Anno 1800 Reviews
It's a really unique experience. A large part of the game is focused on exploration and it is a true ode to orientalism. A gaming pleasure combined with the visual and sound beauty. Probably the best Anno episode in the history of the series.
Review in French | Read full review
Anno 1800 can become confusing and complicated over time, what with the in-depth nature of this civilization sandbox franchise. But those willing to step up to the challenge are rewarded with a gorgeous and comprehensive game, built on micro-management and period-set obstacles and factors that nudge you along in your mission to build the next great island metropolis. For what gaming experience it represents, the franchise looks and feels great.
A vibrant snapshot of the Victorian era that's bustling with character, but doesn't explore the intriguing, seismic politics of the period.Robert Zak
Anno 1800 is a return to Blue Byte and Ubisoft's long-running city-building franchise. Sadly, a number of flaws prove to be detrimental to an enjoyable voyage.
Anno 1800 is a rich city-builder with a staggering amount of depth. Although the tutorials could be clearer and more detailed, there's an impressive and addictive game here for those willing to give it the requisite time and patience.
Implausible city-management and trading gameplay are married by an almost perfect soundtrack and artistic direction.
Anno 1800 is a great, deep city builder that doesn't care if you know how to play it or not.
Often in strategy titles there is the want for more. More building types, more resource types, more of everything. Anno 1800 has all of that depth from the very beginning with so many types of buildings there is an amazing balancing act to make. With chains of production to make, such as potato farms which supply schnapps brewers, there is plenty of thinking to be done. This is a game many would refer to as a time sink, yet it is one I'd happily pour hours into. The futuristic titles had lost their way somewhat, but Anno 1800 firmly steers the series back on track!
The foundations of Anno 1800 are solid, and the game offers a diversified experience. Going back to the roots was a crucial decision, and I can say, with all certainty: this is one of the best strategy games of 2019. It’s been a long while since we had such a lovely and absorbing game to play.
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Anno 1800 nails its gameplay loop with aplomb while adding plenty of new features to expand it further. From the grand aesthetic to the rich atmosphere and gameplay depth, Blue Byte's latest is a return to form for the franchise.
Anno 1800 is also confirmed on consoles as a pleasant experience, able to bring to the genre of management all those who tend to be reluctant in front of this type of offer or simply not equipped with computers – for a niche surprisingly increasingly widespread even among those armed with controllers. In fact, we have a careful adaptation of commands and interfaces, without this leading to losing the strong identity that distinguishes the work of Blue Byte. This, of course, with some necessary compromise, which does not affect the enjoyment of the experience even on consoles.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Anno 1800 might be the best 4X game since Civ 6 and definitely has brought back the series' glory.
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Anno 1800 brings its hybrid of city-building, trade, and diplomacy to the Industrial Revolution with a show of technical brilliance, but it's hindered by a cumbersome interface and other quality-of-life issues.
Anno 1800, the latest installment in the Anno series is not just another City Builder. It's a great addition to the genre and the series. With new mechanics, great graphics design, and a fantastic soundtrack, there's not much to dislike about the game. If you're a fan of city builders, you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of Anno 1800. Prepare to lose a lot of your spare time, you're going to sink a lot of time into this game!
Increasingly complex yet approachable, Anno 1800 is an excellent entry in the long-running city building series that both challenges but also leaves space to admire one's handiwork.
Anno 1800 brings back the serie to the roots and it is one of the best episodes.
Review in Italian | Read full review
A city builder well worth visiting.
If you’re looking for a robust city builder with a ridiculously polished set of tools and tech trees for you to live out your wildest industrial era dreams, look no further. Despite some tiny gripes, I really couldn’t be happier with how much Anno 1800 honors the series legacy, and further refines it.
Anno’s core strength is the cities that it allows you to create. Sometimes it does feel more like a puzzle game than a simulator, as you desperately try to figure out how to give your most demanding residents access to everything they crave. However, the satisfaction of doing it well is almost incomparable for the genre. I am a firm believer that simulation games, at their best, teach you about real-world jobs, processes, and social/cultural/environmental dynamics, whether that be flying a plane, driving a train, running a hotel or building a city. Anno does that, and it presents players with a vision for cities that will, hopefully, be the future of urban planning.
Anno games, after going through a period of change and experimentation, has once again moved closer to its roots, and has achieved good results as well. Blue Byte studio has released a better and more interesting game that includes all the positive changes of the previous titles. Though far from an ideal game, it has managed to be a near-perfect title that can entertain us for hours. This title can, without a doubt, be called one of the most successful Blue Byte games
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