owners, but for Switch fans it's a light snack before next year's deluge of proper Final Fantasy games.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2018

Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition HD is a great alternative to the core XV experience. Pocket Edition HD is designed for the average game. It cuts out the fat and leaves just enough for an enjoyable experience.

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Top Critic
3 / 10
May 1, 2019

Something worthwhile could have come out with this game, but the problems of the older version turned out to be only multiplied. As a result, we have a crippled monster. This game's value is to emphasize the absurdity of what Japanese scriptwriters gave birth to.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 20, 2018

Personally, I'm delighted that Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition has made its way to consoles. It may not have the cutting-edge visuals of its full-fledged source material, or its open world, but it certainly has its soul.

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6 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2018

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD isn't the best version of Final Fantasy XV out there but it is the only version available for the Switch. Pick it up if you really want to experience Noctis' adventure on the go but be prepared to be left wanting for more in several aspects.

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65 / 100
Oct 8, 2018

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD is a summarized experience of what Final Fantasy XV offers. It's an interesting game, but it's hard to recommend it when we have Final Fantasy XV itself. Try it only if you want a shortened version of FFXV, otherwise choose the full version.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Sep 29, 2018

The nightmare that is Final Fantasy XV will continue as Square Enix patches and updates content to it while producing more pointless DLC episodes. Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD is not so bad since it cuts out so much of the agony that bogged it down. Is Pocket Edition HD worth it? Yes, it is since it tells the exact same story with greater efficiency. It is missing a lot of the finer qualities, like the fishing and the attention to detail, in exchange for a more focused story experience that lasts about 10 hours. The lack of scope, however, really does underline how weak Noctis' quest really is when all the car riding and fetch quests are cut. The meat of the story involves running a few errands and a few climaxes later on, with only a smidgen of character development.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 20, 2018

Nintendo Switch owners can now enjoy the complete Final Fantasy XV story but at the cost of stripping the open world, scaling down the combat, visuals, and customization. If you are playing the game just for the story, it is nevertheless a solid action RPG that is decent enough as an alternative version of Final Fantasy XV. The technical issues with the performance and lack of quality control, unfortunately, makes this a letdown overall.

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Drew Hurley
Top Critic
7 / 10
Nov 10, 2018

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD is a fun little accompaniment to the original and certainly a preferential option for those that want to re-experience the original without investing an ungodly amount of time. That being said, the flaws are rather glaring. It's all far too simplified, and the old-school aesthetic would have been greatly complemented by adding in a turn-based, classic Final Fantasy combat system.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2018

It is a game you finish a chapter of, feel satisfied and go play something else. Not too hollow, but also not too engaging. Pocket Edition is perfectly fine handheld mode junk food, which is good enough now and again.

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7 / 10
Nov 4, 2018

For those that have already wandered the world of Eos, there is little reason to relive the crown prince’s journey in Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD. It is, however, the perfect choice for those that haven’t and, fearing the need to grind out levels, would prefer to play this condensed option. It’s not without its shortcomings, and, despite the commendable depth, battles soon descend into repetition. But, all in all, it can still charm and entertain.

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