Tetris Effect Reviews
I really, really enjoyed Tetris Effect. The modes are engaging, the presentation has a life of its own and is certainly the best the series has ever looked and sounded and the variety of modes and options while coupled with the new Zone mechanic offer some new wrinkles with plenty of replay value.
From jumping dolphins to indians and balloons; from house/techno and dubstep to jazz, Tetris Effect promises an immersive and intuitive experience. If you didn't like the old Tetris, now you've got every reason to rediscover this video game classic. It's beyond recommended to play with a good sound system or headphone. "Until the next trip!"
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Tetris Effect is one of the most impressive VR experiences that you can have. Tetris Effect is the evolution of the most iconic videogame of all time.
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This is the first solo Tetris game in a long time that truly brings something new to the formula. If you are a Tetris fan, then you owe it to yourself to give Tetris Effect a chance.
Not just another Tetris game, but a modern classic that makes the old game even funnier and much more synesthesic.
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Tetris is an infinite title that does not know the passage of time, and Tetris Effect is nothing more than the incredible expansion of this, unmissable, creation.
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An audiovisual treat. Not only, but especially with PSVR the best Tetris experience you can buy.
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Some games have a personal feeling, and that's the case of Tetris Effect. If you loved the aesthetics, sound and gameplay similarities that Rez and Lumines shared (like every action has a sound effect that impacts the soundtrack), then Tetris Effect it's for you. An original and refreshing way to renew a mith that keeps entertaining big time.
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It's plain and simple: Tetris Effect is the best Tetris-game ever. It looks gorgeous and VR is amazing. Just buy this game.
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An absolute delight, Tetris Effect twists and bends the mind of the player like few other games are capable of. While not quite a revolution of the classic premise, Effect provides players of all experiences the chance to discover what has made the franchise so iconic while also pointing towards the future.
With a wide variety of options, modes, and secrets at players’ disposal, Tetris Effect is the best puzzle game since the original NES Tetris release in 1984. Regardless of the missing multiplayer, there’s something here for everyone, and players should not overlook this incredible experience. The Decahexatris awaits!
With fantastic music and a stellar visual presentation, this is an easy choice for any Tetris fan. I still find myself humming music from this game, even two years after the original release. Even without VR, this is still an excellent puzzle experience.
Tetris Effect expands the appeal of the puzzle genre and introduces cool new mechanics, all without sacrificing or compromising the core gameplay of one of the best and most iconic games of all time. It’s not for everyone, but if you’ve ever been bitten by the Tetris bug in the past, or have enjoyed Mizuguchi’s past experiments in synesthesia, you can’t go wrong with Tetris Effect.
Tetris Effect is the puzzle game Mizuguchi has been wanting to make for almost fifteen years. Though not the most robust Tetris experience, the game is a feast for the eyes, ears, and the soul.
This is a deeply immersive, elegant, intelligent take on Tetris, and the best example of it since the original on Game Boy, all that time ago
Classic Tetris with the audio/visual touches we're used to from Lumines developer Mizuguchi. The lack of versus mode is a tiny blemish on a game about challenging yourself and your friends' high scores. Tetris in its most gorgeous form.
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Tetris Effect keeps you on your toes throughout, and it’s all the better for it.
Tetris Effect is gorgeous, and I only wish it cost less so that people wouldn't see $40 for a Tetris game and scoff. It's not that it doesn't deserve $40. Quite the contrary. It's merely difficult to convince people.
No two ways about it, Tetris Effect is a masterpiece, the kind of visually and audibly resplendence that one could immediately point towards the next critic who poses the age-old annoying question of whether videogames are “art”. It also makes for the best VR experience on the PSVR since Resident Evil 7, and is an absolute must-have with or without the extra hardware.
Tetris is like an old shoe, it's comfortable and familiar. It's hard to believe that three decades on, Tetris is still making the splash it is. It's an evergreen sensation that constantly renews itself and its latest iteration, Tetris Effect might be its euphoric best. Were this rock and roll, Tetris would be held in as high esteem as The Beatles and this particular game would be its 'Revolver'.