Anno 1800 Reviews

Anno 1800 is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
May 15, 2019

Another great Anno game with very good building management, industrialization, discovery, expeditions and navy in 19th century.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2019

Anno 1800 is a successful city-building strategy game, where you won't notice how time flies. Its biggest problem is the high price though.

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9 / 10.0
May 4, 2019

I can't recommend Anno 1800 enough. I was legitimately worried that Ubisoft might try to bring the entire franchise into the present, but I'm happy to say that my fears were unfounded. The game is a love letter to the old city-building games, while still managing to innovate and surprise even veteran players.

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85 / 100
Apr 28, 2019

Anno 1800 offers up a compelling blend of city building and strategy in the industrial era, with a smooth learning curve and fantastically flexible and replayable sandbox mode that will have you starting and re-starting your trading empire as the hours sail by.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 17, 2019

Anno 1800 manages to find its place back between the heavyweights of the genre by getting back to its roots and expanding on the succesful formula that made the previous games great. The gameplay is deep, complex, and at the same time simple enough for the newcomers to jump in, and its definitely one of the best entries in the Anno series, if not the best.

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8.7 / 10.0
Apr 16, 2019

Anno 1800 is the best city building simulation of this year so far and you'll find yourself spending a lot of time playing it because of satisfying deep gameplay. The game has almost no cons and compare to its similar games, Anno 1800 surely is the best installment.

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Apr 14, 2019

Will satisfy your strategy game hunger.

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Eren Eroğlu
Top Critic
80 / 100
Mar 15, 2023

Although Anno 1800 console version has some performance issues and technical bugs, I can say that it is a proof that strategy games can be played with great pleasure on consoles.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 24, 2019

Anno 1800 keeps you busy. You will lost track of time while playing this epic city-builder. Don't play it if you hate games that ask a lot of your time. Play it if you have a plenty of time available to build the empire of your dreams.

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Top Critic
Mar 16, 2023

Anno 1800: Console Edition brings the successful city builder to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S/X. Ubisoft did a great job, adapting gameplay and controls to this new environment. "Anno 1800" works surprisingly well with a gamepad.

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6 / 10.0
May 28, 2019

It is possible that the veterans of the series who miss Anno 1404 will still be able to bypass the failures of Anno 1800 and enjoy it.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 19, 2019

A triumphant return to the series and must-play for Anno fans and newcomers alike!

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90 / 100
May 21, 2019

Anno 1800 is the next phenomenal entry in the Anno-Series. Bigger and with even more details it garantuees hours of fun while building your empire. In the era of industralization develop your settlement from humble farmers to proud workers with every step in between.

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May 8, 2019

With five population levels, two maps and heaps of goods, the Endgame of Anno 1800 is much more difficult to coordinate than in past parts. But this is really to be understood as a compliment. No matter how many hours I sink into an endless game, there is still a set screw here or a chain of goods there that I would like to turn. Whether it's building more banana plantations, optimizing trade routes or outsourcing the entire heavy industry to another island, there's always something to do. The fact that I sat in front of the computer until half past three at night and watched the little men working speaks for itself. Herewith I can make a clear recommendation for Anno veterans and construction game beginners to buy. You will all have dozens of hours of entertainment with this wonderful piece of software made in Germany. Bravo, Blue Byte!

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Apr 22, 2019

Finally an Anno in the past. To be honest, the parts of the future never interested me and in fact grew up with the actual part of Anno 1602 and I also loved the following parts. At that time, however, I lacked the hardware power to really deal with it for a long time. But now finally Anno 1800 is here and what should I say big: It's just fantastic! Ubisoft has added great news, such as the plan mode where we can place buildings even if we do not have the necessary resources. This at least once the site is reserved and we can definitely plan better. A clear praise that the connection between the old world and the new (two different maps) seamlessly merges and is not disturbed by annoying charging sequences. Also the revaluation of our population is now more realistic, because if we farmers to be upgraded to workers, the farmers are missing us accordingly in agriculture and we have to build new farmhouses. I could say so much good, but I have to get rid of a few negative things too. The war in Anno was never the big strength of the series. Now this is done exclusively over water. Since there are not very many ship classes, this unfortunately can be quite tiring and dragging on for a long time, as the AI ​​has learned a lot too. In addition, the diplomacy for certain actions is clearly too expensive and sometimes incomprehensible. But those who see it over, will probably get one of the best strategy games currently!

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 14, 2019

Anno might have gone backwards in time, but don't let that fool you. This is a step forward in terms of management and keeping players thinking and responding to multiple issues all at once. Settlements look vibrant and alive, with the music helping you while away the hours (until the narrator reminds you it might be time for a break)

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Apr 24, 2019

Ubisoft’s BlueByte learnt from their past mistakes, mixed the best parts of Anno 1404 and added several improvements from their successors, which culminated in one of the best — if not the best Anno ever.

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Worth your time
Apr 22, 2019

Anno 1800 manages to continue with the high production values of its predecessors and is a great experience for both experienced and younger players.

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80 / 100
Apr 15, 2019

Anno 1800 is a great example of mixing tycoon, diplomatic and warfare gameplays. It offers a simple and deep gameplay at the same time.

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Apr 17, 2019

Anno 1800 is a city-builder that caters to new players. It's gorgeous, has a campaign that's a huge tutorial, and players don't have to worry about sim aspects like traffic and power distribution. While there have been improvements to the Anno formula, some mechanics are simply not explained and the user interface is lacking for a game built so heavily around trade and economics. It's a good game for sure, but it needs some tweaks to make it fantastic.