The Outer Worlds Reviews

The Outer Worlds is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
70 / 100
Jul 27, 2023

Despite its setbacks there’s enough about The Outer Worlds to like – it’s engaging, fast paced and entertaining: the world-building loses steam when it gets past a certain point and it can feel repetitive but like most RPGS it’s what you put into it, a pretty thrilling experience when all is said and done that deserves its own place in the gaming pantheon. The characters are likeable and well acted; and there's plenty of missions to keep you there on top of that - with a choice-based structure that puts you front and centre in the narrative. More depth would've been useful to truly flesh it out but for what it is it's a real accomplishment, and the fact that there's enough of a game here to make it worth the investement really is something that's worth the price of the bundle alone; just for this - anything else is a bonus. There's a solid 30+ hour game here.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2019

The Outer Worlds is an RPG delight. Obsidian have honed what they’re great at and delivered a game with a gripping story, interesting universe and well developed characters. Even after completing the game, I still want to spend more time in The Outer Worlds and am hoping for further DLC or even a sequel in the future.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 22, 2020

If one has been craving a true single-player RPG with a good leveling system, fantastic voice acting, good storytelling, and excellent pacing, then The Outer Worlds is a game that gamers must play. The game lasts around 30 hours, and that’s including completing both the main storyline and majority of side quests. Thankfully, with how many choices players have in this game, the replay value is high. It’s always fun to see the other outcomes in one’s next playthrough—or tenth.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jun 16, 2020

The transition of The Outer Worlds to the Switch is a decent one. All the content and dark humor is still there. The game play pretty well in handheld mode despite the joycons aren't particularly well equipped to handle a First Person Shooter. The game suffers from popups and loadtimes, but nothing unbearable. Overall a decent package, especially for those who want to play on the go. If you plan to mostly play docked, you might want to check out one of the other platoforms.

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Jul 12, 2021

Despite several patches, some issues persist. Perhaps there’s a great game beneath them but as it stands, The Outer Worlds is “just” a very good one.

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Oct 22, 2019

To be clear: The Outer Worlds is in no way, shape, or form a Fallout game. It has nothing to do with it. But it takes lessons learned from those games and implements them in a way only Obsidian Entertainment could. If there's to be a successor to that sort of game, an even more modern version, The Outer Worlds is a mighty fine candidate.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2019

The Outer Worlds may be a bit rough at times but its unique take on a dystopian future combined with stinging humor and excellently crafted dialog create an RPG that is a great sign of things to come.

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9.5 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2019

Overall, The Outer Worlds was the space RPG adventure I didn’t think I needed to experience before I jumped in. I was glad I was proven wrong through the first minutes of the game that once again showed me the RPG genre is almost unstoppable when done right.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 22, 2019

Obsidian Entertainment has created a hefty laundry list of RPGs, and it's noticeable that they've learned from previous titles. For example, fans of Fallout: New Vegas will see a lot of elements return, and as far as we're concerned, that's a good thing. The game offers an extensive main story that will keep you sweet for 25 to 30 hours, lots of side missions with countless choices and delicious black humor. The amount of planets could only be a little bigger as far as we're concerned and the combat feels a bit clunky at times, but that shouldn't spoil the fun. The Outer Worlds is Obsidian Entertainment's best RPG to date.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 30, 2019

The Outer Worlds succeeds as a contemporary realization of Obsidian’s classic RPG formula. It’s an experience in which player agency takes center stage, therefore, it carries plenty of replay value. However, it’s best played by focusing on its core strengths, taking the passive approach, and leaving combat as the last resort.

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90 / 100
Oct 22, 2019

It’s no surprise that this sci-fi tale of corporation culture gone horribly wrong and overblown to planet-sized proportions (figuratively AND literally) would end up being relevant in this day and age thanks to the team’s witticisms in their script-writing and world-building. But to be told in an engrossing manner with so many charming players and a fun RPG setting, while also showing other Western RPG companies how it’s really done? That’s just as rare as a supernova going off. Thank goodness Obsidian took to the challenge and delivered us a masterpiece that rivals their past works.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 17, 2020

Despite the weaker graphics, the game is still a very fun experience and I believe that this port manages to bring the strengths of this adventure: a well-tied story combined with battle mechanics that does not disappoint.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 5, 2019
THE OUTER WORLDS - REVIEW | It's space Fallout [2019] video thumbnail
Oct 28, 2019

The Outer Worlds is a great game, but it hasn't featured anything new. Obsidian has tried, perhaps too much, to improve and bring what Fallout New Vegas, despite being a great game, did not achieve. Is this bad Not at all, it's just that it gives a little anger that it stays close to being a masterpiece.

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Noisy Pixel
Jake Yoder
7 / 10.0
Jun 4, 2020

If you have the option to play The Outer Worlds on any other console, I suggest you do that. If you don’t have anything other than a Switch and still want to check out the Halcyon system for yourself or simply want to play the game again on the go, this port gives you a chance, though don’t expect the best version of the game.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2019

I knew very early on that I would like the game. By the end, I knew that I loved it, and I am already imagining my trip back through The Outer Worlds, and that is something that only truly special games can do.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 31, 2019

The Outer Worlds ticks all the right action RPG boxes. Upgrades, skills, levelling-up, decent combat etc. However, some elements rest on the generic side, which is not a bad thing here. The Outer Worlds ultimately is a fun game to play with its dark humour which is neat to mess around with given the options available. That said, it is familiar territory done-right and wrapped-up in an eye-catching lick-of-colourful paint.

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Daily Star
Top Critic
3 / 5
Jun 16, 2020

I suppose if you don’t own anything else that will run this game, then this port is admittedly a way to play a game you’d otherwise have no access to. However, if you own literally anything else that will run The Outer Worlds, and don’t want a return to PS3 graphics with PS2 processing speeds, avoid this port like the Edgewater plague.

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Jun 19, 2020

Even on a limited console such as the Switch, the scope of The Outer Worlds isn’t lost.

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Jun 8, 2020

For a game that’s so dependent on its art style to drive home much of its personality, character interactions and the story are left to carry the weight of completing the sense of immersion, and most of the time that load is too great for them to bear on their own. The Outer Worlds on Switch just doesn’t land well without all of the aspects working together in concert. I’m not saying the game is unplayable, it just feels like the experience is severely hamstrung and it’s hard to get a proper sense of enjoyment out of it. There’s still fun to be had, but it comes in fits and starts, and it really doesn’t stand up to any of the other platforms the game is available on. If the Switch is your only gaming system, you’re really hankering for a space adventure, and you don’t mind or notice technical problems, then there may be something here for you. Otherwise, you’d do well to play elsewhere. To paraphrase the game itself, the Switch version of this game isn’t the best choice, it’s… well, you know the rest.

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